"it is good!"

After sending a word, Lu Anya took a deep breath, racked her brains, then typed and sent, and she blushed when she saw that the message was sent successfully.

"I'm wet, little brother."

Su Nan looked at it, and his heart was very straightforward. He also replied directly, but thought that this chat record might be for Shu Baoer to read, so he didn't dare to go too far.

"Wipe it with paper when it's wet. Be careful in the future. Remember to bring an umbrella when it rains."

"Wipe it, but what should I do if the more I wipe it, the wetter it gets?"

"Forget it... I'll help you."

"Really, that's great, little brother, please lick me."

In this way, even if Su Nan deliberately avoided being too explicit, it would be difficult to prevent the topic from becoming extremely sexy and ambiguous.

After it was over, Su Nan felt uncomfortable. He was obviously just acting with Lu Anya, but while chatting, he actually became excited.

It's too bad, you know, this is Lu Ying's aunt!

Even if she thought this way, she couldn't quench her burning heart, so Su Nan got up and left the room, and went into the bathroom to take a bath to let herself be quiet.

On the other side, Lu Anya also fell into the same situation as Su Nan. She had only comforted herself before, but now her body was emotional again.

She felt unbelievable to herself, it was really shameless to be able to talk about that kind of topic, but with these conversations, tomorrow she might not have those fat times that she almost used up.

Thinking of the excuses to lie to Su Nan and herself Wen Ai, Lu Anya thought for a while, endured her shame and sent a screenshot to Shu Baoer for her reference, but unexpectedly, she accidentally sent the picture to Lu Ying!

When Lu Anya saw Lu Ying's name, she was really startled into a cold sweat, and immediately withdrew the picture, thinking that Lu Ying would never see it in such a short time, because it was too late.

Thinking of this, she felt relieved.

In the next room, Lu Ying was a little dazed. Of course she saw those photos, because she happened to be flipping through WeChat. Although it was quickly withdrawn, she still managed to see that it was a shameful conversation, and the two people in the conversation were actually my aunt and Su Nan!

When did they get together?

For some reason, after learning that my aunt was flirting with Su Nan, Lu Ying suddenly became very upset. She felt that her aunt must be seducing Su Nan on her own initiative, and decided to stop her perverted behavior.

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

At night, Qin's mother didn't sleep in Su Nan's room, but slept on the same bed with her daughter, and continued to discuss things in the morning, most of which were said by Qin's mother, Qin Xiaowan was sometimes shy and sometimes surprised, and seemed surprised by her mother's suggestion and unacceptable.

Qin's mother said solemnly: "Xiao Wan, you have this disease, and you will never be able to leave Xiao Nan in the future. Mom can only match the two of you, and when you get married in the future, you will be safe in this life."

"Mom, what did you say all of a sudden!" Qin Xiaowan's cheeks were hot, and she was very angry. She was only a junior high school student, and she was still a child, and her mother actually wanted her to marry someone!

Even now that she is asking her to fall in love, the person is still Su Nan, how can this be tolerated!

Qin Xiaowan buried her head shyly in front of her mother's plump chest, squeezed so that the two lumps were plump and deformed, as if she wanted to integrate herself into it.

Qin's mother hugged her daughter, smiled and said, "You are not too young, you are only two years younger than Xiao Nan, and now you are starting to fall in love, and when Xiao Nan graduates in a few years, it is just right for you to get married."

Mother Qin seemed to be very interested in the topic of marriage. With a longing look on her face, she kept encouraging her daughter until Qin Xiaowan couldn't stand it anymore. She interrupted her mother and said with a blushing face, "Mom, I'm sleepy. Let's talk about it tomorrow."

After all, her daughter is thin-skinned, so Qin's mother stopped saying: "Okay, go to bed, go to bed early, your physical development is a bit late, and you haven't started to grow breasts at the age of fifteen, you should go to bed early and eat more."

As Mother Qin spoke, she glanced at her daughter's chest, her eyes full of sympathy and regret.

Qin Xiaowan was speechless, she was not raised by her mother when she grew up like this.

It is also fortunate that Qin Xiaowan knows that her figure will not be bad in a few years, otherwise she might be pissed off when her mother says her breasts are small.

In order to prevent her mother from talking about this topic again, Qin Xiaowan really planned to go to sleep, but suddenly, her body twitched, and the feeling of soreness spread all over her body. She was extremely uncomfortable and longed for comfort.

Qin Xiaowan's face turned red, and she curled up into a ball in her mother's arms, her delicate body trembling, looking pitiful.

Qin's mother looked surprised: "Xiao Wan, what's wrong with you?"

After taking a deep breath, Qin Xiaowan raised her head, but did not dare to look directly into her mother's eyes, her voice was as thin as a mosquito, and said in a low voice: "Mom, I feel bad, you go out first."

Qin's mother was startled, and then realized what happened, but she didn't follow Qin Xiaowan's request, she shook her head and said, "Xiaowan, have you forgotten what mother told you? Since you want to fall in love with Xiaonan, what's the point?" Naturally, this kind of opportunity cannot be let go, and what perverted things are done behind Xiao Nan's back every time, what if you are training yourself to be a pervert?"

Qin's mother said worriedly, doing perverted things every day, even if she is not a pervert, she will become a pervert one day. She needs to change her daughter's way of satisfying herself from the secret to the open, and...

"Mom." Qin Xiaowan became anxious immediately, and begged: "Give me some time! Next time I will definitely..."

Qin's mother interrupted her, and complained as if she didn't understand: "It's good to be in a relationship with Xiao Nan, why do you have to be a pervert? My daughter is so cute, and Xiao Nan will definitely like it."

Being exaggerated by her mother, the girl's face flushed even more, and she looked more and more charming. She closed her eyes and dared not see anyone, and her voice was full of resentment: "He doesn't like it, he already has a girlfriend."

"That's because Xiaowan, you didn't take the initiative." Mother Qin said this, paused, and continued to add: "You also said that those Xiaonan's girlfriends all suffer from the same strange disease as you, and they can't leave Kai Xiaonan. It's the same, why they became Xiaonan's girlfriend, but you can only play the role of a dispensable sister. You still live with Xiaonan."

As if hating iron can't make steel, Qin Xiaowan's face was scorching, but what her mother said made sense, like a sharp knife, piercing Qin Xiaowan's fragile heart, yes, why can they be Su Nan's girlfriend, But I can only be a pervert, for fear that Su Nan will find out that I am abnormal.

Qin Xiaowan's face turned red and then pale, and she seemed very unwilling. In addition, the uncomfortable feeling at this time became more and more unbearable. She simply broke her heart and gritted her teeth: "Mom, I listen to you!"

Mother Qin smiled, kissed her daughter on the forehead, and coaxed softly: "My dear daughter, go out with mom to find Xiao Nan, mom will help you."

She pulled her daughter up, got out of bed, and walked to the door.

Qin Xiaowan was a little dazed. Although she made a decision impulsively, but she wanted to see Su Nan now, she suddenly felt a little flustered, and she didn't know what her mother wanted to do.

It's just that Qin's mother didn't give her a chance to regret it at this time, she directly pulled her out of the room, came to Su Nan's parents' room, opened the door, and Su Nan was fast asleep on the bed.

Qin Xiaowan's eyes fell on Su Nan, and she quickly moved away, her pretty face was dizzy, and she quickly asked: "Mom, what do you want to do, what if he wakes up?"

Qin Xiaowan didn't want Su Nan to know about such a shameful thing. At this time, she felt that Qin's mother's proposal was unrealistic. Even if she wanted to fall in love with Su Nan, at least there must be a process. There would be no direct night attack.

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