"Don't worry, Xiao Nan won't wake up." Qin's mother took her daughter's hand, smiling a little complacently: "You have been fine today, I guessed that you might have an attack at night, so I gave Xiao Nan a sleeping pill in advance gone."

Qin Xiaowan was dumbfounded, her head seemed to be stuck, she froze in place for a long time, and her mother actually gave Su Nan a sleeping pill!

This news really shocked Qin Xiaowan. How could her mother do such a thing? You can do whatever you want, mom supports you, but you are not old enough, so you are not allowed to do bad things."

Blinking at her daughter, Mother Qin said in a half-warning, half-joking tone.

Hearing this, Qin Xiaowan only felt her cheeks burn extremely hot, but she was a little flustered in her heart, and she denied it angrily: "I won't do bad things, Mom, can you stop thinking about it?!"

Of course she was not prepared to do bad things, because she had done bad things long ago. On the day when her soul left her body, that night, she gave everything she had, and it was still in an incomparably sloppy way. When she said that, she subconsciously felt guilty. Fortunately, she didn't show it on the surface, otherwise her mother would definitely beat her to death.

"Okay, okay, it's my mother's wild thoughts. In short, I will leave Xiaonan to you. As long as Xiaowan doesn't pass the line, she can do whatever she wants."

Mother Qin's tone was casual and perfunctory, obviously she didn't believe her daughter's words.

Seeing that her daughter was still dissatisfied, she rolled her eyes, walked around her daughter's back and pushed gently, and pushed her unprepared daughter onto the bed, lying on the sleeping Su Nan.

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

Pushed lightly from behind by her mother, Qin Xiaowan threw her body forward and lay down on the bed uncontrollably, pressing the sleeping Su Nan under her.

Looking down at Su Nan's sleeping state, all he could smell in his nose was his breath, Qin Xiaowan froze for a moment, then blushed suddenly, her palms and backs were covered with sweat, her nervous heartbeat sounded like a drum, thud-thumping with.

Embarrassed, she supported Su Nan's chest with both hands, and was about to run away, but a strong desire emerged in her heart, longing to bully this sleeping man, and possess him without his knowing...

Qin Xiaowan blushed even more, feeling incredible about her own thoughts, but the relief of the pain made her fall into an addictive joy.

She lowered her head to look at Su Nan's face, but felt that she couldn't get enough of this face, her heart was pounding, and she had an impulse in her heart, an impulse to kiss Su Nan.

But Qin Xiaowan didn't forget that her mother was still there. She turned her head and saw her mother standing not far away, looking at her and Su Nan with wide open eyes, as if she was watching them.

Being looked at by her mother like this, Qin Xiaowan only felt very ashamed, and the impulse in her heart seemed to be poured with cold water and extinguished.She gritted her teeth and left Su Nan with great perseverance.

He took a few steps back, retreated to Mother Qin's side and lowered his head, without saying a word.

Qin's mother seemed to see that she was struggling, shook her head, sighed, and said, "Mom, go out first."

After finishing speaking, Mother Qin walked out of the room and closed the door behind her.

After her mother was gone, Qin Xiaowan glanced at the tightly closed door, and her eyes fell on Su Nan who was lying motionless on the bed again, as if the existence called reason was collapsing deep in her heart.

At this time, not long after the attack had passed, Qin Xiaowan was a little unconscious due to the uncomfortable feeling, but Qin's mother's existence allowed her to maintain the last sliver of reason. At this time, Qin's mother's departure seemed to have opened the shackles in her heart.

The eyes she looked at Su Nan on the bed turned into obsession, longing, and even fanaticism, and she subconsciously raised her feet to walk towards Su Nan, but suddenly, a burst of discomfort that was many times stronger came, like a huge wave suddenly rising on the sea surface. The gun broke her.

Qin Xiaowan couldn't help taking a deep breath. Realizing that something was wrong, she wanted to quickly walk towards Su Nan, but found that she couldn't move her feet. Action force.

Her feet softened, Qin Xiaowan slumped on the ground, her face pale, she was only more than one meter away from Su Nan on the bed, but she couldn't reach her no matter what.

Qin Xiaowan was in a bit of a hurry, suffering to such a degree made her start to feel uneasy, and she would be punished again if it went on like this, although... I don't hate it from the bottom of my heart, but my mother will definitely find out, it's too embarrassing, She didn't want her mother to know that she was being punished and did that with Su Nan.

After struggling for a few seconds, Qin Xiaowan resolutely made up her mind, looked at the closed door, gritted her silver teeth, and shouted, "Mom, come in."

I have no choice but to ask my mother for help at this time.

As soon as she uttered the words, Qin's mother, who was guarding outside, opened the door and walked in. Seeing her daughter sitting on the ground with a pale face, she hurried over to help her up.

Before she had time to ask what was going on, Qin Xiaowan spoke first, very embarrassed: "Mom, help me over, I can't move."

Without further ado, Qin's mother helped her to walk to Su Nan's side, then picked her up, put her on Su Nan's body and pressed her on Su Nan's stomach, in a face-to-face posture.

Qin Xiaowan originally wanted to ask her mother to let her rely on Su Nan, but she didn't expect her mother to make her own decision and let herself and Su Nan be together in such an ambiguous posture.Her delicate face was flushed, but she also felt very ashamed, and she got a little healing effect, and with her mother watching from the side, the shame healing effect was stronger.

"Xiao Wan, can you move?" Mother Qin asked.

Qin Xiaowan tried it, and wondered if it was because she had had a relationship with Su Nan in the ghost state, she didn't feel too ashamed lying on Su Nan like this, she seemed a little used to it.

The daughter was embarrassed and speechless. Qin's mother didn't know why. She was a little surprised that her daughter was so thick-skinned.After thinking about it, she held her daughter's head in her hands, and then slowly pressed down.

Looking at the face that was getting closer and closer, Qin Xiaowan panicked: "Mom, what are you doing?"

"Kiss." Mother Qin replied as a matter of course, pressing slightly, Qin Xiaowan suddenly felt that she had kissed Su Nan's mouth, the warm touch made her head thump, and she was a little dazed, this was her true sense My first kiss, it was buried in my mother's hands like this!

However, Qin's mother saw that her daughter was still standing still, and couldn't help but wonder if her daughter's skin was so thick that even kissing didn't work.

By the way, my daughter has done so many perverted things, she might have secretly kissed Xiao Nan on the mouth long ago.

Qin's mother was sore in her heart, but her movements were crisp and neat. She turned her daughter around and took a 69 position with Su Nan, and then lowered her head to observe her daughter's reaction. Although her face was a little redder, she closed her eyes , but still not enough.

Qin Xiaowan was also extremely embarrassed. Although she felt very shy because of her mother's existence at first, after getting used to it, she didn't feel much about such ordinary contact with Su Nan.

Mom must think she's a bad kid.

Qin Xiaowan wished she could find a crack in the ground and get in.

Qin's mother didn't respond, she pulled her daughter off Su Nan, hugged her and sat on the edge of the bed.

Qin Xiaowan looked at her mother with some doubts, and left Su Nan, feeling less ashamed, and she felt a little uncomfortable.

A blush flashed across Qin's mother's face, she stretched out a hand, pulled down Su Nan's pants, then took Qin Xiaowan's hand, and pulled her over.Because Qin Xiaowan has no strength, Qin's mother needs to hold Qin Xiaowan's hand for assistance.

Qin Xiaowan was stunned, especially the familiar touch made her understand what happened.

Of course she has done this kind of thing before, but this is the first time for the main body, and it is in front of her mother. What is even more shocking is that her mother actually helped her in person!

A burst of extremely strong sense of shame surged into my heart, like a clear spring pouring down from my head, making Qin Xiaowan feel cool all over, and the uncomfortable feeling gradually subsided.

Her mother seemed to think she couldn't move, and was anxious about it, desperate to help her.

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