At the same time, she seemed to be pretending to be calm and explained to her daughter: "Xiaowan, don't think too much, mom is just helping you, why did your mother-in-law delay until now, you have to remember the lesson from this time, you know?"

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

Su Nan started dreaming again. He could vaguely perceive everything that happened to him, but he still couldn't wake up.

From time to time, the voice of a woman's conversation can be heard in the ear, which is hazy, as if the voice from the sky, people can never hear who is talking, and only feel that the voice is pleasant and pleasant.

He was a little anxious, and was about to concentrate on listening to what they were talking about, when suddenly a comfortable pleasure hit him, as if soaking in a hot spring, the moment he just entered the hot spring pool, the tingling feeling went straight from the back of the spine to the top of the sky.It was as if a violent storm suddenly broke out on the calm sea, and the waves washed him, who was wandering alone in the sea, into the bottom of the sea, his head went blank and he couldn't think.

The comfortable feeling is so real, but when it reaches the peak, everything becomes illusory in an instant, making people lazy, like being in a mother's womb, unwilling to think.

He began to indulge in this feeling, unwilling to wake up for a long time.Consciousness sinks to the bottom of the ocean, deeper and deeper, deeper and deeper.Suddenly a giant octopus captured him, its slippery tentacles slid across every inch of his body, and finally stopped at an indescribable part.

In a trance, he seemed to see the shape of the octopus tentacles changed, into two delicate little hands, one was slightly larger, in an adult state, and the other was slightly smaller, looking green, the big hand covered the small hand, and then the small hand covered|.

The octopus tentacles were full and satisfied, and Su Nan also fell into a deeper sleep because of exhaustion, and couldn't wake up.

In the room, even the air seemed to freeze.

After being quiet for a while, Qin's mother took her daughter's hand and left Su Nan, calmly took out a tissue, and cleaned it carefully for herself and her daughter.

Qin Xiaowan kept her head down, her face was red to the neck, her slender legs were tightly pressed together, her expression was both shy and weird.

Mother Qin didn't have time to take care of her daughter. She needed to eliminate the evidence. First, she drew a tissue to wrap the tissue that had cleaned their hands, and then used a clean tissue to wipe away the traces on Su Nan's body. Finally, she squeezed all the tissue into a ball and prepared to take it with her. go out.

Qin Xiaowan occasionally raised her head to see her mother's actions, especially when she saw her mother cleaning up Su Nan, her face became more rosy, she looked charming, and extremely weird.

Mother's hand, Su Nan's...

Inexplicably, Qin Xiaowan felt an uncomfortable feeling in her heart, as if some of her beloved things had been divided by her mother, but she felt very self-blame for her own thoughts, and scolded herself desperately in her heart. If you help her, you won't do such a thing. Mom must feel very sad.

It's all my own fault that I lost the chain at the critical moment. If I had listened to my mother from the beginning and bullied the unconscious Su Nan, there would not be so many problems.

Next time, be sure to avoid this from happening again.

The girl said to herself in her heart.

After Qin's mother cleaned up all the traces and tried her best to make Su Nan wake up without feeling abnormal, she raised her head and saw her daughter staring at her in a daze.

Taking her daughter's hand calmly, Qin's mother whispered, "Xiaowan, let's go out."

Qin Xiaowan glanced over the sleeping Su Nan's face and nodded.

The mother and daughter left holding hands. Qin Xiaowan walked behind her mother. She subconsciously looked down at the way she and her mother were holding hands. These two hands were exactly the two hands just now.

Qin Xiaowan couldn't help blushing again, feeling very ashamed, the uncomfortable feeling had disappeared when Su Nan broke out just now, so now she is sober, and feels that she doesn't know how to face her mother in the future.

Mother Qin led her daughter out of the room.

Finally, they returned to their room, turned off the lights and lay on the bed without saying a word, but Qin Xiaowan could feel that her mother was still awake and her breathing was a little short.

Qin Xiaowan couldn't help feeling sad and guilty, and said in a low voice, "Mom, I'm sorry, I will definitely not procrastinate next time."

I thought to myself, my mother must be sad because of what happened just now, and I can't hurt my mother any more in the future, and I have to solve my own affairs.

The daughter suddenly made a sound, which made Mother Qin's delicate body tremble in the dark, froze for a moment, then went limp again, and after a while, she hummed softly from her nose.

For some reason, Qin Xiaowan felt a hint of charm in her mother's voice, she shook her head, she must be too sleepy, what happened just now was too exhausting for her energy.

She yawned and fell into a deep sleep.

Qin's mother remained motionless, her breathing gradually slowed down, and she seemed to have fallen asleep, but in the darkness, a pair of bright eyes were wide open, extremely energetic.

She first cautiously called out to her daughter, but her daughter didn't respond, then she got up quietly, slipped out of the room, took off the pantyhose in the bathroom, put on a new one, and then went back to the room and continued to sleep next to her daughter.

Waking up in the morning, Su Nan frowned and touched herself. Shi Gengdu was actually a bit worse. Is it because of too much indulgence during this period?

But last night he had a erotic dream. Normally speaking, if he can have a erotic dream, his physical needs must be very strong. How could it be possible that the stone is less.

He felt something strange, and had a dream again last night, which was similar to the dream the night before. It was just as fragrant, and it was also lying down and unable to wake up to be played by a woman. The difference this time was that there seemed to be two women in the dream.

He tried to recall the voice in the dream, but the voice was inaccurate and hazy, and he forgot everything when he woke up.

Su Nan had no choice but to give up the memory, and pressed again through the pants, with an incredible thought in her heart.

This time he learned the lesson, ran to lock the door, and then pulled down his pants.

After a while, Su Nan put on her pants, her brows furrowed even tighter. This morning, she was indeed less energetic, but last night she had a sexual dream, which was a bit strange.

Could it have been attacked at night?

After all, Qin Xiaowan had secretly filmed his perverted behavior before, and it is not impossible to do even more perverted things.

But why can't I wake up, is it drugged?

Su Nan tried to recall last night, eating and drinking soup by herself, and drinking a bottle of Coke while playing computer.

First of all, there is no problem with Coke. It is placed in the refrigerator, and it is still not opened when it is taken out.

As for food, soup, etc., Su Nan doesn't think there is a problem, because Qin's mother cooked last night, Qin Xiaowan had no chance to do anything, and when serving rice and soup, she did it herself, and Aunt Qin and Qin Xiaowan also ate it Those who drank soup, if there is a problem, they will definitely be affected.

So, everything is overthinking.

After all, having erotic dreams has nothing to do with how strong the reaction is when he wakes up in the morning. He vented a lot during this period, like eating too full and suddenly not wanting to eat, which is also normal.

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

After thinking it over, Su Nan left the room.

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