Outside, Qin's mother was busy, bringing out the freshly prepared breakfast and putting it on the dining table to cool down.

Seeing him coming out, Mother Qin's eyes lit up slightly, and said with a smile, "Xiao Nan, good morning."

Su Nan was startled, and said hello awkwardly: "Aunt Qin, good morning."

The reason for the sudden embarrassment was that when she heard Qin's mother's voice, she subconsciously recalled some of the voices she heard in her dream last night, and felt that the voice was as pleasant as Aunt Qin's.

Su Nan felt a little ashamed for having such thoughts about her elders, and secretly scolded herself for being inhuman, so she quickly thought of something else to divert her attention.

"You clearly agreed to call me sister." Qin's mother seemed a little dissatisfied.

Su Nan said helplessly, "That's because you lied to me, Auntie."

"Obviously Xiao Nan is stupid, Xiao Wan doesn't have an older sister at all." Mother Qin smiled and rolled her eyes. Her eyes are beautiful, clear, crystal clear, translucent, and her eyeballs are like two black pearls.

Su Nan stared at her eyes subconsciously, and then moved away immediately after a while, which was too rude.

Hearing this, Su Nan muttered in her heart, who made you look so young.Normal people would not think that she is Qin Xiaowan's mother, but there are many online news about women who are in their [-]s, [-]s, or even [-]s or [-]s, but still look very young. Aunt Qin is only in her thirties at most, younger It's normal.

Once I accepted this setting, I felt less awkward.

"Xiao Nan, go and wake Xiao Wan up, I'll bring out the leftovers." After Qin's mother finished speaking, she entered the kitchen, and Su Nan went to knock on Qin Xiaowan's door.

After a while, the door opened, and Qin Xiaowan, who hadn't woken up, appeared at the door, but the moment she saw Su Nan, she lost all sleepiness.

Thinking of what she did last night, Qin Xiaowan felt flustered in front of Su Nan and dared not face him.But suddenly, she remembered her mother's advice to her after returning to her room last night, telling herself not to panic when facing Su Nan, and asked her if she was ashamed when Su Nan found her, or if she was ashamed like this.

Of course he was found to be ashamed.

Thinking of this, Qin Xiaowan immediately calmed down.

"Morning." Pretending to be calm and greeting Su Nan, Qin Xiaowan walked past him to the bathroom.

"Wait." Su Nan's voice came from behind.

Qin Xiaowan's body froze, thinking that the flaws would not be seen!

She forced herself to be calm and turned around slowly, only to see Su Nan looking at her with a strange expression, Qin Xiaowan's heart went cold for an instant.

"Your pants are on the wrong side." Su Nan said.

"Ah?" Qin Xiaowan was confused.

"Your pants are on the wrong side." Su Nan emphasized again, and left quickly after speaking, otherwise the thin-faced Qin Xiaowan might take his anger out on him.

Watching him go away in a daze, Qin Xiaowan came to his senses and heaved a sigh of relief. It's not as good as being discovered, it's okay to wear his pants... no wonder!

Shame to death!Especially in front of him.

The girl blushed and fled into the room. It was all because she kept thinking about what happened last night and couldn't concentrate when she got up, so she put on the wrong pants.

When she came out again, Su Nan and Qin's mother were already waiting for her. Qin Xiaowan didn't dare to look directly at Su Nan, and lowered her head into the bathroom. Qin's mother saw this scene, and observed Su Nan's face a little nervously, but found that Su Nan's face was pale. usual.

Qin's mother was a little confused, Su Nan is so strong now, it's not a good thing to take too much medicine to make him sleep, so she didn't take too much medicine, Su Nan should feel a little bit, seeing Qin Xiaowan so flustered, why did he It doesn't feel abnormal.

Probably another reason.

Qin's mother thought of the reason.

Even when she was sitting across from Su Nan for breakfast, Qin Xiaowan still felt nervous and shy because of what happened last night. She was already thanking herself for her carelessness in the morning, otherwise she would have been exposed long ago.

After Su Nan went to school, Qin's mother took Qin Xiaowan to tell her again, and she held her daughter's hand and said solemnly: "Although Mom wants to match you and Xiao Nan, Xiao Nan must not let Xiao Nan know about what happened last night. It would be bad if you were regarded as a pervert and kept away from you."

Qin Xiaowan also nodded seriously, but she seemed a little guilty, as if Su Nan knew about the secret filming.

Qin's mother encouraged and said: "You have seizures once every three days. Except for the day of the seizure, you should take the initiative, Xiao Wan, and try to develop a relationship with Xiao Nan. Mom will also create opportunities for you."

Qin Xiaowan blushed, but still nodded, her mother was right, she should be more proactive and try to snatch Su Nan away from those vixens.

This is not only for her own sake, but objectively, she cannot live without Su Nan in her life, and she cannot hesitate or stop because of her young age.

"But Mom, will he think I'm young?" Now that she's said it, Qin Xiaowan doesn't care to ask shyly, a little lack of confidence.

Qin's mother seemed to have misunderstood something, her eyes fell on her chest, and she said comfortingly: "It's true, but you will grow up. Don't you think it's very romantic for him to watch you grow up day by day?"

Qin Xiaowan is a bit shy, it must be her cultivation, how could her mother say that, but there is nothing she can do about it, her mother must also consider that she cannot do without Su Nan, even if she is two years apart, is it still a cultivation? ?

"Why is it so late today?" Lu Anya, who was about to go out, asked a little strangely when she saw Lu Ying was still eating slowly at the dining table.

Lu Ying replied calmly: "I'm too full, I'll digest it for a while before leaving. Auntie, don't worry about me."

"Oh, then I'm out."

When Lu Anya went out, the careless Lu Ying suddenly regained her spirits, got up and walked quickly to her aunt's room, opened the door and went in.

After entering the room, she originally planned to see if she could take the box away and throw it away, but her attention was attracted by the mobile phone left by the aunt on the bed.

Thinking of the photo that my aunt mistakenly sent her last night, Lu Ying felt a little upset. She walked over to pick up her aunt's cell phone, hesitated, opened it, and kept comforting herself. This was just to check how perverted her aunt was. It's not about spying on my aunt's privacy.

The mobile phone has passwords such as fingerprints, faces, and numbers, but Lu Ying doesn't know the passwords, but she knows the habit of auntie to set passwords.

She tried to enter her aunt's birthday, ID card, etc., but she succeeded. The answer was a combination of numbers at the beginning and end of the ID card.

Overjoyed, Lu Ying quickly opened WeChat, checked the chat records between her aunt and Su Nan, and found that her aunt seemed to have met Su Nan before, and the reason why they chatted so voluptuously was not because of Su Nan, but because of her aunt's initiative. The reason is that it seems that Su Nan has something in the hands of my aunt.

Their Wen Ai is actually not Wen Ai, but acting, but Lu Ying is sure that my aunt definitely deceived Su Nan to do this on purpose.

Recalling the advice that the mysterious person gave her last night, Lu Ying gritted her teeth and deleted Su Nan, her aunt's contact on WeChat.

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