Forgot to take the phone, my aunt will be back soon, Lu Ying didn't dare to stay for too long, so she quickly put down the phone and left the room after deleting, and then left home to go to school.

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

Lu Anya went out for a while and then rushed back to get her mobile phone. At this time, she didn't realize that Su Nan was missing from her friend list. Seeing that Lu Ying was not at home, she went out again.

But Lu Ying, who thought she had done the right thing but felt uneasy in her heart, rushed to the school and met Su Nan who had just arrived at school, and she was very angry. Even if Su Nan was cheated by her aunt, but if he If you really don't want to, how can you talk about such ambiguous content with your aunt.

This can only prove that Su Nan is a philandering scum who cannot withstand a little temptation. The person who seduced him is even Lu Ying's aunt!

Thinking of this, and the detailed conversation between Su Nan and her aunt at that time, when she saw Su Nan again, Lu Ying felt upset for a while, and felt that she had to teach him a profound lesson.

It happened that she had Su Nan's handle in her hand, but what should she do?

The girl thought.

Su Nan was about to go upstairs, but found that the squad leader was staring at her in a daze, her heart skipped a beat, wondering if the squad leader wanted to play something exciting again?

But this time he won't let it go.

Thinking of this kind of thought, Su Nan nodded to the monitor with a smile, and then went upstairs.

Looking at his back, Lu Ying snorted softly and followed behind him expressionlessly.

All the way back to class, Lu Ying went back to her seat and sat down, took out her book and started to read, but it was just a mechanical reading, all she could think about was how to punish Su Nan, thinking of going to strange places, her ears slowly turning famous.

After school at noon, Lu Ying knew that Su Nan would not go to eat so early, so she deliberately waited for a while, and after he left, she hung far behind him.

Su Nan naturally discovered this, and felt very strange in her heart. Could it be that the monitor is playing tailgating?

Follow him all the way to the cafeteria. After finishing the meal, the squad leader found a corner to sit and eat quietly. Nothing bad happened as Su Nan imagined.

He shook his head, he didn't understand what the squad leader was thinking, and he didn't bother to pay attention to it for the time being. He found Chuxi and Zhao Xiaomin and they sat down to eat together.

During this period, Su Nan saw the figure of the senior sister. The senior sister seemed to want to come, but when she saw him sitting with Chu Xi and Zhao Xiaomin, she smiled at him from a distance and walked away.

Speaking of which, since Aunt Qin came, he hasn't gone out with his senior sister at night for several days. I don't know if there is a chance tonight.

After eating, he was about to go to the activity room, but Su Nan received a message from the monitor, asking him to go back to the class, and the monitor also sent some screenshots of the video secretly shot that day.

Su Nan quickly put away her mobile phone so as not to be discovered by the two girlfriends, and then left with an excuse.

After climbing up the stairs, Su Nan didn't go to see the squad leader immediately, but went to the men's room first, waiting for the next thing may take a long time, so let's solve the personal problem first.

Unexpectedly, when she walked outside the toilet, she happened to meet the squad leader coming out of the women's toilet. When she saw Su Nan, she froze for a moment, then her eyes lit up, as if she suddenly thought of something strange, her face flushed, and she hooked him He hooked his fingers, then pointed to the women's toilet.

Su Nan's forehead went black, didn't he, the squad leader asked him to enter the women's toilet?

"Why, don't dare to enter?" The squad leader looked contemptuous.

Seeing that Su Nan was silent, she continued, threatening lightly: "Don't forget that I have something against you!"

Here comes the familiar anti-training session again. It is said that the squad leader is really good at playing, and he is so courageous that he actually wants to put the place in the women's toilet.

If she doesn't agree, let's not say that the squad leader will be dissatisfied, she may realize what she threatened in a fit of anger, Su Nan thinks it's better not to take risks.

At this time, almost no one would visit the women's restroom. Everyone had to go back to the dormitory or go home. If you hurry up, it should be quite safe.

So Su Nan was heartbroken and stepped into the women's toilet. He wanted to see what tricks the squad leader was playing, and she naively thought that the women's toilet was her home game, she really underestimated men.

After seeing Su Nan go in, Lu Ying raised the corners of her mouth, and then thought of what she was going to do later, her pretty face blushed, but she didn't flinch, and resolutely walked into the women's toilet.

After entering, she found Su Nan standing inside and looking around curiously. Lu Ying knew that for boys, the women's toilet was extremely mysterious and even a yearning place, so Su Nan's reaction was normal, and she didn't think he was a pervert. .

But Lu Ying still put on an expression of seeing the pervert, and asked mockingly, "Have you seen enough?"

Su Nan withdrew her gaze, shook her head, and pointed to a compartment with a teasing tone: "The thing I really want to see is inside."

"Oh, is that so?" Lu Ying smiled sweetly, that smile made Su Nan startled, and she also pointed to the compartment and said meaningfully: "Then go in, there are things you want to see inside."

Su Nan couldn't control her heart, and jumped up thumping, what did the squad leader mean by this, show him?Don't feel shy anymore?

Probably because the shyness can no longer trap her perverted soul.

When Su Nan thought of this, he suddenly had infinite expectations. He had seen the senior sister's and found it very interesting and exciting, but the class leader was still a girl he had never explored before, and he was even more curious about her. Stimulate.

Feeling a little crazy, Su Nan stepped into a cubicle following what the monitor pointed out, then turned around and looked at the monitor who was still standing outside, with expectant eyes.

The squad leader smiled at him, stepped forward and closed the door.

Su Nan was stunned, and subconsciously wanted to push the door, but the squad leader's threatening voice sounded outside.

"Don't push the door, or I will call for help. You must know that although it is noon, the school is not empty. If I shout loudly, you will be finished."

When the monitor said this, he could feel her smiling, as if she was very happy.

Su Nan didn't push the door, feeling a little helpless: "Squad leader, just do whatever you want, as long as I don't resist."

Su Nan's softness made Lu Ying, who was holding the door outside, smile even more proudly. She felt that Su Nan was so stupid that he could deceive him. It was a shame that he took so much advantage before, and she had to take revenge.

Thinking of this, the revenge plan that had been planned before came to mind, Lu Ying's face flushed abnormally, and said: "You take off your clothes first, and you are not allowed to keep anything except your shoes."

Su Nan looked around after hearing the words, and said: "There is no place to put it inside, let's forget it, it will stain the clothes."

The women's restroom is not a clean place, even dirtier than the men's restroom. If you accidentally drop your clothes and stain something red, you won't be able to wear them in the afternoon.

"Give me the clothes you took off, and I'll get them for you." Lu Ying said maliciously.

Su Nan immediately guessed that Lu Ying's real purpose of this game was to make him strip naked and stay alone in the women's toilet. Maybe the squad leader would leave and put him here, and if someone found out, The consequences could be disastrous.

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