-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

Thinking of the scene where she was stripped naked and trapped in the women's toilet, Su Nan couldn't help but shudder, thinking that the ending was too bad.

As if aware of Su Nan's hesitation, Lu Ying's threatening voice sounded: "Hurry up, or I'll be rude."

"Okay, I'll take it off."

Su Nan seemed to be subdued, she gritted her teeth and took off her shirt.

Opening the door a crack, Su Nan stretched out his jacket, and the squad leader who had been waiting outside took it away at once.

Su Nan retracted his hands calmly, and continued to take off his pants. After he took off his pants, Lu Ying's urgent voice suddenly sounded outside: "Wait, close the door tightly, someone is coming in."

Su Nan's heart tightened, and he immediately locked the door, not daring to breathe.

Outside, Lu Ying was holding Su Nan's shirt and her face was a little anxious. The voice outside was getting closer and closer, and it was too late to hide. She gritted her silver teeth, quickly stuffed Su Nan's shirt in through the neckline, and stood there with her chest crossed , as if waiting for someone.

Soon, the two girls walked in. Lu Ying looked over and found that it was someone she didn't know. She was relieved quietly. If they knew each other, she might have to say a few words to waste time.

The two girls looked at Lu Ying curiously, and then walked into Su Nan's left and right sides respectively.

Lu Ying opened her mouth, but in the end she didn't stop them.

Lu Ying frowned, feeling a little upset, but this situation was caused by her, so the unhappiness in her heart was not aimed at Su Nan, it was just an unknown anger.

After a while, two girls came out, and then went out.

Waiting quietly for a while, until they could no longer hear their chatter, Lu Ying lowered her voice and said to the front door: "Open the door, and give me the rest."

After he finished speaking, his face flushed, and he felt like an anxious pervert.

After a while, the door opened, and a hand stretched out, holding a pair of trousers.

Lu Ying glanced at it first before picking it up, muttering, "Why don't you give it to me together?"

"Because it's hard to take off the things in your hands." Su Nan replied, urging her, her voice sounded lewd: "Hurry up, I can't wait!"

Lu Ying's face turned ashamed, and she cursed the pervert, but still grabbed his pants.

At this moment, something happened that caught Lu Ying off guard. After Su Nan let go of her hand, unexpectedly, she didn't shrink back, but grabbed her hand instantly, and then there was a huge pulling force, and Lu Ying's body was not affected. He slammed into the compartment in a controlled manner, into a strong and gentle embrace.

With a bang, the door was closed and locked.

It wasn't until this time that Lu Ying realized what happened. She buried her face in Su Nan's chest, and could feel his heartbeat, body temperature and skin touch, which was actually more delicate than her skin.Her face flushed immediately, she looked very ashamed and angry.

Lu Ying subconsciously resisted, and put her hands on Su Nan's chest, trying to push him away, but Su Nan's next words made her froze and couldn't move.

"Don't resist, or I'll call for help. Although it's noon, the school is not deserted. If I shout loudly, what do the monitors think will happen?"

Su Nan said with a face full of teasing that she had returned the words the monitor had threatened her just now.

Lu Ying was stunned, her expression was unpredictable, and she regretted secretly in her heart, she had underestimated Su Nan too much, how could such a perverted person be easily captured, fortunately she still had something to do with Su Nan.

When he was about to threaten Su Nan, he suddenly brought his face closer, and breathed it out with accuracy.

Lu Ying was so dazed that she forgot to breathe.

After being stunned for a moment, she blushed and resisted, but Su Nan's right palm supported the back of her head, preventing her from retreating, her left hand hugged her around the waist, and her body was even closer to Lu Ying. She felt like a little sheep, Facing the encroachment of the big bad wolf, he shivered and was powerless to resist. The blush on his face spread to his ears and neck, and even the skin all over his body was slightly pink.

The feeling of her lips being violated made her feel a strange feeling in her heart. There was something constantly wanting to break through her door, but she was sticking to the bottom line. At this time, a hand climbed up.Lu Ying opened her mouth in surprise, taking advantage of the gap, Su Nan stepped in and captured her.

After some kissing, the delicate body in her arms became softer and softer from the initial resistance, until she was powerlessly snuggled into his arms.

The squad leader was almost out of breath, and Su Nan let her go. The girl had no strength to threaten him, and lay limply in his arms, panting heavily, which made him feel a warm feeling on his chest.

This situation is still such an exciting occasion, and the tender body of the girl in her arms is even more fiery, making Su Nan feel impulsive in his heart.

His hand originally left the squad leader's chest, but now it came to the back.

Su Nan's men subconsciously pushed up the Tai Chi hands.

The delicate body in her arms froze, Su Nan said calmly: "Don't make a sound, someone has come in."

Sure enough, after Su Nan's words fell, the voice of talking sounded outside, and the voice was getting closer, and then several girls walked into the toilet, and each entered the cubicle, some of which were still next door.

When the voice came, Lu Ying was so ashamed to cooperate with the movement of Su Nan's hand, but she held her breath and did not dare to make the slightest sound. At this time, she stayed with Su Nan. He would only think that she was having a tryst with Su Nan.

Exposure of this kind of thing would hurt girls far more than boys, so Lu Ying didn't dare to speak out, and she didn't even dare to resist too much. The end result was that Su Nan rubbed her body in shame and indignation.

After bullying her for a while, Su Nan hugged her and turned around, using her body to block the door, then let her go.

This move was unexpected, Lu Ying looked at him in astonishment, not understanding why he would let her go.

Su Nan pointed to the pants she was holding in her hand, then pointed to her lower body, said something silently with her lips, and smiled brightly.

Lu Ying lowered her head cautiously, with a face of reluctance.

Seeing this, Su Nan reached out to her, aiming at her chest.

Lu Yingfang's heart skipped a beat, she grabbed his hand suddenly, and looked at him beggingly, but Su Nan didn't flinch.

There was no other way, Lu Ying sighed inwardly, holding Su Nan's pants with both hands, squatting down, that pretty face looked even more tender and red, as if it was about to bleed.

In this posture, she didn't dare to look at Su Nan directly, and drifted to the other side, but she glanced at it from time to time, and when she realized Su Nan's greatness, she was so surprised that she opened her mouth again.

Such a cute appearance made Su Nan really want to do something to her, but there were people outside, so he held back and just forced the squad leader to wear pants for himself, presumably she likes it as a pervert.

After some kissing, the delicate body in her arms became softer and softer from the initial resistance, until finally she was powerlessly nestled in his arms.

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