An angry voice came, and Qin's mother in an apron came out of the kitchen with the last plate of mutton. She rolled her daughter's eyes and said pretending to be angry.

Qin Xiaowan stuck out her tongue, and hurried to her mother's side to act like a baby, to calm her mother's anger.

Later, Qin's mother invited everyone to sit down and eat hot pot. I don't know if it was a coincidence. Su Nan's seat was in the middle, with Aunt Qin on the left, Qin Xiaowan on the right, and opposite him were Chu Xi, Zhao Xiaomin and Zhan Weiling, three girls. Each has its own beauty, sitting together is like flowers blooming in the morning, vying for beauty against the rising sun.

Su Nan's face was slightly embarrassed, and she quickly sat down without looking sideways, so as not to meet their eyes that seemed to be smiling but not smiling.

Qin's mother looked at him, then at the opposite side, a smile flashed in her eyes, and she hurriedly greeted everyone to eat.

In order not to make herself look too abnormal, Su Nan quickly kept herself busy and added ingredients to the pot.

He reached into the pot with his chopsticks and caught a piece of meat, but before he could pick it up, a pair of chopsticks fell just in time to catch it too.

Looking up, it was Zhao Xiaomin who was blinking, looking innocent.

Su Nan was about to give it to her, when the other pair of chopsticks fell down, it was the senior sister, she looked surprised, as if to say "Oh, I'm so sorry".

Senior sister and Zhao Xiaomin looked at each other, and the air seemed to be blazing with flames.

Su Nan felt that the senior sister definitely did it on purpose, probably to tease him?

There was no other way, Su Nan bit the bullet and snatched the piece of meat from their hands, put it in his mouth and ate it.

Chu Xi glanced at him, then quietly nudged Zhao Xiaomin with his elbow, reminding her to stop making trouble, lest Qin's mother find out that there was something wrong between them.

Zhao Xiaomin pursed her lips, a little upset, it was obviously Zhan Weiling's fault, why didn't she remind Zhan Weiling.

Ever since they turned into paper figures and had flirted with Zhan Weiling, they felt a little uncomfortable seeing each other.

On the opposite side, Su Nan lowered her head and ate silently, with an indifferent look. The senior sister next to her was slowly adding ingredients to the pot. Zhao Xiaomin rolled her eyes and kicked off her boot under the table, revealing her delicate feet wrapped in cotton socks. Then raise it up and reach out to Su Nan who is opposite.

The corners of Zhao Xiaomin's mouth curled up, and she felt a little irritated by teasing Su Nan beside Zhan Weiling, and Chu Xi was beside her, and Qin Xiaowan and Qin Xiaowan's mother were even sitting opposite, ah, no, the more she thought about it, the more excited she became, Can't help but wonder why it is so bad? !

Zhao Xiaomin's cheeks were flushed, but because she was eating hot pot, no one thought she was abnormal.

This made Zhao Xiaomin more courageous, adjusted the height of the feet under the table, changed the target to Su Nan, and slowly approached him.

Suddenly, her foot and the other one touched under the table, both were lifted up without shoes, and both were stretched towards Su Nan.

Both were startled, and then retracted their feet at the same time as if they were electrocuted.

Zhao Xiaomin's expression was strange, and she quietly glanced at Zhan Weiling beside her, only to see that Zhan Weiling's expression remained unchanged, chatting with Qin's mother opposite her with a faint smile on her face.

Zhao Xiaomin cursed vixen in her heart, raised her foot again, and put it on Su Nan's knee.

While eating, Su Nan almost choked, and quickly forced himself to calm down, and continued to eat the hot pot calmly. He didn't know whose feet it was, except for Chuxi, and always felt that Zhao Xiaomin and the senior sister were both possible.

To actually do such a thing at such a time is really disappointing. Su Nan was so nervous that she was afraid of being discovered by Aunt Qin beside her.

Zhao Xiaomin kicked him lightly, with a slightly smug expression on his face.

Zhan Weiling was talking to Qin's mother, but she accidentally noticed that Su Nan's expression was a little weird, she was taken aback, and then she reacted immediately, glanced at Zhao Xiaomin from the corner of her eyes, and saw Zhao Xiaomin lowered her head slightly, her eyes glowed with excitement .

Zhan Weiling immediately knew what she was doing, she gritted her silver teeth lightly, feeling very uncomfortable, she also raised her foot and stretched it out quietly, placing it in Su Nan's arms.

The feet of the two inevitably came into contact, so that there was a conflict. You squeezed me, and I squeezed you, just to get closer to Su Nan.

Mother Qin on the opposite side raised her head, lowered her head again, took a sip of the soup, raised her foot under the table, and quietly stretched it onto Chu Xi's calf, rubbing against it.

Chu Xi almost spit out the food in his mouth, quickly raised his head and glanced at Su Nan, then immediately lowered his eyes, his eyes looked a little nervous and shy.

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

How could Su Nan do such a thing!

Chu Xi lowered his head, with shock and nervousness in his eyes, as well as a little shame.

The foot under the table just touched her calf briefly, not too deeply. It just rubbed against her calf from time to time, and pinched the flesh on her calf from time to time with its toes. An unspeakable strange feeling.

Chu Xi gritted his white teeth lightly to maintain his composure, even stopping his chopsticks.

She found it incredible that everyone was sitting around eating together, and Qin's mother was sitting next to Su Nan, how dare Su Nan tease herself so boldly?

Isn't he afraid of being discovered?

Out of the corner of Chu Xi's eyes, she glanced sideways at Zhao Xiaomin and Zhan Weiling, who were eating hot pot in silence, not noticing the mess under the table.

Chu Xi breathed a sigh of relief, and resolutely decided not to let Su Nan go on like this. If she is found out, she will be ashamed, especially with Mother Qin around.

At this moment, the provocative foot suddenly hooked her calf, and slowly hooked it.

Chu Xi was stunned for a moment, and then her heart jumped. She was a little aware of what Su Nan wanted to do, and she was a little nervous and uneasy. Su Nan really didn't care about the occasion at all. Did she indulge him too much?

Then she thought, with a certain look in her eyes, and decided to teach him a profound lesson.

When her foot was close to Su Nan, Chu Xi kicked it with a little force. Of course, she didn't dare to use too much force, for fear that the kick would hurt Su Nan and attract everyone's attention.

But to indulge in this, the strength is not light, because Chu Xi knows that Su Nan is very strong, and also feels that if he dare not make a sound, he will only suffer from being dumb.

She kicked something quickly, but Chu Xi was surprised, because she found that she didn't kick Su Nan, and was blocked by something halfway through the kick. Feeling carefully, it turned out to be two feet lying under the table .

At the same time, two exclamations came from beside him.

Chu Xi turned his head and saw Zhao Xiaomin's face was flustered, and Zhan Weiling's face was also flushed a little.

The two of them noticed that Chu Xi was looking over, and their expressions suddenly became awkward.

Chu Xi's eyes also turned cold in an instant, and she understood what happened. She glared at Su Nan in embarrassment, and was annoyed in her heart. Su Nan not only teased her, but also teased Zhao Xiaomin and Zhan Weiling at the same time. She is so scumbag .

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