Originally, she was just worried that Qin's mother would find out, but she didn't really hate it in her heart, but now she learned that Su Nan molested the three of them at the same time, and she felt upset for a while.

Su Nan looked at the three girls across from him in astonishment, noticing that Chu Xi was looking at him like a scumbag, her heart twitched, she must have been discovered by Chu Xi, and Chu Xi seemed to think he was playing tricks, but she obviously didn't It was Senior Sister and Xiaomin who took the initiative.

Seeing the embarrassing expressions of the senior sister and Xiao Min, but trying to maintain a nonchalant appearance, Su Nan had no choice but to swallow this dumb loss, so as not to lose their face.

The exclamation of the two girls attracted attention, Qin Xiaowan looked puzzled, and Qin's mother asked calmly.

Zhan Weiling shook her head and said, "It's okay, I just accidentally got burned."

Zhao Xiaomin nodded accordingly: "Yeah, it's too hot, and I want to eat too much, so I didn't pay attention for a while."

Zhan Weiling secretly rolled her eyes, this guy doesn't know how to make another excuse, he has to use the same excuse as hers.

Sure enough, Zhao Xiaomin's words aroused suspicion, and Qin Xiaowan looked disbelieving: "Why did you get burned together? Have you ever eaten hot pot, or are you guys up to something secret?"

"Xiaowan, don't talk nonsense." Mother Qin taught me a lesson.

Zhan Weiling smiled and nodded: "We were talking about something just now, so we didn't pay attention for a while."

When she said that, Chu Xi looked over in surprise, as if surprised by her face.Zhan Weiling's cheeks were slightly hot, but her smile remained unchanged, ignoring Chu Xi's contempt.

"I'm going to get some iced Coke."

Su Nan, who was a little restless, hurriedly excused herself to leave, and ran to the refrigerator to open it.

Looking back at the seemingly harmonious table, Su Nan wiped off the cold sweat that didn't exist on her forehead. Although they both acquiesced in each other's existence, it's impossible to live in peace, let alone be as close as sisters up.

In the future, we should try our best to avoid girls getting together. Su Nan is really not a human being when they are jealous. Fortunately, Chu Xi and Zhao Xiaomin didn't make much noise, otherwise he would be miserable.

Back at the table, the atmosphere returned to normal. After Su Nan poured everyone a cup of Coke, he sat down and ate without saying a word. Fortunately, probably because of what happened just now, no one came to tease him Su Nan, it was Chu Xi who looked at him with unfriendly eyes, which made Su Nan feel a little stressed.

After eating the hot pot, he started to pack his things. The girls were all very diligent, leaving Su Nan with nothing to do, so he had to go aside and sit down to watch TV.

After a while, Qin's mother drove the girls out of the kitchen, leaving only her daughter to help her wash the dishes. The kitchen is not big, and it is too crowded for four or five people to gather together.

The three girls who had nothing to do looked at each other and walked towards Su Nan at the same time. Su Nan's eyelids twitched immediately, always feeling that something would happen if they got together, and worried that Qin's mother would find out that they were jealous of each other.

"You guys watch TV, I'll go in and play some games." Su Nan stood up and said.

Chu Xi smiled and said, "I went to see you to play. I haven't played chicken with you for a long time. I don't know if your technology has improved."

The corner of Su Nan's mouth twitched, he hadn't played this game much at all, he just played it with Chu Xi a few times, and he was skilled.

Chu Xi probably didn't want to watch him play games, but because of what happened just now. Could it be that he was angry?But it's normal to be angry in that kind of situation. After all, he went too far to flirt with Zhao Xiaomin and senior sister in front of Chu Xi. explain.

"Is it to play chicken? It's boring for Xiao Nan to play alone, why not play the mobile version together." Zhan Weiling suggested.

Chu Xi glanced at her and nodded: "Indeed, mobile games like eating chicken seem to be very popular now, let's all play together."

"Uh, I haven't played before." Zhao Xiaomin said immediately.

"I'll take you." Zhan Weiling smiled.

Her smile made Zhao Xiaomin feel malicious and provocative, but she didn't want to back down, so she puffed her chest out and said, "Okay."

Each of them made a decision with one sentence, and Su Nan had no room to refuse. She sighed in her heart and sat down obediently.

So the following scene appeared, three women and one man were sitting together, immersed in the game, the man in the middle was sweating profusely, he was so busy that he couldn't touch the ground, but he didn't dare to lose sight of the other, so he tried his best in the game. The bowl of water is flat, too busy.

In the kitchen, Qin Xiaowan poked her head out to watch this scene, then turned her head and said to Qin's mother in admiration: "Mom, you are so powerful, you can easily let them fight."

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

"Mom, you are so powerful that you actually made them jealous!"

Qin Xiaowan looked at her mother with admiration. Outside, Su Nan was obviously caught in the Shura field of several girls, and the reason for this was her mother.

Just now Mother Qin drove Chu Xi and the others out of the kitchen. They had nothing to do but approach Su Nan, and then quickly developed into a Shura field, but Qin Xiaowan couldn't figure it out. It seemed a bit too simple. They used to get together. Is that so?

Qin's mother seemed to know what her daughter was wondering, and explained: "When we were eating hot pot just now, mother found that Xiao Min and Xiao Ling stretched their feet towards Xiao Nan."

"Ah!" Qin Xiaowan was surprised that such a thing still happened.

"Then mother let Xiaoxi find out about this on purpose. Xiaoxi thought that Xiaonan was doing bad things to the three of them at the same time, so she was very angry." Qin's mother snickered and said with a smug smile.

Qin Xiaowan was dumbfounded, the under the table was so wonderful when eating hot pot just now, Zhan Weiling and Zhao Xiaomin were too dirty, they secretly molested Su Nan in front of everyone, it was too much!

And mother's behavior directly caused Chu Xi to discover this kind of thing. Chu Xi thought that Su Nan took the initiative to moles the three of them, so he would be very upset with Su Nan.

In addition, the three of them are jealous of each other, which will also make Su Nan feel depressed, and girls are very sensitive. Once Su Nan gets closer to that one, other people will feel it, and then affect the relationship between them.

Qin Xiaowan shivered, looked at her mother strangely, felt that her mother was too scheming, and couldn't help feeling that Su Nan was very pitiful.

"Cough..." As if feeling that she was too complacent, Qin's mother coughed dryly, put away her smile, sighed and said to her daughter, "They are all good children, if it wasn't for you, I wouldn't have done such a thing, Xiaowan, you Don't disappoint my good intentions."

"Mom." Qin Xiaowan was very moved after hearing this, "I will definitely work harder!"

Qin's mother was refreshed, and she was waiting for her daughter's words.

Qin's mother took her daughter's hand: "Mom has a good idea, come here and let's talk while washing the dishes."

"Uh..." Qin Xiaowan's complexion changed. She couldn't bear to have what happened last night again, but she just promised her mother, and it's hard to refuse at this time, so she had to bite the bullet and listen to what her mother had to say.

"Why did you and Xiao Nan enter the room just now?" Mother Qin asked first.

"He wanted me to keep a secret, I agreed, and then asked him three requests." Speaking of this, Qin Xiaowan got a little excited, temporarily forgetting the shyness in her heart.

Qin's mother's eyes lit up, and she praised: "It's really smart. If this happens, the success rate of my plan will be greatly increased."

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