Qin Xiaowan's expression was slightly embarrassed, "Mom, what exactly do you want to do?"

"Come on, Mom will tell you..." Qin's mother leaned into her daughter's ear and whispered. Qin Xiaowan listened, her face flushed, her eyes flickered for a while, she bit her lips and agreed. It was much simpler than last night, but It's a good opportunity to improve your feelings.

As for the safety of chastity...Qin Xiaowan thinks that Su Nan is not so courageous, if he really dares to do it...hmph, no one is afraid of anyone!

Qin Xiaowan gritted her teeth secretly, but her expression was shy.

The girls didn't dare to act too much. After playing the game, Qin's mother and Qin Xiaowan became normal after they came out, which also made Su Nan feel more relaxed.

Qin's mother found an excuse to take Xiaowan back to the room, deliberately letting the Shura field continue.

The mother and daughter hid in the room, discussing plans for the evening, while listening to the voices of the girls playing games outside, they couldn't hear Su Nan's voice when they were talking, and pretended to be dead.

Just after playing a game, Su Nan saw that it was getting late, so she put down her phone, stretched herself and said, "You guys play, I'm going to take a shower first."

"It's already nine o'clock, and I'm going back too." Zhan Weiling said with a smile.

"We're going back too." Chu Xi and Zhao Xiaomin stood up.

It's already nine o'clock at this time, and it seems a bit malicious to stay at Su Nan's house again, and they don't want to be treated like this by Qin Xiaowan's mother.

Sending them away, Su Nan finally breathed a sigh of relief and felt speechless. I didn't know what happened when I was eating hot pot before, but the atmosphere changed later. They all showed signs of jealousy, which caught Su Nan off guard. And tired of coping.

While eating hot pot, both Zhao Xiaomin and Zhan Weiling probably wanted to secretly seduce him, and they didn't dare to overdo it, but they didn't expect that they bumped into each other, and they started to rival each other who were already unhappy with each other.

With the addition of Chu Xi, things became tense.

As the saying goes, there are three women in one drama, and several girls who are jealous of each other get together, and with him as the master, the atmosphere around him suddenly becomes a Shura field.

What puzzled Su Nan the most was how Chu Xi found out. If Chu Xi didn't find out, nothing would happen after the quarrel between senior sister and Zhao Xiaomin. They had conflicts in the first place, and nothing happened before.

Could it be that Chu Xi was planning to do the same thing at that time?

Such a thought floated up in Su Nan's heart, with a strange expression on his face.

After taking a shower, it was already ten o'clock. Su Nan dried his hair and went back to the room to sleep. Of course, he still couldn't fall asleep so early, so he habitually picked up his mobile phone to play.

Mother Qin opened the door and saw that Su Nan was not in the living room, she walked out lightly.

Behind her, Qin Xiaowan looked hesitant, feeling very nervous about the next thing, and her heart was pounding.

Finally, she couldn't help but say, "Mom..."

Qin's mother looked back at her in confusion.

Qin Xiaowan lowered her head in embarrassment, and muttered to herself: "Why don't you change it to another day, I'm not ready yet."

But Qin's mother said: "Xiao Nan was misunderstood by Xiao Xi tonight, and she must be in a bad mood. If you go to accompany him tonight, it will definitely work well."

"Then... alright." What her mother said made sense, and her mother's attitude was firm, so Qin Xiaowan could only grit her teeth and agree, and then closed the door of the room and waited.

Qin's mother smiled fondly, then walked to the electric switch, and took out the tools that had been prepared.

After some operation, the electric switch made a strange sound, and then black smoke came out, accompanied by the smell of burning.

Seeing this, Mother Qin nodded in satisfaction, packed her things and went back to the room and closed the door.

Su Nan was about to put down her phone and turn off the lights to go to sleep, when the lights suddenly dimmed and the room was plunged into darkness.

"Tripped?" Su Nan was surprised, turned on the flashlight function of the phone, got out of bed, and left the room.

After he came out of the living room, he smelled the smell of burning, and immediately felt very bad. He went to the electric switch and took a flashlight to shine it, and it sure was burnt.

It didn't rain or thunder, and the electric switch actually burned out. Su Nan secretly said that it was unlucky, and she didn't dare to deal with it by herself, so she had to wait until tomorrow to find someone to fix it.

Fortunately, everyone is going to sleep at this time, and autumn is approaching recently, and the weather has turned cold, so you won't feel stuffy when you sleep, and you don't need to turn on the air conditioner.

Going back to the room and lying on the bed, Su Nan was about to go to sleep, but someone knocked on the door, probably because of the burning of the switch.

Su Nan got out of bed again to open the door.

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

It was probably Aunt Qin who came to knock on the door in the middle of the night. She might be wondering why the switch was suddenly turned on at home.

Su Nan climbed out of bed, put on and took off her shoes to open the door, but after he opened the door, there was a shivering girl in thin pajamas standing outside, holding her chest, not sure if it was cold.

Su Nan was stunned for a moment, and said, "The switch is burned out. I'll find someone to fix it tomorrow."

It was Qin Xiaowan standing outside. Although Su Nan was a little surprised, she wasn't too surprised and explained casually.

Qin Xiaowan blushed, lowered her head and said in a trembling tone, "Can't I fix it now?"

"No, I don't know how to fix it, and I can't find anyone at such a late hour."

Su Nan shook her head. It was already past ten o'clock and it was almost eleven o'clock. How could anyone find someone to fix it.

Qin Xiaowan seemed to be in a hurry, and quickly said: "If you want to find it, you must find it, just pay more wages."

While talking, she looked back, and there was nothing behind her, but Qin Xiaowan turned pale as if frightened, and quickly took a step forward, getting closer to Su Nan.

"People have to rest too, it's almost eleven o'clock, do you still want to play computer?"

Su Nan looked at Qin Xiaowan speechlessly and asked, and at the same time felt very strange about her reaction.

Qin Xiaowan hesitated to speak, as if she wanted to say something to him, but was ashamed to say it, and at the same time her body trembled even more.

Su Nan is a little confused, so Qin Xiaowan seems to be very scared. What are you afraid of? Are you afraid of the dark?Could it be because of a power outage?Did she ever sleep with the lights on at night?

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