"I'll accompany you back to the room." Su Nan said, thinking about it in his head, thinking that maybe Qin Xiaowan was going to the bathroom just now, and the sudden power outage shocked her, and she might be a little too sensitive at this time.

Qin Xiaowan nodded, much calmer, but refused to walk ahead.

Su Nan had no choice but to step out of the room, took a flashlight to illuminate, and walked to Qin Xiaowan's room, and Qin Xiaowan followed behind him.

Before taking a few steps, Su Nan felt that her clothes were being pulled by Qin Xiaowan behind her, as if she could feel at ease in this way, Su Nan immediately understood that Qin Xiaowan was really afraid, and couldn't help laughing, this guy was too timid, at night Isn't it often frightened to death when a person sleeps alone.

Thinking of the scene of Qin Xiaowan shivering alone in the bed at night, Su Nan found it very interesting, but in order to avoid provoking Qin Xiaowan, he neither showed nor asked, the little girl is still quite thin-skinned.

Pushing open the door of Qin Xiaowan's room, Su Nan walked in first and came to the bedside. During this process, Qin Xiaowan kept grabbing his clothes and followed behind him.

Su Nan stopped, shined the light on the bed with her mobile phone, turned her head and said to Qin Xiaowan: "Go to sleep, I will go back after you fall asleep. Although the power is cut off, it can be regarded as sleeping with the lights off."

He planned to send Qin Xiaowan to bed and lie down, but Qin Xiaowan held on to his clothes tightly, looking embarrassed with her head down.

Su Nan was a little speechless, usually Qin Xiaowan didn't sleep with the lights on at night, why is she so timid now.

After a while, Qin Xiaowan plucked up her courage and said, "Actually, I was watching a horror movie just now, and now I can't sleep."

The room was very dark, and the light of the mobile phone flashlight was not facing the girl. Su Nan could barely see the girl's face looking a little embarrassed, but the blush on her face could not be seen clearly.

After listening to the girl's explanation, Su Nan suddenly realized and guessed the reason why she was afraid. It was probably because she was watching a horror movie with the lights on, and when she saw the power cut off suddenly at a tense moment, she was terrified.

After thinking about it, Su Nan said, "I'll take you to your mother, and you two will sleep together."

Qin Xiaowan shook her head, and said in a low voice: "I went there just now, but my mother usually sleeps like a dead sleeper, she can't wake up no matter what, and the door is locked."

No wonder Qin Xiaowan didn't go to her mother, it turned out to be the reason, so it's okay if there is no electricity tonight?But there is no way at night.

Su Nan was very embarrassed.

But he didn't notice that Qin Xiaowan's face couldn't see any panic. Instead, he looked very hesitant, as if he hadn't made up his mind.

Finally, Qin Xiaowan gritted her teeth lightly, lowered her head as her mother said, and said in a pitiful tone: "Can you accompany me for a while."

Su Nan froze for a moment, nodded, that's all.

He said: "Then you go to bed, and I will leave when you fall asleep."

"Well, thank you." In the darkness, a shyness flashed across the girl's face, she said in a low voice, then loosened his clothes, carefully climbed onto the bed, quickly got into the bed and lay down, pulled the quilt to cover half of her face, In the darkness, a pair of bright eyes looked at him.

She's cute when she's timid.

Thinking this way, Su Nan moved a stool and sat by the bed, the light on his phone was still on, he put the phone on the computer desk, and adjusted the angle to make the light less dazzling.

The mobile phone was used as a lamp, and Su Nan felt a little bored sitting there.

Qin Xiaowan took a deep breath and said in a low voice, "Turn off the lights, it's not so boring to play with your mobile phone, and close the door, it's windy."

"Okay." Su Nan nodded, picked up the phone and went to close the door. The window in the living room was open, and the wind came in, making strange noises. It was a bit scary at night, but it was much better after closing the door.

Then Su Nan went back to the bed and sat down to play with her mobile phone, hoping that Qin Xiaowan would fall asleep soon, he was a little sleepy.

"Can you sit closer?" the girl on the bed said again.

"Okay." Su Nan didn't hesitate at all. It could be seen that Qin Xiaowan was really scared, even lying on the bed covered with a quilt, her voice was trembling.

I don't know what these girls are thinking, they are obviously very scared, but they insist on watching ghost and horror movies at night.

Su Nan thought about this idea, and lowered his head to play with his mobile phone. The faint fluorescence of the mobile phone screen illuminated his current appearance, sitting motionless, like a patron saint.

Obviously it was just acting to deceive him, but at this moment Qin Xiaowan felt an inexplicable warm current flowing through her heart.

The phone vibrated, and Qin Xiaowan lit it up to see that it was a greeting from the mother next door, asking how her plan was going. Qin Xiaowan replied that it was going well, and then her mother encouraged her to continue working hard.

Su Nan glanced at her and didn't say anything when she saw that she was playing with her mobile phone.

Putting down the phone and being silent for a while, Qin Xiaowan mustered up her courage and said, "I can't sleep."

"No rush, take your time." Su Nan comforted.

Qin Xiaowan's voice was low: "I feel like I won't be able to sleep tonight. I contacted my mother on my mobile phone, but she didn't reply. She was really asleep."

Su Nan didn't know what to say for a while, did she still want to coax her to sleep?

"I'm very scared, even when I close my eyes, I see a horrible picture, can you hold my hand tightly?"

The girl's sad voice came out from under the bed with a touch of shyness, trembling slightly, I don't know if it was because of fear or shyness.

The next moment, a delicate little hand emerged from the bed.

"Don't be afraid, I will accompany you." Su Nan comforted softly, and held the girl's hand, which was slightly cold and still trembling.

Su Nan held it tightly, letting her hand warm Qin Xiaowan, feeling pity in her heart, after all, she was still a little girl with very fragile nerves.

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

Holding the girl's hand, she didn't make a sound, and her hand didn't tremble any more, she seemed much more relieved, but the girl's palms seemed to be sweating, and felt a little wet.

Turning the brightness of the phone to the lowest, Su Nan held the girl's hand while opening a novel to read in night mode, and began to pass the time.

Unknowingly, it was twelve o'clock, and Su Nan raised his head to look. With the faint light of the phone screen and the strengthened body, he found that the girl on the bed was looking at him with bright eyes without blinking.

Seeing Su Nan looking over, a panic flashed in the girl's eyes, and she quickly closed her eyes.

There was no other way, Su Nan had no choice but to continue to read the novel with his head down. He said he would stay with Qin Xiaowan until she fell asleep, so naturally he couldn't leave at this time. Fortunately, he was in good physical condition, so staying up late didn't have any effect.

After another hour, Su Nan found that Qin Xiaowan still showed no signs of falling asleep. He was speechless. He must guard her all night. Mobile phones can read novels to pass the time.

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