But after closing his eyes, his senses became very clear. The body and the girl's body touched each other lightly, and the astonishing heat was transmitted from her body from the shoulders to the feet, which made Su Nan feel a little uncomfortable and hot.

With an itchy nose, Su Nan couldn't help but took a deep breath. The faint fragrance mixed with shower gel and shampoo, mixed with the girl's body fragrance, seemed to have been fermented and turned into a fascinating smell.

Su Nan opened her eyes and turned her head slightly to look at Qin Xiaowan. The light was not enough, but she could still see everything vaguely. She had closed her eyes at this time, and her breathing gradually became calm, as if she had fallen asleep.

Seeing this, Su Nan refrained from disturbing her. At this time, Qin Xiaowan had just fallen asleep, and her sleep was very light. If she was not careful, she would be awakened, which would be even more troublesome.

The dark room fell into complete silence. Su Nan could only hear the girl's shallow breathing. She turned over unconsciously, lying on her side, and hugged his arms even tighter, like sleeping with a doll.

The girl's slightly immature softness squeezed her arm, and the feeling was very clear.

Su Nan's body froze. After a while, she wanted to pull her arm out, but she hugged her too tightly and failed. Instead, she felt more in her arm, and almost woke up the girl.

Su Nan had no choice but to pause, sighed inwardly, closed her eyes and rested, thinking that in about half an hour, she would leave.

But the soft touch is so strong that people can't ignore it. The sleeping girl is like exuding a seductive sweet smell, which always tempts Su Nan and makes him feel a strange feeling deep in his heart.

Su Nan scolded herself secretly, and quickly let go of her thoughts, thinking about various things, trying to ignore Qin Xiaowan beside her.

About half an hour later, Su Nan opened his eyes and tried to pull his arm out, but Qin Xiaowan, who was asleep, hugged his arm like a doll, and still refused to let go, and even pinched his legs and squeezed his palm. Sandwiched between the legs.

Su Nan immediately broke out in cold sweat on his forehead, and the warmth he felt on the back of his hand made his heart beat wildly, no, something will happen if this continues.

Su Nan gritted her teeth, stretched out her free hand, and came to Qin Xiaowan's thigh, intending to open her leg to let her palm come out.

Just when he touched the girl's thigh with his palm and felt the warm touch through the thin pajamas, there was the sound of the door opening behind him, and then a beam of light shone in, shining on him and Qin Xiaowan.

"Xiao Nan! Why are you here?"

The next moment, an unbelievable exclamation sounded, with a little anger.

Su Nan turned her head in amazement, and saw Aunt Qin standing at the door, holding a mobile phone with the flashlight turned on, staring blankly at the two of them lying on the bed, with expressions of shock and anger on their faces.

Su Nan secretly thought something was wrong, and was about to explain, when Qin Xiaowan woke up, lifted the quilt and sat up, rubbed her eyes and saw the mother in the room, and became panicked: "Mom, why are you here? Ah, Su Nan, you..."

Then she let out a cry of surprise and covered Su Nan's hand on her thigh, her face blushed and she was at a loss.

Su Nan's face was completely dark, and the position of his hand was too subtle, as if he was deliberately touching Qin Xiaowan's indescribable area. Qin Xiaowan's attitude was also very problematic, as if something had happened to the two of them, and Su Nan had already found the door Aunt Qin who was standing looked completely cold.

Su Nan quickly withdrew her hand and sat up to explain: "Aunt Qin, I..."

Before he could finish speaking, he was interrupted by Aunt Qin. She looked at Su Nan with a disappointed face: "Xiao Nan, I didn't expect you to be this kind of person. It's in vain that Xiao Wan and I treat you so well."

"It's not like this……"

Aunt Qin continued, with a cold face: "I'm very disappointed in you, and get off my daughter's bed immediately. I will tell your mother about this personally, and let your mother discipline you well!"

"Stop talking, Xiao Nan, I won't believe your sophistry!" Aunt Qin pointed at him and said loudly.

Su Nan is very speechless, can you let him speak first.

Qin Xiaowan was stunned for a moment, as if realizing something, she quickly said: "Mom, we are not what you think, I made him go to bed, we didn't do anything, we just slept together."

The corner of Su Nan's mouth twitched, she always felt that Qin Xiaowan's words were too ambiguous, and why she had to say such words with a shy face was too easy to be misunderstood.

Sure enough, Qin's mother stared at Su Nan with an angry face and cursed angrily: "Xiao Nan, you villain, you actually deceived my daughter's feelings, get out of bed immediately! I want to have a good talk with you!"

As if she had never seen her mother so angry, Qin Xiaowan was frightened and dared not say a word.

Su Nan bit the bullet and got out of bed, put on his shoes, and followed Qin's mother to leave Qin Xiaowan's room. He didn't notice that the eyes of Qin's mother and daughter were full of planning before leaving.

When I came to the living room, it was pitch black. Mother Qin put the phone on the tea table and let the flashlight shine on it.Sitting down, he said expressionlessly, "Sit!"

Su Nan didn't sit down, and explained: "Aunt Qin, Xiaowan and I didn't do anything. She was too scared when the power went out, and she couldn't wake you up when she called you, so she had no choice but to let me accompany her."

"You think I'll believe you?" Mother Qin asked mockingly.

Su Nan shook her head. If it was him, if he had a daughter, he would enter her daughter's room in the middle of the night, only to find a man hiding on the bed, and promise to kill him.

Qin's mother snorted softly, and said sadly: "Xiao Nan, Auntie really didn't expect you to be this kind of person! You are so harmful! My daughter is only in junior high school, and her grades in every subject are below the average. You can't let her Study hard? Why seduce her! What will you do when you call my daughter? She hasn't reached high school yet, okay? You killed my daughter!"

Su Nan was embarrassed, "Aunt Qin, Xiao Wan and I really have nothing to do."

"I won't believe you anymore, Xiao Nan has become a scumbag." Qin's mother looked at him, shook her head in disappointment, and said sadly: "You ruined my daughter's life and her innocence. Take responsibility!"

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

Su Nan was dumbfounded, and almost suspected that she had heard it wrong, shouldn't Aunt Qin be very angry, why did it get here?

What does it mean for him to take responsibility?

Meaning let him be with Xiao Wan?

Qin's mother said solemnly: "You deceived my daughter and ruined my daughter's life, so you have to take the responsibility of taking care of her for the rest of her life. What's wrong? I happen to know your mother very well. When you were young, she said that you and your little Wanding baby, let's settle down like this, if I didn't know your mother well, I would have beaten you to death in the first place."

After all, Qin's mother even threatened, looking annoyed.

What does this mean? It seems that she has directly entered the rhythm of engagement.

Su Nan was a little panicked: "Wait, this is too much fun, and we didn't do anything."

Qin's mother was dissatisfied when she heard the words: "What's the joke? Xiao Nan is still being honest at this point. You guys have done everything, but you dare to argue! If it wasn't for Auntie who went to the bathroom in the middle of the night and found that the power was cut off, she would be scared." Go to my daughter and go to her room to have a look, otherwise you won't even know that you have done something bad!"

"I really didn't do it." Su Nan was very helpless, and said weakly: "Auntie, if you don't believe me, you can ask Xiao Wan, or even take her to the hospital for an examination."

Qin's mother looked at him for a while, then called to Qin Xiaowan's room: "Xiaowan, come out for a while, Mom has something to ask you."

After a while, Qin Xiaowan opened the door, and when she came out, she looked very embarrassed, kept her head down, as if she didn't dare to look directly at Su Nan, and asked in a shy voice, "Mom, what's the matter?"

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