Su Nan was ashamed, she didn't do anything, can she act normal?

Of course, Su Nan didn't suspect anything. The two were lying on the same bed late at night and were caught by Qin's mother on the spot. It would be strange if Qin Xiaowan didn't feel shy.

Qin's mother glanced at Su Nan, her eyes seemed to warn him that it was useless not to admit it.

"Xiaowan, don't be nervous, mom doesn't blame you, it's all Xiaonan's fault." Mother Qin first comforted her daughter with a soft voice.

Qin Xiaowan shook her head again and again, and anxiously explained: "Mom, it's none of his business, it's all my fault."

Su Nan nodded secretly, fortunately, Qin Xiaowan testified for herself, but why did her words sound weird?It's like a girl in a sea of ​​love who is eager to protect her parents and a poor boy who has a private meeting with herself.

Qin's mother glared at Su Nan first, and then said to her daughter gently: "Mom doesn't blame you, young people are easily impulsive, but you have to tell mom if Xiao Nan has ever bullied you."

The so-called bullying naturally does not mean it literally, but is full of ambiguous meaning.

The girl's pretty face instantly turned red, she looked extremely ashamed, and she tried her best to deny it: "No, we haven't done anything, Mom, I'm sleepy, and I have to go to class tomorrow!"

After saying that, the girl jumped back into the room as if fleeing, and closed the door tightly.After closing the door, she panted with her back against the door, her heart beating faster. She was too nervous just now, and she had to act very realistically to deceive Su Nan, and she almost fell into a trap.

Thinking of Su Nan's speechless expression at the end, Qin Xiaowan felt a little sorry in her heart. It's not good to cheat Su Nan with her mother like this, but there is nothing she can do about it. She can't change her mother's decision.

The girl blamed her mother for all the reasons.

living room.

Seeing her daughter fleeing back to the room, Mother Qin didn't mind, but just looked at Su Nan with a half-smile, as if to see how you could argue.

Su Nan sighed, he didn't consider the fact that the girl was too shy, even if Qin Xiaowan helped to clarify, it looked as if she was embarrassed to admit it because of her shyness, which was not convincing at all.

Her behavior made Qin's mother more convinced of the relationship between the two of them. Su Nan secretly had a headache. It seemed that she had to find a way to explain it clearly, but how could she make Aunt Qin believe in herself.

Aunt Qin seemed to be very traditional. She mistakenly thought that he had a relationship with Qin Xiaowan and wanted them to be together forever. In this case, she should take Xiaowan to the hospital for examination, as long as it can be proved that Xiaowan is still a virgin.

Qin's mother didn't push Su Nan too hard. Seeing his distressed look, she said, "Xiao Nan, as a man, you have to be brave and take responsibility, but you and Xiao Wan are still too young to be legally responsible. You are not old enough, so you will start as lovers for the time being."

Su Nan was stunned for a moment, and was about to refuse, but saw Aunt Qin picked up the phone and dialed who was calling, and said with a smile on her face: "Didn't sleep, I have good news for you, Xiao Nan and Xiao Wan are leaving Together, we will be mothers in the future!"

The corner of Su Nan's mouth twitched, it was his mother.

The other end seemed to exclaim, and then asked excitedly, Qin's mother smiled and said: "Don't ask the children, they have class tomorrow and are asleep, I will go back to the room and tell you..."

Speaking of which, Qin's mother glanced at Su Nan, got up and went back to the room with her mouth curled up.

Su Nan's face was dark, and his expression was very depressed. He didn't expect Qin's mother to call his mother in the middle of the night. Now, he really jumped into the Yellow River and couldn't clean up.

Walking to Qin's mother's room and intending to knock on the door, hearing the sound of a phone call coming from inside, Qin's mother seemed to be talking on the phone with her mother in high spirits.

Su Nan shook her head and went back to her sleeping room.

Su Nan didn't take Qin's mother to let her fall in love with Qin Xiaowan. The reason why Qin's mother made this decision was that he had a relationship with Qin Xiaowan. Everything was based on this premise, but she Misunderstood.

When I wake up tomorrow and tell Qin Xiaowan about this matter, Qin Xiaowan will definitely find a way to explain it clearly. Although Qin Xiaowan has thoughts about him, Su Nan doesn't think it's unrealistic for Qin Xiaowan to take this opportunity to be with him.

Thinking of this, Su Nan felt relieved. It was almost two o'clock in the morning and he was a little sleepy. He fell asleep soon.

On the other side, after confirming that Su Nan had fallen asleep, Qin's mother sent her daughter a comforting message.It was too late and she didn't go to her daughter's room.

Lying on the bed, Qin's mother couldn't fall asleep for a while, flipping through the phone photo album boredly, the dim light from the screen shone on her young face, making her look a little strange.

Slide your thumb across the screen to pull out old photos, which should have been taken a long time ago, and then use your mobile phone to take pictures of these photos.

Looking at these old photos, Mother Qin fell into memories.

In the morning, she was woken up by the ringtone. Su Nan opened her eyes and touched her phone. It was her mother who sent her congratulations on WeChat. At the same time, she told him to treat Xiaowan well, and hinted that young people should be more restrained.

Su Nan rolled her eyes and didn't bother to explain. She threw her phone and got up from the bed. Anyway, when Aunt Qin knew that she had misunderstood, she would explain it to her mother as soon as possible, and Su Nan felt that she might not be able to explain to her mother. Believe.

His mother's attitude made Su Nan understand that what Xiaowan had told him before was that her mother did not object to him being with Qin Xiaowan.

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

The atmosphere of the breakfast was a bit strange. The two mother and daughter sitting opposite Su Nan looked at him as if they were son-in-law, and the other lowered their heads and ate shyly.

Su Nan was a little surprised, did Mother Qin tell Qin Xiaowan about the matter, and Qin Xiaowan didn't object?Otherwise, why did the two behave like this.

Su Nan remembered what she had overlooked, Qin Xiaowan is a pervert, it seems that it is not impossible to have a romantic relationship with him!

Feeling like lifting a rock and hitting her foot, Su Nan had a headache.

While Aunt Qin was packing up her things and going into the kitchen, Su Nan called Qin Xiaowan who was about to go back to her room. She froze and stopped where she was, with no intention of turning back.

Su Nan was a little sure that she did it on purpose, but she still asked, "Did you explain to your mother what happened last night?"

He didn't believe that Qin Xiaowan was so thick-skinned that she dared to lie in front of him.

The expected panic and guilt did not appear, Qin Xiaowan just said embarrassingly: "I was going to explain when I got up, but when I received your mother's call, she was very happy and took me to talk for a long time, and suddenly forgot."

The girl's tone sounded very shy, and her shoulders trembled slightly.

"And then, you won't explain it to my mother?" Su Nan still couldn't let go.

"I told you, but your mother doesn't believe it." Qin Xiaowan said shyly.

Su Nan was quite speechless, probably because Qin Xiaowan had ghosts in her heart, and she was too flustered and shy when talking with his mother on the phone, even if the explanation was not convincing at all.

"What do you say?" Qin Xiaowan actually asked him in turn.

Su Nan really wanted to scold her, but he held back, thought for a while, and said, "It probably won't work for us to clarify now, why not deal with it for a few days, let's talk about it after they calm down."

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