What Su Nan thought was that after Qin's mother calmed down after a while, she found that he and Xiao Wan were not like a couple at all, so she would naturally be puzzled, and it would be easier for her to believe it when she asked and then took the opportunity to explain.

Qin Xiaowan nodded approvingly: "I think so too."

"Then let's put it this way, from now on we'll be just like we used to be."

Su Nan said, as a reminder to Qin Xiaowan, he still had some doubts that Qin Xiaowan wanted to take this opportunity to be with him.

As soon as Qin Xiaowan nodded, Qin's mother poked her head out of the kitchen and said with a smile, "Xiao Nan, you and Xiao Wan can go to school together."

"She doesn't have classes so early, and it's boring to go to school now." Su Nan knew Qin's mother's thoughts, and probably wanted the two of them to get closer to cultivate their relationship.

"It's okay, Xiaowan will go to school with you in the future, she is a girl and it's not safe to go alone on the road, you have to protect her more." Qin's mother was already prepared and said without changing her smile.

Now that it's all said and done, Su Nan has no choice but to agree.

Later he started to go out, Qin Xiaowan followed him with his schoolbag, Qin's mother sent them out, and stood at the door to watch them leave.

Su Nan is not used to it, it seems that he is really treated as a son-in-law, so he needs to clarify quickly.

Although Qin's mother was very enthusiastic about her, Su Nan always remained calm, unlike her son-in-law, it was Qin Xiaowan's blushing from time to time that made him act a little bit.

After going down to the first floor, Su Nan started to speak: "Don't blush at every turn, or your mother will misunderstand us."

Qin Xiaowan followed him step by step, a little dazed, and replied after a while, with a shy expression: "But I feel very embarrassed when I think that my mother misunderstood our relationship."

"You have to get used to this, or your mother will always misunderstand it."

Su Nan was speechless. How could such a simple matter not be explained clearly? He felt that he should immediately take Qin's mother and Qin Xiaowan to the nearest hospital to give Qin Xiaowan a virginity check.

"Well, I will." Qin Xiaowan nodded seriously, thinking that she could not cooperate with Su Nan, but if she did not cooperate, Su Nan would be suspicious, but fortunately, her mother would help her.

As soon as she walked out of the community, Zhao Xiaomin's voice came from behind her. Su Nan looked back and found that Zhao Xiaomin, Chu Xi, and senior sister were walking together.

Qin Xiaowan snorted unhappily in her heart, but did not take any action. Participating in the competition and being jealous at this time is very inconsistent with the way she showed in front of Su Nan before.

"What a coincidence." Su Nan twitched the corners of her mouth, and greeted with a bright smile. She didn't know what was going on, but they would walk together.

"That's right, we just happened to go out together." Zhao Xiaomin said happily, her eyes fell on Qin Xiaowan, with a trace of surprise on her face: "It's really rare, Ah Nan went to school with Xiaowan today."

"It's rare, you don't go to school with him every day." Qin Xiaowan said unhappily.

"Because we often meet at school, I have never seen you with him." Zhao Xiaomin explained.

Chu Xi added: "Junior high school seems to start classes later, and it's true that they usually don't go to school at the same time."

Zhan Weiling smiled and said, "What's so strange about this, maybe Xiao Wan feels bored by herself and wants to go to school with Xiao Nan."

The real reason is quite tricky, Su Nan didn't want to say more, so she interjected: "Let's talk while we're going, we're going to be late."

"It's still early." Zhao Xiaomin complained, but walked to Su Nan's side.

Zhan Weiling joked, "Don't expose Xiao Nan."

"Could it be that there is some ulterior secret?" Chu Xi's eyes flickered.

"You guys think too much." Su Nan was speechless.

Then a group of people walked together and walked towards the school. Four beautiful girls surrounded Su Nan, making him the target of everyone's attention. To be honest, he was quite uncomfortable, but also a little dark.

There was a car parked in the distance, on the way Anya stared at Su Nan who was surrounded by beautiful girls, anxious look flashed across her bright red face.

Just now when she was driving out, she suddenly had a seizure on the road. She quickly parked the car aside, and then took out her mobile phone to watch the last coquettish chat with Su Nan, but she never expected that she could not find Su Nan's WeChat!

If Su Nan deleted her, there should be Su Nan's name in her WeChat address book, but now it is gone, indicating that she deleted Su Nan.

But why would she delete Su Nan? Since she has already met him offline, for the sake of the future, she can only contact him more. Wouldn't deleting Su Nan's wechat hurt herself?

I didn't have time to think so much, Su Nan's WeChat was deleted, those chat records could not be found, and he didn't have his fat times on him, and it was too late to rush back, Lu Anya was so impatient.

At a critical moment, she found herself on the only way for Su Nan to go to school. She had investigated Su Nan before, so she knew it very well.

Realizing this, she quickly drove the car forward, planning to meet Su Nan on the road, and find another opportunity to contact him, but she didn't expect that after seeing Su Nan, he would be surrounded by four beautiful girls.

How can she get past these beautiful girls and get in touch with Su Nan, and relieve her uncomfortable feelings through him?

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

Frowning and thinking for a while, Lu Anya quickly thought about not wanting to go, because it was too uncomfortable, many times more uncomfortable than dysmenorrhea.

If this continues, Lu Anya is really afraid that she will experience the pain of giving birth in advance.

I don't know if it was too uncomfortable, but Lu Anya suddenly had a flash of inspiration and thought of a crooked idea.

At this time, she didn't have time to think about whether this idea would work, so she decided to do it first.

She gritted her teeth and started the car, turned into another road, and drove around quickly to wait for Su Nan and the others.

After parking the car, Lu Anya got out of the car, ran quickly, and ran towards the direction Su Nan came from.

When it was about the same time, she stopped, stomped her left foot vigorously, and then sat on the ground, covering her left foot in pain, as if sprained, because of the discomfort, she was sweating profusely, and bit her lip lightly Yep, it looks pretty similar.

When Su Nan and a few girls came over, they saw such a scene.

The girls were all stunned for a moment, because Lu Anya who was sitting on the ground was so beautiful, especially her familiar figure, which could be called a lowly work, combined with her exotic face, made people unable to move their eyes away. At that time, her face was covered with fine sweat, and she had a look of pain, which made people feel pity for her subconsciously.

Su Nan looked at the woman sitting on the ground unexpectedly. She didn't expect to meet her here, and she still looked like she had twisted her foot.

"Xiao Nan?" Zhan Weiling asked in surprise when she noticed Su Nan's abnormality. Chu Xi, Zhao Xiaomin, and Qin Xiaowan also looked over.

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