Su Nan nodded, "The aunt of our monitor."

Leaving the surprised girls behind, he walked over.

At this moment, Lu Anya lowered her head and rubbed her feet, with a troubled expression on her face, as if she didn't notice him coming.

Su Nan glanced at her feet. Since he was wearing shoes and trousers, he couldn't see the injury. Seeing that Lu Anya didn't seem to notice him, he had to ask, "What's wrong with you? Did you twist your foot?"

Lu Anya pretended not to see him on purpose. At this time, when he heard him speak, she raised her head, first showing a look of surprise, and then frowning: "It's you, as you can see, I sprained my foot, my car is on the road In front, can you help me over there?"

She wanted to ask Su Nan to carry her on her back, so that she could use her softness to squeeze Su Nan's back and feel ashamed, but she was worried that this performance was too anxious, so she changed it to support.

Before Su Nan could speak, Zhan Weiling stepped forward and volunteered, "I'll do it."

Su Nan has no objection, these girls are very close to him, supporting a beautiful woman in front of them, even if it is a good deed, they may feel unhappy, it is best to let the senior sister support her.

The corner of Lu Anya's mouth twitched slightly, and said politely: "Let boys do this kind of rough work, he is strong, and I am quite heavy."

Zhan Weiling glanced at the other party in surprise. Few women would describe themselves as heavy, but the other party is so beautiful, maybe this is a sign of self-confidence.

Zhan Weiling said: "Boys will inevitably have inconveniences, Xiao Min, let's help her together."

Before Lu Anya agreed, Zhan Weiling turned to Zhao Xiaomin and said.

Zhao Xiaomin nodded, took a step forward, and went to help Lu Anya with Zhan Weiling.

Lu Anya secretly scolded them for being troublesome, but it would be too obvious if she refused again. These girls seemed to have a crush on Su Nan, and they were probably Su Nan's girlfriend that Lu Ying mentioned.

If they show intentions towards Su Nan and arouse their vigilance, it may be more difficult to act in the future.

At this time, the unbearable pain had surpassed the dysmenorrhea, causing Lu Anya's body to twitch slightly. Suddenly, she had an idea and let them each support her up. When she stood up straight, she gasped and her body swayed to one side.

Zhao Xiaomin didn't react, and fell down after being hit by her like this. Fortunately, Su Nan was standing next to her and quickly hugged her to stabilize their bodies.

"It hurts, it hurts..." Lu Anya frowned and cried out in pain, she sat down on the ground and said with a frown, "I can't walk, my feet hurt too much."

Zhan Weiling and Zhao Xiaomin looked at each other, not knowing what to do. At this moment, Lu Anya's pretty face was pale, sweating profusely, and she looked very weak, so they didn't have any doubts.

Chu Xi, who had been on the sidelines for a long time, said at this moment: "I can't walk, the sprain is very serious, let Su Nan carry her, and go to the nearest hospital."

Zhan Weiling nodded: "That's the only way to go."

They are fine if they are just supporting, but it is undoubtedly a bit difficult for them to carry a grown woman.

"Ah Nan, it's up to you." Zhao Xiaomin patted Su Nan on the shoulder.

"Let mom add chicken legs to you tonight." Qin Xiaowan encouraged him.

Su Nan bent down halfway, and then the girls helped, and carefully helped Lu Anya lie on his back. Suddenly, the soft feeling came back.

Su Nan tried to ignore this feeling as much as possible, took a deep breath, carried Lu Anya on her back, and walked forward.

At the moment when her body touched Su Nan, Lu Anya almost cried out uncontrollably. It was so comfortable. With the accumulation of uncomfortable feelings, she suddenly felt relieved. It was much more comfortable than soaking in a hot spring.

Especially when my chest touched Su Nan's body, and there were girls who liked Su Nan watching, I felt a sense of scum who had done something wrong, and I was very ashamed.

"How did you twist your foot?" Su Nan asked on the road.

"I was going to work, and when I saw something I wanted to eat for breakfast, I got out of the car and walked a little far away. Hey, if I knew it, I wouldn't be greedy." Lu Anya said regretfully, she had thought of this excuse a long time ago.

Su Nan didn't doubt it either. This road is the way to school, and there are many stalls selling breakfast.

When she came near the car, Lu Anya unlocked it with the remote control key and asked Su Nan to put herself in the back seat.

After she got into the car and sat down, she thanked the four girls outside: "It's a good thing I have you, otherwise I don't know what to do, I'll disturb you from school, you don't mind me, go to school first, it's not good to be late .”

"What are you going to do? You can't drive with your feet." Zhan Weiling was a little worried for her.

"If you don't mind, let Su Nan stay with me. I've called someone to help me drive, and I'll be there soon."

Lu Anya said expectantly, this is not pretending, she is very eager for all these girls to leave, leaving Su Nan alone with herself.

Lu Anya's foot was injured so badly that everyone couldn't leave her alone and agreed to her proposal to let Su Nan stay and wait for others to go to school first.

Because of her classmate's status as an elder, no one had doubts about Lu Anya.

Watching the girls leave, Lu Anya was in a good mood. She leaned over and gently opened the car door, and smiled at Su Nan who was standing outside: "There is sunshine outside, hurry up and get in the car."

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

At the invitation of Lu Anya, Su Nan got into the car. Although the morning sun was not serious, he would not do anything like standing outside the car foolishly.

"Hiss, it hurts. Last time you massaged well, please rub it for me." Lu Anya gasped and said impatiently to him.

Su Nan was stunned for a moment, and said, "I'd better go to the hospital, I won't."

"I was very good last time, so what does it matter if you help me? By the way, I have active oil in my car. Go and get it out, hurry up."

Without giving Su Nan a chance to object, Lu Anya pointed to the co-pilot position, and urged her that the previous physical contact made her feel better, but she was still far away from returning to normal, and she needed to continue to have shameful things with Su Nan.

After hesitating for a while, Su Nan still agreed, Lu Anya's foot injury seems to be serious, it would be better to rub some active oil first, and then go to the hospital.

He wanted to get out of the car, but Lu Anya pulled him away: "It's in the co-pilot, just take it."

The active oil was in the co-pilot's glove box, and Su Nan crawled over to get it.

Lu Anya watched him with his butt raised from behind, subconsciously swallowed, and felt the urge to slap him, but that was too perverted and too obvious, she didn't dare to do it.

When Su Nan came back with the vital oil, Lu Anya quickly withdrew her presumptuous gaze and cursed herself as a pervert.

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