However, Zhao Xiaomin just blushed slightly, said coquettishly, then approached him with great interest, and said seductively: "I feel that I have become stronger recently, if you don't believe me, Ah Nan can come to me to try it at night."

Su Nan unceremoniously stretched out his hand and rubbed the upturned part of her back, making the girl blush, but he still looked calm: "Then remember to leave the door open for me."

"I usually don't close the door."

The girl said shyly, her footsteps were a little unsteady, trembling.That hand seemed to have magic power, which made her strength decrease little by little. She ran for several laps without taking a breath, but now she became slightly hurried.

The meaning of not closing the door is to imply that he is waiting for him every night.

Recently, because of Aunt Qin's visit, Su Nan didn't go out to look for them much at night, and didn't have many chances to meet them at school, so she was a little bit neglected by her girlfriend.

"Hey, there's someone up ahead."

The girl reminded nervously, but her voice was full of excitement.

Su Nan withdrew her hand, and the two jogged side by side, passing the oncoming person.

Looking around, Su Nan dismissed the idea of ​​continuing to flirt with the girl. Although there are few people on the playground, it is hard to guarantee that they will not be seen by others. It is better not to be so arrogant at school.

At this moment, Zhao Xiaomin stopped, and after Su Nan also stopped, she looked into his eyes, her eyes flickering, and said, "I don't want to run anymore, I want to change to a different way of exercising."

Su Nan is not a fool, she quickly understood the ambiguous meaning, a little moved, but a little hesitant, said: "Chu Xi..."

"Let's go home and wait for her to come back, okay?" The girl held Su Nan's hand expectantly and acted like a baby. Her voice was sweet, but the meaning in her words was extremely embarrassing.The girl obviously didn't do anything, but she already made Su Nan's heart flutter, and she agreed as soon as her cerebellum became hot.

Su Nan didn't refuse the girl's request for sex, and stopped running. He took her home by car, passing by his house, Su Nan didn't go in, but came to the house that Chuxi rented.

Zhao Xiaomin took out the key to open the door, took Su Nan's hand to go in, and closed the door while saying, "Chu Xi and I each pay half of the rent."

Wait, what's the point of saying this at this time, shouldn't it be a big fight in full swing.

"If I lived in her house for nothing and came here secretly with you, I feel very sorry for her." Zhao Xiaomin explained, and then asked with a smile, "How is it? Are you disappointed?"

"Yeah, I'm disappointed that you didn't jump into my arms right away." Su Nan held her face in both hands and rubbed it gently, feeling the soft and tender touch.

Zhao Xiaomin stared at him with bright eyes, and suddenly stepped forward and stood on tiptoe, closing his eyes and kissing him, "Let's hurry up, before Chuxi comes back."

Her muttering to herself was like thunder stirring the ground, and the next moment, the two embraced passionately.Their bodies are tightly attached to each other, and their hands are also hugging each other tightly, as if they want to merge with each other.

While kissing, they couldn't wait to take off each other's clothes, let each other's clothes leave each other's skin, float in the air, and then float on the ground and sofa.

Anticipating Su Nan's next move, Zhao Xiaomin pushed him lightly, her lips parted, and she breathed out, "Go to the room..."


When the two of them were doing bad things, Chu Xi in the kitchen rubbed his brows with a headache, and felt a little bad.

She came back after class, and those two idiots outside thought she was staying at school, so they couldn't wait to do bad things behind her back, they were so stupid.

Inexplicably, Chu Xi wanted to laugh a little.She didn't feel the uncomfortable feeling before, she was secretly surprised, and she didn't know if she was used to it.

From the day she proposed to cooperate with Zhao Xiaomin, she thought about many things about the future, but she never expected that it would be so harmonious and natural. Occasionally, the two of them could not get used to each other, but when faced with the fact that the other party was getting close to Su Nan, But more and more accepted.

The ambiguous voice gradually became embarrassing, and Zhao Xiaomin's voice was full of charm, melodious and melodious, cadenced, sometimes whispering softly, sometimes passionately, screaming excitedly.

Hear the movement that seems to never stop.Chu Xi's fair and tender face slowly turned red, her breathing became a little short, and her heart even started beating wildly unconsciously.

She quickly covered her ears with her hands, unwilling to listen.

But suddenly, she put down her hands in astonishment, because the movement outside was getting closer and closer, and she was moving towards the kitchen, and she could already see their figures through her eyes.

One is like a horse and the other is like a knight.

Brandishing his weapon heroically, he went straight to the kitchen.

Chu Xi was flustered, and hurriedly turned her back and pretended to be washing vegetables. She deliberately made a loud sound of water in order to overwhelm the other party, and at the same time hoped to wake him up, but the two were so fascinated that they didn't notice it at all, and plunged into the kitchen .

After Su Nan entered the kitchen, when he was in high spirits, he found Chu Xi, and immediately stopped all his movements, and looked at him awkwardly.

Lie Ma lowered her head and couldn't see anything. She found the owner stopped, and it took a while before she realized the abnormality. She inadvertently saw a pair of girls' feet in front of her.

Lie Ma raised his head in astonishment, and when he met those clear eyes, he was immediately ashamed.

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

Originally, I wanted to try it in the kitchen, but I didn't expect Chu Xi to be in the kitchen, so shameful.

The awkward atmosphere lasted for a while, and the two reacted hurriedly separated, but for a moment Zhao Xiaomin couldn't stand up, so Su Nan knelt down to help her.

Chu Xi didn't even look at them, and left the kitchen directly.

The two looked at each other speechlessly, and after a long time, Zhao Xiaomin asked worriedly, "She won't be angry, right?"

It's normal to be angry when you do this kind of thing without telling the truth, but what Su Nan said was: "It's okay, I'll ask her to forgive me later, saying that I took the initiative."

"Hey, let me go, you will only make things worse." Zhao Xiaomin hurriedly stopped him.

"Okay, let's not talk about this yet, let's go out and put on our clothes first, Chu Xi should go back to the room."

Su Nan turned and said that both of them were naked at this time, and they could be unscrupulous when they were the only ones, but now that they knew that Chu Xi was at home, they felt uncomfortable if they kept looking naked.

Zhao Xiaomin nodded, and was about to stand up when Chu Xi left and came back, holding the clothes that the two of them had just taken off.Chu Xi put the clothes aside, glanced at them, and said lightly, "Put on your clothes, don't catch a cold."

After speaking, he walked out again, leaving Su Nan and Zhao Xiaomin looking at each other.

Zhao Xiaomin asked puzzledly, "What does she mean by that?"

It broke that the two were doing bad things, not only didn't get angry, but even picked up the clothes on the ground and brought them over.Zhao Xiaomin didn't understand Chuxi's current state of mind.

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