"Maybe I think it's too immoral for us to go out like this, so I specially sent us clothes."

Su Nan speculated that, to be honest, he was also a little surprised. He thought Chu Xi would go back to his room and stay behind closed doors, but he didn't expect to take the initiative to send them clothes.

However, Zhao Xiaomin felt that things were more than that simple. If Chu Xi was very angry, the best thing to do was to leave them alone, or even sit in the living room with a bit of mischief, waiting for them to walk out naked.

Taking the initiative to send clothes means that Chu Xi is not very angry, maybe he is used to this three-person pattern.

The two put on their clothes and walked out one after the other. Outside, Chu Xi was sitting on the sofa, with his head down, playing with his mobile phone expressionlessly.

Zhao Xiaomin, who was walking in front, looked back at Su Nan, then lowered her head and walked in front of Chu Xi, like a primary school student who made a mistake and was afraid of being scolded by his parents.

Su Nan couldn't help laughing. It was rare to see Zhao Xiaomin give in in front of Chu Xi. It seemed that she still wanted to take the initiative and tell Chu Xi that she was seducing Su Nan.

The reason why she did this should be because she was worried that the relationship between the three would be unstable, so she would rather bow her head in front of Chu Xi.

Su Nan thought silently in her heart, and said first, "We haven't been together for a while, so I'm very excited. I didn't expect you to be at home."

Chu Xi put down the phone, was silent for a while, and nodded understandingly: "I understand sexuality, but you still have to be careful even at home."

Both Su Nan and Zhao Xiaomin were surprised, so easy to talk?

"Okay, let's stop this kind of thing, it's time to cook, Xiao Min, you can help too." Chu Xi didn't want to get entangled in this issue, stood up, and said to Zhao Xiaomin who was standing aside.

Zhao Xiaomin nodded quickly: "Okay."

"And you, do you want to stay for dinner?" Chu Xi turned to ask Su Nan.

Su Nan didn't feel worried about leaving now, and he had to deal with Aunt Qin when he went back, so he said, "Let me help too."

"Alright." Chu Xi nodded.

The three of them entered the kitchen together.

Although he didn't understand what was going on, it seemed that what happened just now had never happened. Chu Xi behaved normally, neither angry nor looking at them strangely.

Both Su Nan and Zhao Xiaomin felt relieved.

When Lu Ying came home, her aunt hadn't come back yet, so she called her.

"Hello, Xiaoying? I'm working overtime today and I'll be back later. You can order takeaway yourself."

"Okay, Auntie has worked hard and interrupted your work."

"By the way, I hired someone to do the cleaning. The person works part-time at night. Remember to open the door." Lu Anya reminded instead.

Hearing this, Lu Ying's eyes lit up, and she agreed wholeheartedly. My aunt is very lazy, and rarely does home hygiene, and usually hires part-time workers to help on a regular basis.

Originally, I was worried about how to get out after throwing away my aunt's things, but now I learned that my aunt hired a nanny, and an idea quietly surfaced in my mind.

After hanging up the phone, Lu Ying rushed into her aunt's room and took out the cardboard box from under the bed.

The surface of the box was sealed with tape, it would be very troublesome to untie it, but Lu Ying already knew what was inside, they were all things related to Su Nan, such as Su Nan's fat times.

Picking up the box, Lu Ying left the room, went out again, ran all the way downstairs, and threw the box into the trash can.

Then I returned home in one breath, found a tattered box, filled it with some garbage, and stuffed it under my aunt's bed.

Just after finishing all this, the doorbell rang, and Lu Ying went out to open the door. Outside the door was a middle-aged woman, who looked very honest and honest.

After the other party introduced herself, Lu Ying let her in, pointed to her aunt's room and told her, "Clean this room well, especially the bottom of the bed."

When the nanny entered the room to work, Lu Ying sat on the sofa and kept an eye on the nanny's work progress.

As she planned, the nanny soon found the cardboard box under the bed.The nanny dug out the box and saw that it was tattered, so she came out and asked Lu Ying if she wanted to throw it away.

Lu Ying acted nonchalantly: "Is it garbage? If it is, just throw it away."

The nanny looked down and replied, "The box is pretty broken, and the things inside are like garbage."

"Then throw it away." Lu Ying waved her hand and said.

Seeing the nanny carrying the box in her arms and going out, the corners of Lu Ying's mouth curled up. When my aunt came back and found that the box was gone, she could put the blame on the nanny.

If my aunt asked the nanny and said that Lu Ying agreed to throw it away, Lu Ying would pretend to be innocent, saying that she didn't know anything and it looked like garbage, so she asked the nanny to throw it away.


In the middle of the night, Lu Ying was about to doze off, and my aunt came back slowly, with a tired look on her face as soon as she entered the door.

Lu Ying asked concerned: "Is it busy today?"

"It's a bit, but it's finally over." Lu Anya threw herself into the soft sofa, sighed comfortably, and said.

"Did you eat? I saved the food." Lu Ying said.

"I ate outside. Hey, it's so late. I'm going to get up early tomorrow, so I'm going to take a shower and go to bed first."

Turning on the phone and seeing that it was almost twelve o'clock, Lu Anya got up quickly and went to take a shower. After taking a shower, she dried her hair and went back to her room to sleep.

Lu Ying waited outside for a while, but she didn't see her aunt come out to inquire. She must have not noticed that the box was missing.

At this time, she was also a little sleepy, her eyelids were heavy, she simply didn't wait, and went back to the room and lay down.

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

After having dinner at my girlfriend's place, Aunt Qin called to ask why she hadn't come home yet. Su Nan didn't want to go back so soon, so she used the excuse that she was playing outside with her classmates.

When he hung up the phone, he vaguely heard Aunt Qin's dissatisfied muttering.

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