"Here." Lu Anya pointed to the wall and said to Su Nan, "You came in from here just now."

She walked over and put her hand on the wall, and there was a ripple on the wall, and her hand was like dipping into the surface of calm water.

Su Nan also walked over and put her hands on the wall, but it didn't work.

He looked at the heroine and frowned.

"Uh, I didn't mean to pull you in."

Lu Anya took a step back in embarrassment, and opened a safe distance from Su Nan, as if she was afraid that he would get angry and hurt others, but if the distance is to be safe enough, it is obviously not enough to take a step back.

She lowered her head, her cheeks flushed slightly, and she secretly scolded herself for being shameless.

Su Nan's mind was in a mess at this time. When he entered the game, he had to think about going out, but he couldn't go out from the place he came in, which made him feel uneasy.

His eyes fell on the heroine whose painting style was different from his own, Su Nan's expression became a little weird, and his reason told him to find a way to get out immediately, but there was a voice in his head telling him to enjoy the heroine.

Two different thoughts made him wonder what to do for a while.

Being stared at by aggressive eyes, Lu Anya's body felt faintly hot. She subconsciously clamped her legs, turned her head, and said, "You said, I will only be in this state for twenty-four hours. Twenty-four novels You might be able to go out later.”

Lu Anya thought that Su Nan was blaming herself. After all, if she couldn't get out from here, the problem would be very serious. Su Nan came in with her body, and she might starve to death inside.

Su Nan stared at her with complicated eyes: "You reminded me."

"Yes, don't worry, nothing will happen." Lu Anya smiled, but Su Nan's next words made her smile freeze.

"Then what are we supposed to do in these twenty-four hours?"

Su Nan asked softly, and licked her lips after speaking, watching her eyes become hot.

"Uh..." Lu Anya stepped back, but her steps were slow, as if she was hesitating.

"You think about it too, this is just a game, and your body is not your real body now, no matter what you do, it won't affect you."

Su Nan rushed over to hug her, put her face close, kissed her earlobe, and said in a bewitching voice.

The heroine's body trembled and she fell limp in his arms, her complexion instantly flushed. The 3D appearance did not make her look weird, but instead had a strange beauty and cuteness.

Su Nan's sanity was collapsing, he didn't have the extra time to resist, because it was impossible, he picked up the girl in his arms, put her on a gambling table, and there was a voice in his heart saying: "Number It is still useful, three hundred points can make the heroine appear in reality, and the heroine at that time has already obeyed my orders, and I can ask her to go out and find a way to let me out, otherwise I will have to wait 24 hours."

outside world.

Qin Xiaowan collapsed on Su Nan's bed, tightly hugging the pillow he used every day, smelling the smell on it, imagining that it was him.

Qin's mother walked in, first glanced at her unconscious daughter, then her eyes fell on the computer screen, seeing the picture above, Su Nan was about to do something to a girl.

Qin's mother frowned, sighed again, walked to the bed and leaned down to her daughter, "Remember to stop your brother Nan."

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

In Qin's mother's eyes, Qin Xiaowan's breathing gradually became steady, and her frowning brows relaxed, as if she was sleeping comfortably.

She took her hand away from her daughter's forehead, breathed a sigh of relief, her eyes fell on the computer screen, her brows were frowned again, and she murmured to herself: "Has it reached this point, the physical body has entered the game."

Seeing the rapid establishment of the daughter's role in the game screen, Mother Qin's expression was a little tangled, but she still picked up Qin Xiaowan's body and left the room.

Su Nan was not in a hurry to hit the home run against the heroine, even though the heroine's intention to resist was weak.I feel that since I entered the game world, I may have been shocked by this unreasonable incident and my attention was distracted, so I didn't directly enter the lower body thinking mode like before.

He stared at the heroine under him, and the heroine also looked at her with wide eyes, timidly, but also looking forward, which was extremely charming.

Su Nan smiled at her, and then used his own hand. He put his hand on the heroine's heart, feeling her softness directly.

The heroine was taken aback, and held down Su Nan's hand, but she was powerless, and Su Nan noticed that her eyes became excited.

The heroine's non-resistance is probably due to the [-] points of silver chaos, and Su Nan herself is also attractive to the heroine.

After thinking about it, Su Nan also used the other hand, but it was in another place, and it was easier to increase the value by using this place.

The heroine's face was full of disbelief, then she became shy, and finally her pupils gradually became dilated.

While doing this, Su Nan tried to discover her own function as a player. The silver chaos can be seen, as well as the status bar of the heroine.Just like the progress bar in the H game and when the heroine enters H, you can see what state the heroine is in and when she will fly to the clouds.

And as a player, Su Nan can summon many concepts in his mind in the game, such as leather whips, candles, and handcuffs.

But he can't choose other games. It seems that after entering here, he can only stay in this scene for [-] hours.

Su Nan let go of his gentleman's soul, and used the training methods he learned from various channels to apply to the heroine one by one. He didn't get the heroine, but he hoped to increase the silver value of the heroine to 300.

It's a pity that this idea can't be maintained when the value reaches two hundred.

The heroine with a value of [-] points started to take the initiative. No matter how Su Nan treated her with his hands, she retaliated back like this, making Su Nan half-beat her actions, frowning, painful and happy.

At the same time, Su Nan also felt that he had reached his limit. The shock caused by entering the game gradually cooled down, and after a long contact with the heroine, Su Nan's rational side completely collapsed, and he directly removed the heroine from the game. The table was pulled down, and when she heard her exclamation, he gagged her.Pull her up on her knees and make her lie on the gaming table.

Previously, the heroine lost the game and was punished and danced a pole dance. At this time, her clothes are still very sexy, even translucent. Although Fatty is wearing them, she can't see them at all.

But Su Nan still found it, but just as he was taking the next step, a soft body behind him stuck up, hugging him tightly to prevent him from moving, her delicate face was pressed against his naked back, obsessed Rubbing, whispering: "Brother Nan..."

Su Nan's body trembled, this address... the other party is...

"It's me." The girl took a deep breath, she was much more awake, and said calmly, "Last time I came out of my body and came to your room."

"It turned out to be you." Su Nan breathed a sigh of relief. An astonishing thought flashed through his mind, but his rationality prevented him from pursuing it. He asked strangely, "Why did you appear here?"

The emergence of this game is related to the unknown heroine, but a similar thing happened once, when the avatar of the senior sister and the avatar of Zhao Xiaomin met in the game on his mobile phone.

"I don't know." Qin Xiaowan shook her head, "I found myself here after I woke up. I am very happy to see you again, Brother Nan."

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