"Me too." Su Nan said, but...

He looked down at the heroine swaying unconsciously, as if she was seducing his OO. He put his hand on it, and she was already ready to go into battle and kill the enemy at any time, but suddenly there was an interrupter, which made him unable to continue. It was a bit uncomfortable. .

He was not in normal times, and it was too difficult to hold back at this time. Even though his body was hugged by the girl behind him, he still subconsciously raised his back.

One hand went around to block his progress, the girl behind her was silent for a while, and said: "It's okay to replace her, after all, you don't know her, and we have already combined our spiritual desires, so don't hurt her."

She let go, took Su Nan's hand and led him back to another gaming table.

The girl lay on top of it, holding hands, turned her head and looked at Su Nan behind her tenderly, and said shyly, "Come on, let me dedicate myself to you again."

Facing the girl's firm eyes, Su Nan was a little touched, but felt that the other's eyes were a little familiar.Seeing him standing still, the girl stretched out a hand and took his hand! , came behind him.

Su Nan took a deep breath, forgot everything, and indulged in this moment.

After Mother Qin sent her daughter's body back to her room, she returned to Su Nan's room again, only to see that the game on the screen had entered the [-]th forbidden plot, and the heroine was different from the previous one, probably her daughter's incarnation.

Although Qin's mother was a little surprised, she was still calm. She just stepped forward to operate the computer for a while, and then quit when she found that she couldn't affect the game.

While walking, her legs were weakening. The moment the door was closed, Qin's mother looked at the computer screen again. She glanced at Su Nan and her daughter, and then her eyes fell on the heroine of this incident, her brows deeply frowned. .

who is it?

Waking up from the brief trance before, Lu Anya heard the voice behind her, looked back, her eyes widened in surprise, the strange girl, Su Nan, and what the two of them were doing.

She couldn't bear to look directly at the restricted-rated picture, and while she was shy, she felt uncomfortable for a while. Although her own safety was guaranteed, what was the reason for this inexplicable discomfort, as if something that originally belonged to her had been taken away by someone.

At this time, she was trained to a level of more than [-] points of silver chaos. Although she still couldn't reach the point of reversing, seeing Su Nan and other girls like this, her heart was stimulated and she walked over.

Originally, she wanted to stop it, but for some reason, she joined the battle.

In the quiet room, Shu Bao'er was sitting in front of the computer, staring at the live broadcast with wide-eyed eyes, with a strange and excited expression, but the subsequent development made her frown in displeasure.

"Something bad happened."

Frowning for a while, she let go, and said to herself, "It's time to let Su Nan know who is indifferent."

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

Although there is one more target, Su Nan just continues to increase the heroine's value until she can appear in reality.

Patting her body, Su Nan said: "Go outside and see if there is a way to let me out."

"Oh, okay." Lu Anya obediently got up and put on her clothes, got off the gaming table, and limped towards the wall.

The pain made her frown, her head cleared up a bit, and she cursed herself for being mentally ill, for being raped and still listening to the other party.

Turning her head to look at Su Nan with resentment, her gaze passed over the strange girl lying in Su Nan's arms, Lu Anya's heart flashed with dissatisfaction, and she burrowed into the wall.

Qin Xiaowan stared in surprise, as if she didn't expect Lu Anya to go out, she looked at Su Nan puzzled.

"When a certain condition is met, the heroine goes out from here." Su Nan checked the girl's stats while talking, and found that there were seventy or eighty.

"What's your name?" Su Nan tried to ask.

"My name is..." Qin Xiaowan hesitated to speak, and finally said: "Xiaohe, you can call me Xiaohe."

Su Nan could see that the girl was not telling the truth to him, but what made him a little confused was whether the girl couldn't tell or couldn't tell.

When he was frowning and thinking, Xiaohe clung to him, leaving him no time to think.

After Lu Anya appeared in reality, she didn't dare to leave the room. Su Nan said that there are still people in his house.

Sitting in front of the computer and preparing to check the computer, she saw the girl inside was seducing Su Nan, she gritted her teeth secretly, although she didn't know what was going on, but she was instinctively hostile to this girl of unknown origin.

After checking, she didn't find a way to let Su Nan out, so Lu Anya went back to the computer without even thinking about it. Soon, the picture on the computer screen turned into a battle between a dragon and two phoenixes.

Qin's mother took the time to come in and take a look. She couldn't bear to look at the scene directly. She was a little worried about whether her daughter's body could bear it, but then remembered that it was just an incarnation.

After watching for about ten minutes, Qin's mother couldn't take it anymore, so she left quickly.

Entering the game, it seems that even all aspects of Su Nan's body have been digitized, and his combat effectiveness is extremely strong.In the end, he didn't know how long he lasted. When he woke up, he looked at the data of the two girls, and he was shocked. One value was more than 500, and the other was more than 300. It can be seen to what extent they suffered.

Su Nan recalled a few small movies he had watched, which were a bit similar to the scene in front of him. Fortunately, this was just a game. Even if it was too much, they would recover quickly.

By the way, how long has passed.

Su Nan was about to check the time, but found that the bodies of the two heroines around him faded and disappeared after a while.

He froze for a moment, and found that he was much more awake, probably because this incident had passed, it was a pity that he couldn't calm down and chat with them in the end, and asked them about their identities.

In the next second, Su Nan felt his body lighten up, opened his eyes again, and was already sitting in front of the computer.

came back.

He was stunned for a moment, his eyes fell on the open game on the computer, there was only the background and no characters in it.

He moved the mouse, and all the games could be opened, but there was no opponent.

Su Nan quit the game, the computer desktop still has the game icon, but it is completely useless like the previous mobile game.

After pondering for a while, Su Nan noticed the time in the lower right corner of the screen, which was [-]:[-] on Saturday. Surprisingly, it was only one night, not [-] hours as imagined, because the heroine could not move Yet?

Recalling the night he experienced in the game, Su Nan's expression was weird, as if he had a erotic dream.

To his surprise, after returning to reality after such a high-intensity night, his body didn't feel empty at all, as if nothing had happened, but those memories were real.

It can only show that this is the influence of the game on oneself.

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