Su Nan got up and left the computer, walked out of the room, Aunt Qin was making breakfast outside, and the delicious smell kept wafting from the kitchen.

It was almost ten o'clock at this time, and Aunt Qin only started making breakfast, which was a bit strange.

Qin's mother poked her head out of the kitchen and saw Su Nan, she was stunned for a moment, and then smiled: "Everyone got up late today, Xiao Nan, come over and watch the fire, I'll go and wake Xiao Wan up."

"Oh, okay." Su Nan walked over.

Handing over the work in hand to Su Nan, Qin's mother came to Qin Xiaowan's room and found that her daughter had already woken up, lying on the bed hugging a pillow, her face was flushed and she didn't know what she was thinking.

"Girl, have you returned to your soul?" Qin's mother knew that her daughter was thinking about what she did with Su Nan last night, and she was a little worried that it would irritate her daughter, so she deliberately joked in a joking tone.

"Mom..." Qin Xiaowan hesitated for a while, and said sadly, "I didn't stop them last night."

"That's something that can't be helped. You were all too involved at the time." Mother Qin comforted.

"Mom, you saw it." Qin Xiaowan pulled the quilt to cover herself, leaving only a pair of big eyes to look at her mother, looking very shy.

After seeing her mother nodding, Qin Xiaowan was so ashamed that she got into the bed and refused to come out. It was too embarrassing for her mother to see her doing that kind of thing. How could she raise her head in front of her mother in the future.

"What are you thinking, silly girl?" Mother Qin said coquettishly, "There's nothing to be shy about being an animated character, get up quickly, your brother Nan is already up."

There was no movement in the bed, and it took a while for a timid voice to come from inside: "He... didn't find anything."

Qin's mother smiled and said, "Mom doesn't know. If you want to know, go out and see."

After speaking, Mother Qin left the room.

After staying in bed for a while, Qin Xiaowan still got out of bed, this was not the first time, if her mother wasn't there, she wouldn't be so shy at all.

Walking out of the room, Su Nan was nowhere to be seen in the living room.

Qin Xiaowan thought he was in the room, and had an urge to find him, but held back, and went to the bathroom. After a miserable night, although it was only consciously, she always felt that every part of her body was covered by Su Nan. Things are full, and so is the mouth.

She desperately needed to wash her face, brush her teeth and even take a shower.

Walking into the bathroom, Su Nan was brushing her teeth and didn't notice her coming.

Qin Xiaowan originally wanted to leave quietly, but looking at his back, she became short of breath for some reason, walked in quietly and closed the door, came behind Su Nan, swallowed, and then leaned against him and hugged him.

Su Nan saw Qin Xiaowan coming in through the mirror, and didn't care, but what Qin Xiaowan did next surprised him.

"Brother Nan..." The girl rubbed her delicate face against his back, kissed through the clothes, wrapped her arms around his waist, crossed his abdomen, and then held something down.

Su Nan froze.

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

After a while, Qin Xiaowan realized what she had done, but she couldn't stop at all!

She felt completely broken today, probably because of her experience in the game last night.

In short, she just really wants to get close to Su Nan, wants to be intimate with Su Nan, and even do more intimate things, love does not matter.

The girl was so gentle, she took a deep breath of the scent of her beloved, and whispered, "Brother Nan, I like you so much, can you be my boyfriend?"

Su Nan's body was stiff, he couldn't believe his ears, Qin Xiaowan would say such words to himself.

It was so sudden, even though she knew that she had thoughts about herself, she had been fine before, and couldn't figure out what happened to her this morning.

Being constantly stimulated, Su Nan finally reacted, grabbed the girl's hand and took it away, then turned around and looked at the girl seriously.

The arm hurt a little from being grabbed, Qin Xiaowan frowned and woke up at the same time.

Facing Su Nan's puzzled and serious gaze, she was suddenly at a loss, lowered her head in embarrassment, blushed, and said timidly, "I... didn't wake up, I'm sorry."

Su Nan opened her mouth, but didn't know what to say, sighed, let go of Qin Xiaowan's hand, and walked out of the bathroom.He didn't dare to stay, feeling that something was wrong with Qin Xiaowan today, and if Aunt Qin saw it, she would not be able to wash it off even if she jumped into the Yellow River.

Qin Xiaowan stared blankly at herself in the mirror, and only then realized how shameful she had done. She immediately covered her hot face with her hands, and secretly scolded herself as a snail in her heart.

"Qin Xiaowan, you idiot, what the hell were you doing just now, to treat him like this, you are really shameless."


I really want, I really want to get close to him, smell his body, listen to his heartbeat, kiss his skin, always, always... be with him.

Qin Xiaowan looked at herself in the mirror whose eyes gradually became excited, and felt that she was really sick.

while eating breakfast...

"Xiao Nan, why are you sitting there?"

Qin's mother looked at Su Nan in puzzlement. The three of them ate together. Usually, two of them sat together, and one person sat across from them. Rarely, everyone sat in the same direction.

Moreover, Su Nan was still sitting in the farthest position from them, as if deliberately staying away from them.

Qin Xiaowan glanced at Su Nan, lowered her head and ate in silence.

Su Nan pretended to be relaxed and replied: "Sit whatever you want, it doesn't matter if you sit like this."

"Sitting too far away seems too old, come sit beside me."

Qin's mother noticed her daughter's abnormality, and felt that Su Nan's behavior should be related to her daughter, but she still asked Su Nan to sit beside her, which was opposite to her daughter.

There is no way, it would be too obvious to refuse any further, Su Nan got up and changed to the seat next to Qin's mother, the reason why she didn't want to sit close to Qin Xiaowan was mainly because she was afraid that what happened just now would happen again, so it was more conservative to sit far away.

Sure enough, after he sat down and had breakfast for a while, a delicate little foot stretched out from under the table and rubbed against his calf.Because he was at home, he still hadn't gotten up, his delicate feet were naked without socks, and his jade toes would pinch the flesh on his calf through his trousers from time to time.

Su Nan took a deep breath, finished the porridge in one go, put down the bowl, and said, "Today is Saturday, Auntie, I'll go out later, and I won't be back until evening."

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