"Are the three of you dating?" Zhan Weiling laughed with interest, "It seems like fun, so let's settle it like this."

Chu Xi frowned secretly, what's so funny about this.

The senior sister was not as upset as expected, which made Chu Xi faintly feel that things were out of his control.

After deciding on a date together, and the senior sister and Chu Xi didn't have much opinion, Su Nan was relieved. If one of them disagreed, he could only slip away alone as an excuse.

Inviting two girls to date together is also a helpless move. After all, leaving one of them will make him feel guilty and distressed, and the one left behind will be sad. In this case, it is better to be together.Anyway, he didn't know that this trip was considered a date, so he treated it as the three of them going out for a stroll and having a meal together.

After making the decision, Chu Xi went back and changed his clothes, and then went out with him after dressing up briefly.

After leaving the community, Su Nan didn't know where to go, and asked the girl next to her, "Where do you want to go?"

"Didn't you plan it?" Zhan Weiling said with a smile, with a trace of suspicion in her eyes.

"The three of us went to play together, and the places I originally planned were not convenient to go."

What Chu Xi said seemed to be true, so Su Nan had no choice but to follow along and said, "Yes, when the three of you are together, naturally you have to consider how you feel, senior. Where does senior want to go?"

"Xiao Nan has made a decision, I will listen to Xiao Nan." Zhan Weiling said with a sweet smile.

Her smile made Su Nan suddenly feel sorry. The senior had planned to go on a trip with him, but in the end he could only take her on a date with Chu Xi.

After a moment of silence, Su Nan went to ask Chu Xi where he wanted to go.He really can't decide. Although he has several girlfriends, when he thinks of dating, he only thinks of going shopping, eating and watching movies together. It's just that it seems a bit weird for the three of them to still be in this mode.

"You make a decision." Chu Xi said indifferently.

Her purpose is to follow Su Nan. In addition to using Su Nan when she has an attack, she also hopes to be the light bulb between her senior and Su Nan. Dating is not her purpose. After all, the date of the three of them is too boring.

Su Nan is also aware of this, since everyone doesn't regard it as a date anymore, let's try to pick some activities that everyone enjoys.

"Let's watch a movie. It's past ten o'clock. After watching the movie, it's lunch time. After lunch, we'll go to other places to play."

Su Nan made a decision. Movies are cheap social activities that can pass the time. If you are lucky enough to choose a good movie, everyone will be happy watching it.

Zhan Weiling and Chu Xi didn't mind where they went, and naturally they didn't object to going to the cinema.

Soon the three of them took a car to a nearby movie theater and chose a popular movie that was released recently. Because the time was just right, they picked up the tickets and entered the theater directly.

In the movie theater, Su Nan sat in the middle, senior sister on the left, and Chu Xi on the right. He watched carefully for a while, and suddenly found that the palm of his left hand was covered by a gentle little hand, which was rubbing gently, full of provocation.

Su Nan looked from the corner of her eye, and what she saw was the smiling eyes of the senior sister in the dark, Su Nan looked to the other side, Chu Xi was watching a movie seriously, and didn't pay attention to this side.

Su Nan was sweating secretly. She didn't expect her senior to tease her suddenly. If she refused, she felt that it would hurt her heart, so she pretended not to know.

Suddenly, a small hand stuck to his lower abdomen, playing tricks on him.

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

Su Nan was taken aback. She didn't expect her senior to come like this. Was it because Chu Xi was by her side that she was so excited?

Weird NTR fetish?

Before he could react, that hand had already started to mess around.Just when Su Nan was surprised and wanted to stop it, the next second, that hand suddenly retracted.

Su Nan turned to look at her senior, who also turned to look at him and smiled at him.

"Don't make trouble." Su Nan said with her lips, but the light was not enough, and the senior sister didn't seem to see it. Her little hand reached out again and touched his hand gently.

Su Nan had no choice but to withdraw her hand and put it on her knee.

Chu Xi was beside him, so he had to be more or less careful.

Not long after, a hand landed behind his back, still making zero-distance contact with his skin.

Su Nan's body froze, why did she have to do such a thing, the senior sister never did this when the two were together, so maybe it was really aimed at Chu Xi.

Ever since she was with her senior, Su Nan has ignored the fact that her senior is a pervert. Back then, she secretly heard about his fatness.

Soon the hand retracted again, as if restrained?

However, Su Nan was already thinking about whether to leave the movie theater or not. Being teased by her senior sister, she had to worry about being discovered by Chu Xi, but she couldn't do anything, which was a bit uncomfortable.

Just when Su Nan was hesitating whether to leave, Zhao Junmin, who stayed at home and hid in the room, looked down at the whirlpool on her palm, slightly absent-minded.

Did she touch something strange just now?It felt weird, but also deja vu.Suddenly, a bad thought rose from the bottom of her heart.

Last weekend, because she couldn't be ashamed, she was involved in a mysterious incident. At first, some parts of her body were played by her sister's boyfriend Su Nan through something like a space channel.

Later during the day, I don't know why Su Nan can touch her body anytime and anywhere. Su Nan's hand seems to come to her through space.

She didn't understand what was going on at the time, but now that she saw her hand, and thought of what she touched when she reached in out of curiosity just now, she immediately understood why, it turned out to be such a thing.

Zhao Junmin stared at her hand in a daze. This vortex was actually not the first time it appeared, but appeared several times, but either it appeared for too short a time, or she didn't make up her mind to explore it.

This weekend, I was bored at home by chance, and saw the vortex reappeared, and it did not disappear for a long time. She finally mustered up the courage to explore this mysterious vortex.

At first, she used her hair. After she stretched her long hair in to make sure it was safe, she tentatively stretched out her hand. Unexpectedly, she touched something like a human body part, which was still male.

It is not difficult for her to imagine that the person connected to the vortex in her palm is Su Nan. She is a little hesitant. Facing this person, her sister's boyfriend, she should stay away, but for some reason, her mood quietly becomes excited.

She wants revenge!

Once this idea appeared, it lingered in her mind like a nightmare, and she couldn't get rid of it. She tried desperately to ignore it, but she couldn't control her excited heart.

Jumping out of the bed, she rushed to lock the door. The girl returned to the bed very nervously, looked down at her palm, swallowed her saliva, and stretched her right hand in.

While Su Nan was watching the movie, that hand stretched out again, touched his stomach, and still touched him at zero distance, which made him feel very speechless, and he didn't dare to remind the senior sister aloud, and he didn't even dare to move too much, for fear of attracting attention .

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