I can only look at the big screen without squinting, as if nothing happened.

Su Nan felt a little strange. When did the senior sister put her hand into her clothes?Didn't pay attention at all.

This little hand has been playing tricks for a while, and Su Nan was about to reach out and pat it to remind it to retreat, when his hand on the armrest of the left seat was covered by another hand, which was gentle and provocative caressed him.

Su Nan was startled, this is just the senior sister's hand, but who is that hand on the stomach?

The senior sister sat upright, it was impossible to stretch out both hands at the same time, that would be too eye-catching, and it was even more impossible for Chu Xi, who had been staring at the big screen seriously.

Su Nan lowered her head slightly, and under the faint fluorescent light, she saw her senior sister's hand covering her hand, and the hand on her stomach was moving all the time, but no one around her reached out.

Su Nan's body froze, what the hell?

The other party is very skilled and at the same time very unfamiliar. Proficiency means that the other party is teasing him accurately, and unfamiliarity means that the other party's movements are so nervous that they tremble, and they are a little too strong.

Being stimulated like this, Su Nan couldn't help taking a deep breath, but her heart was more filled with surprise and uncertainty, ghosts?

But as a ghost, why would you do this to yourself?A womanizer?

Su Nan quietly put her right hand on her stomach to check, and felt a slender girl's arm through the clothes, which seemed to grow out of him, and stretched all the way into his pants.

Being held down by him, his arm was stiff, but soon regained his strength and scratched him, as if provocative.

Su Nan held her breath and could feel her body. Is it really a ghost?

And he felt that the arm in the clothes was a little familiar, as if he had seen it there.

Grabbing and feeling it carefully, Su Nan had a flash of inspiration, matching up with the memory of last weekend.

At that time, a thing similar to a space channel appeared on his bed, and two arms protruded from it. He enjoyed it for a while, and it was exactly the same as the arm that was doing trouble at the moment.

Su Nan was stunned, a little understanding of what was going on, what happened last weekend happened again, but he and the unknown girl switched positions, this time the other party was the active party.

Girl card, Su Nan is embarrassing, with a subtle expression.

Inevitably, he had the feeling that the girl had no intention of keeping her hand, as if she wanted to fulfill his purpose.

Su Nan gasped, no, no, it's too much, it won't work if it goes on like this.

"I'm going to the toilet!"

After leaving a word, Su Nan hurriedly left his seat, bowed his body and slipped out. Fortunately, everyone was watching a movie and didn't think his movements were weird. Instead, they thought he had quality and didn't disturb others watching movies.

Zhan Weiling was a little stunned. She felt that the reason why Su Nan went out was related to her, but it was just touching her hands. As for such a big reaction?

Chu Xi turned his face to look at her, frowning slightly, as if a little dissatisfied and annoyed.

Zhan Weiling knew that her small actions had not escaped Chu Xi's eyes at all, and her expression was embarrassing.

Running out of the cinema, there was no one outside, Su Nan straightened up and rushed into the bathroom.

Just hid in a cubicle, the other party became more messy, and then he...

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

After lifting the clothes, you can see a halo of light appearing on the chest, a white and tender arm protruding from it, stretching all the way down, the place where he was being held was too much for the other party, and one hand quickly helped him move it, probably reaching the single twenty years of hand speed.

"Damn, stop!"

Su Nan's face turned green. The most important thing is that from the movie theater to now, he has been thinking about it for so long. The other party is still unyielding. Does he really want to be here?

He is not in the lower body thinking mode, so he is naturally unwilling to be so ambiguous. If he has this energy, he might as well go to his senior sister or Zhao Xiaomin to solve it.

Su Nan grabbed the girl's arm violently, but the girl suddenly tightened her five fingers into fists so that he wouldn't dare to act recklessly. The other party threatened him clearly, as if she was determined to embarrass him.

With an idea, he wanted to reach into the aperture to scratch the girl's armpits, but found that it was impossible, as the aperture seemed to forbid him to enter.

Under such entanglement, Su Nan felt stronger and stronger, and then his face turned dark, completely powerless.

Seeing that arm retracted dejectedly, Su Nan frowned when she finally saw that her palm was covered with something. Could it be that she did too much last time, and the girl deliberately took revenge on him?

There is probably only one possibility, that is, I don't know if the girl is mostly angry, or just intends to tease him.

After waiting for a while, the arms were stretched out again, and the halo on the chest began to move, flowing over the shoulders like mercury, and reaching the back.

Su Nan reached out and touched the back, but found nothing. After waiting for a while, he did not see an arm "growing" from behind, so he left the men's room.

When he went out, senior sister and Chu Xi were already waiting for him outside, and the movie seemed to be over.

Chu Xi glanced at Su Nan's crotch, with a strange look in his eyes, and said, "Let's go."

Su Nan smiled wryly in her heart. When she came out just now, because she had to pass in front of Chu Xi, and his crotch was held up high by that hand, it was impossible for Chu Xi not to see him. Probably in Chu Xi's eyes, he was a pervert.

The three of them left the movie theater, Zhan Weiling secretly pulled Su Nan, and whispered a distance behind him: "It seems that Chu Xi knew about our matter just now, she is angry with me."

The senior sister was referring to the fact that he was touched by her, which was completely different from what Chu Xi saw. Su Nan felt a little sorry for letting the senior sister take the blame.

But the "growth" of arms is too inexplicable, and Su Nan is not going to tell others, but just comforts the senior sister.

It was noon, and the three of them were going to eat. They found a good restaurant on the street, and when they were about to go in, they heard someone calling Su Nan from behind.

"Brother-in-law! What a coincidence, you're out shopping too!"

It was Zhao Ruomin's voice, I haven't seen her for a long time.

The three of them turned around together and saw Zhao Ruomin coming on a bicycle, which was a little fast.

Just ten meters away from Su Nan and the others, Zhao Ruomin slammed on the brakes, and the tires brushed against the ground. Zhao Ruomin, who was sitting on the bicycle, also moved forward due to inertia. , quite spectacular.

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