Zhao Ruomin didn't have time to pay attention to them at all, and she was mistaken for her brother-in-law's hand which tickled her again at this moment, and she wanted to laugh. She wanted to press her brother-in-law's hand, but she was worried about attracting attention, so she had to hold back.

Bowing his head to eat, Zhao Ruomin secretly grabbed that hand with his left hand and scratched it, reminding his brother-in-law that he couldn't take it anymore.Soon the hand retracted, but changed the place.

Zhao Ruomin bit her lip with a blushing face, and when the two girls on the opposite side were not paying attention, she quickly leaned into Su Nan's ear and whispered, "Brother-in-law, don't touch it."

After speaking, he continued to bow his head to eat.

Su Nan was stunned for a moment, and then an unbelievable thought popped up, the hand behind her hadn't moved for so long, could she be touching Zhao Ruomin all the time, but Zhao Ruomin thought it was him touching her.

Su Nan was sweating madly, and didn't care about being discovered, so she quickly grabbed that hand with her left hand, pulled it back, and stuffed it behind her back.

Seemingly worried about getting hurt, the girl withdrew her hand all of a sudden.

Zhao Junmin closed her eyes, oh my god, what did she do to bully a girl and frame Su Nan like this.

It's just that when she thought of Su Nan being hated by that girl, Zhao Junmin felt a perverted joy in her heart. The only thing that made her feel uneasy was that she had been bullying that girl for a long time before the girl responded, which was a bit weird.

But it is also possible that the girl was worried that others would find out, so she humiliatedly endured Su Nan's teasing until she couldn't bear it anymore.

In the restaurant, Su Nan's face darkened faintly. He noticed that Zhao Ruomin was secretly looking at him with a smile in his eyes, and his face became even darker. It was strange, why Zhao Ruomin was not angry.

That might make him a little afraid to think about it.

That hand actually secretly molested Zhao Ruomin, causing such a big misunderstanding, Su Nan felt that this was not the way to go, and he had to discuss it with the owner of the arm.

"I'm going to the toilet."

Su Nan told everyone and left the seat.

"I am coming too!"

After walking a few steps, Su Nan heard Zhao Ruomin say behind him, and when he looked back, Zhao Ruomin left his seat and chased after him.

It shouldn't be to trouble yourself.

Su Nan felt a little guilty, and instinctively sped up a few steps. After avoiding the sight of Chu Xi and his senior sister, he was still caught up by Zhao Ruomin, but the development of the matter was a bit different from what he had imagined.

Zhao Ruomin hugged his arm tightly, she smiled and said, "Brother-in-law, don't be angry, okay, I'll touch it for you."

Su Nan's head is stuck, I treat you like my sister-in-law, but you actually want to fuck me?

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

Although Zhao Ruomin's reaction was confusing, the most important thing at this moment was how to clarify what happened just now, instead of entangled with what Zhao Ruomin thought.

Su Nan forced herself not to think about it.

Because he didn't know where the girl touched Zhao Ruomin, Su Nan didn't even know how to explain it to the extent that the girl touched Zhao Ruomin. He couldn't tell Zhao Ruomin that he didn't do it by himself, but another person. That might scare Zhao Ruomin stupid.

"I'm not angry." Su Nan pulled his arm out of Zhao Ruomin's arms calmly, and said seriously: "What happened just now was actually a misunderstanding. I'm in a hurry. I'll go to the bathroom first, and I'll explain to you later."

Su Nan quickened his pace and slipped into the men's bathroom after finishing speaking. He frowned while solving the problem, thinking about how to explain it so that Zhao Ruomin could believe it.

What made him flustered the most was that Zhao Ruomin didn't seem to hate being touched by him at all, but was worried that he wouldn't enjoy touching him.

After washing his face to calm himself down, Su Nan went out from the toilet. He made up his mind that if Zhao Ruomin didn't mention this matter, he would pretend it never happened. Never do it again.

In short, no matter what, you can't maintain an ambiguous relationship with Zhao Ruomin, that would be too sorry for Zhao Xiaomin.

As soon as she walked out of the men's room while thinking about it, Su Nan saw Zhao Ruomin who was waiting outside. She was standing tall and tall, with protruding lordosis. An illusion that suddenly appeared in Su Nan's heart.

"Brother-in-law..." Zhao Ruomin walked in front of Su Nan with a sad face, just when Su Nan was wary of her suddenly hugging her, Zhao Ruomin whispered to him wronged: "I feel so uncomfortable when I'm fat, what should I do?"

"You, you... what did you say all of a sudden?" Su Nan stuttered a bit, she should solve this kind of thing by herself.

Zhao Ruomin stared at him until Su Nan was so guilty that she didn't dare to look at her, then she complained in a tone of voice: "Brother-in-law touched me just now, which made me dirty and fat, brother-in-law, you have to take responsibility. "

Su Nan sweated, and immediately carried out her plan, and sincerely apologized: "I'm sorry, I was so obsessed with ghosts just now, I didn't know what I was doing at all, and I will never do it again in the future. If you want to beat me and scold me, I will do whatever you want."

Zhao Ruomin looked dissatisfied: "Brother-in-law, what are you talking about? I mean, what should I do if I get wet again? Don't talk nonsense, okay? Why are you apologizing to me? It's hard to understand, brother-in-law, you didn't do anything wrong."

No, in your opinion I should have done a lot of things wrong.

With her frowning look, Su Nan couldn't help wondering if she had made a mistake.

Zhao Ruomin's reaction made Su Nan speechless. He felt that this matter was far worse than he imagined. My sister-in-law fell in love with him, what should I do?

"Xiao Nan, what are you doing here?"

Senior sister's voice sounded, and she and Chu Xi walked over.

"No, I met Ruomin just after going to the bathroom, and I plan to go back with her." Su Nan said as usual, looked at Zhao Ruomin again, and gave her a wink: "Let's go, don't block her from going to the bathroom .”

Watching Su Nan and Zhao Ruomin return to their positions, Zhan Weiling asked Chu Xi, "Hey, do you think they are weird?"

Chu Xi said: "Are you so worried about Su Nan?"

"You are very assured of him?" Zhan Weiling asked back.

Chu Xi fell silent.

Su Nan returned to the seat and sat down, Zhao Ruomin was still sitting beside him, but Su Nan stayed away from her quietly, so as not to be misunderstood by that hand again.

Zhao Ruomin moved her butt and approached him, frowned and said, "Brother-in-law, why did Fatty become like this? I feel that my body has become a little strange since I was touched by you."

Don't tell me this!

She stared at Su Nan with burning eyes: "Brother-in-law, do you still want to touch? You get rid of them later and take me to a place where no one is there!"

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