"No, I don't want to touch it anymore, I really know I'm wrong." Su Nan begged for mercy with a bitter face, she only hoped that Zhao Ruomin was just deliberately teasing him as a joke, otherwise the problem would be serious, why did she take her to a place where no one was there? What is she expecting?

Zhao Ruomin looked at him for a while, and said seriously: "No, brother-in-law, you are right, it is the world that is wrong."

"Forgive the world, the world is innocent." Su Nan collapsed.

Zhao Ruomin blinked and looked at him with a bewildered expression.

Su Nan sighed inwardly. He felt that there was something wrong with Zhao Ruomin's thinking. He recalled that once at Zhao Xiaomin's home, he found Zhao Ruomin reading a novel about sister-in-law and brother-in-law, and he vaguely understood something.

But Su Nan still finds it unbelievable that she was brainwashed by the H text of her sister-in-law and brother-in-law?Zhao Ruomin is not very mentally handicapped, or something happened that caused him to have a good impression of him, but he just ignored it.

I couldn't remember it for a while, my mind was in a mess, and at this time, the senior sister and Chu Xi came back from the toilet, Su Nan sighed, and said to Zhao Ruomin seriously: "Hurry up and eat, go home early when you are full, Don't worry your sister."

"No, I don't want to go home, I want to follow my brother-in-law." Zhao Ruomin said firmly, she didn't want to leave, she didn't want to leave Su Nan with the two beauties at all.

Just as she finished speaking, her cell phone rang, and when she took it out, her face changed slightly.

Su Nan leaned over to take a look, it was Zhao Xiaomin's call, and said: "Look, your sister is very worried about you, be good, go home early after dinner."

Zhao Ruomin glanced at him, and answered the phone dully. Even if the speaker was not turned on, Zhao Xiaomin's roar could be heard.

"I'll give you ten minutes, hurry home immediately, or your pocket money for this month will be gone!"

Zhao Xiaomin didn't give her sister a chance to bargain at all, and hung up the phone after speaking.

Zhao Ruomin's face became more gloomy, and she said to Su Nan in a low mood: "Brother-in-law, I'll go back first, otherwise my sister will deduct my pocket money, and I won't have enough money to elope with you in the future."

She didn't eat anymore, she got up in a hurry and ran out of the restaurant, leaving Su Nan with a dazed face, saving money to elope with him?

At this moment, Chu Xi and Zhan Weiling returned to their seats and sat down, not surprised by Zhao Ruomin's departure at all.

Seeing Su Nan's dull look, Zhan Weiling explained: "Chu Xi called Xiao Min just now and told her that her sister is here."

Su Nan suddenly realized that this was the case, no wonder Zhao Xiaomin called suddenly.

He still couldn't let go of Zhao Ruomin's words before he left just now. What's going on? This sister-in-law is so inexplicable, why would she seriously think that he would elope with her?

Su Nan's phone rang, waking him up, and took it out to see that it was Zhao Xiaomin's call.

Chu Xi just caught a glimpse, the corners of his mouth were slightly raised, and he said with great interest, "She seems very angry for leaving Xiao Min on a date with us."

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

Su Nan glanced at the smiling Chu Xi, why would you be happy if Zhao Xiaomin is angry.

The relationship between Chu Xi and Zhao Xiaomin is a bit strange. They are rivals in love, rather they are more like bad friends. They are very happy to see each other upset.

Su Nan answered the phone.

"I don't care, Ah Nan left me to go out with other girls, I'm angry! The baby is angry!"

On the phone, Zhao Xiaomin said angrily, but she couldn't hear a trace of anger. Instead, it was more like a jealous girl looking for opportunities to act like a baby with her lover, asking for more favors.

Su Nan glanced at the opposite side. Chu Xi and the senior sister were crossing their arms and looking at him with interest. They seemed to be planning to see how he would reply. The synchronization rate between the two was a bit high.

In front of these two girlfriends, it is a scumbag to use sweet words to coax another girlfriend who is quarrelsome. Su Nan's skin is not too thin, but she still feels embarrassed.

He bit the bullet and continued: "Don't make trouble, my senior sister and Chu Xi are just out shopping together."

"I don't care, you have been with them all day, you can't favor one over another, I also want to go shopping with you, watch a movie, have dinner and then go to a room, you figure it out!"

Open house?

Zhao Xiaomin's reply was like a standard savage girlfriend, although a real savage girlfriend would definitely kick the scumbag boyfriend in the crotch when faced with this situation.

"Well, if you are free tomorrow, I can accompany you." After Su Nan finished speaking, she found that the two girlfriends on the opposite side looked at her with contempt, and she was a little speechless.

"Then it's settled, then Ah Nan can enjoy today's date, by the way, don't forget to save some energy until tomorrow."

Zhao Xiaomin said happily, and when he hung up the phone, he didn't forget to remind him, and even laughed ambiguously.

The two girls on the opposite side put their hands on the dining table, leaned forward as much as possible, eavesdropped on their conversation, and also heard Zhao Xiaomin's words, and spat one after another.

After hanging up the phone, ignoring the blushing senior sister and Chu Xi, Su Nan said, "After eating, where shall we go?"

Zhan Weiling said: "There is no interesting place, but there is a park nearby, there are animals to see, and you can also climb mountains. We can ride bicycles to have fun."

Chu Xi had no objections, so Su Nan agreed.

The three paid their bills and left the restaurant. One of them picked up two hello bicycles and went to a nearby park to ride. This kind of bicycle is very convenient to ride. There are also parking spots in the park.

After arriving at the park, Su Nan bought three tickets and took two girlfriends in. Although it was a bit weird, it wasn't a date, it was just out to play, and it was nothing.

Along the way, Chu Xi and his senior sister were watching the animals. Su Nan lagged a little behind, and was wary that his body would suddenly "grow" a hand. The incident of Zhao Ruomin just now taught him a very profound lesson.

But what happened just now also let Su Nan know what Zhao Ruomin was thinking, and he didn't know whether it was a good thing or a bad thing.

Su Nan sighed inwardly, but the relationship with Junmin Ruomin had turned sour in an ambiguous direction, he didn't know how to explain to Zhao Xiaomin.

"Munan." Chu Xi paused, pulled La Sunan's finger, pointed to a lake and said, "Let's go sit there."

The clear water of the lake is as bright as a mirror, and there are six or seven yachts on the surface of the lake, and there are couples sitting on the boats.

Zhan Weiling glanced at it, nodded and said, "This is not bad, it is suitable for couples to sit on, and you can talk about love on it."

Su Nan didn't know how to express his opinion now.

Chu Xi looked at Zhan Weiling coldly, as if saying that if you can't speak, don't speak.

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