Zhan Weiling smiled: "I was joking, let's go, I really want to play."

So Su Nan rented a small yacht with pedals. The senior sister said it was more interesting, and by the way, she could exercise and keep her figure out of shape.

Su Nan was about to step onto the yacht, but the senior sister gave him a tug, and joked, "Xiao Nan, sit in the back, lest Xiao Min blame us tomorrow."

Chu Xi also nodded, solemnly: "It won't be good if your feet are soft tomorrow."

The jokes of the two were quite slick, Su Nan didn't realize it at first, until he realized that the person sitting in front had to keep stepping on his feet, he suddenly woke up, and couldn't laugh or cry.

But he still went up to sit in the first row, smiled and said to them: "Didn't you notice that every seat has a footrest? But you'd better sit still, otherwise the yacht's feet will be soft and I will be caught by someone." Misunderstandings are bad."

Zhan Weiling was stunned for a moment, and her smile gradually narrowed: "Okay, Xiao Nan, dare to tease the two of us at the same time."

Chu Xi also stared at Su Nan with unkind eyes. This guy is getting bolder and bolder. It is not enough to form a pair with her and Xiao Min. Do you still want to add the senior sister?

Su Nan's face was embarrassing: "I'm just responding to you two filthy girls."

"We're just talkative, Xiao Nan, you want to be serious." Zhan Weiling refused to let him go.

"Senior sister, I was wrong, let's go around for me." Su Nan admitted decisively.

Zhan Weiling also just made a joke to brighten up the atmosphere. Seeing that the goal was achieved, she didn't hurt Su Nan any more, and pulled Chu Xi onto the yacht.

Chu Xi was a little surprised when she suddenly grabbed his little hand, but he held back when he wanted to break free.

Zhan Weiling didn't know what to think, and asked Chu Xi to sit in the front with Su Nan, and sit in the back by herself.

Su Nan felt that the senior was probably apologizing for her previous behavior in the movie theater, as compensation for Chu Xi.

The yacht moved slowly, swam to the center of the lake, and then swam towards a place where no one was there. The three of them stepped on the pedals leisurely and played slowly. It felt pretty good.The two girls couldn't help but think, it would be great if only they and Su Nan were there.

Most of Su Nan's attention was on the yacht, but she didn't notice that a small hand came out from behind and touched Chu Xi next to her. Although Zhan Weiling was sitting at the back, she couldn't see it due to the obstruction blocking her view.

Chu Xi focused her attention on the sparkling lake surface under the sun, and was admiring it when suddenly a warm hand appeared behind her buttocks, and the other hand pinched her wretchedly.

Chu Xi's body tensed up, her eyebrows raised, and she glanced sideways at Su Nan, but she didn't dare to turn her head to look, and didn't dare to make a sound. After all, it was a bit shameful to be discovered by the senior sister.

She felt unbelievable that Su Nan dared to tease her in front of Zhan Weiling, did he eat the guts of a leopard?

It's just being touched on the butt, although it's shy, it's actually nothing to the current relationship between her and Su Nan, just being molested by Su Nan in front of her rival, Chu Xi inevitably feels a little nervous and inexplicably excited .

She wanted to knock off Su Nan's hand, or stop his impolite behavior, but Zhan Weiling would definitely find out, so she held back.

Her feet were unable to step on the pedals, and Chu Xi was completely out of focus. She stared blankly at the lake, biting her white teeth lightly, with a strange flush on her cheeks, secretly annoyed, Su Nan went too far, kept touching Not counting her butt, she actually went around behind her and squeezed in from the middle, which made people extremely nervous.

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

The sun was a bit fierce today, and after pedaling for half an hour, all three of them were sweating slightly.

Chu Xi lowered his head and bit his lips tightly, resentful in his heart. Because of sweating, being groped like this made him feel sticky and uncomfortable, and the speed of sweating accelerated.

Chu Xi's heart swelled, and he leaned back, pressing the hand, and the hand retracted instantly under the pain, and Su Nan also let out an ah at the same time, becoming a little nervous, and his feet did not move.

Chu Xi suddenly felt a little funny, and said: "The weather is too hot, let's get off the boat and find a place to sit for a while."

Zhan Weiling panted slightly, her cheeks flushed slightly, she nodded: "It's really hot, everyone has gone back."

Hearing what the two said, Su Nan sneaked behind her back, but couldn't find anything. He said, "Then go back, sweating is uncomfortable."

Because Zhao Junmin withdrew his hand too quickly under the pain, he hit Su Nan on the back, which made him scream subconsciously. Fortunately, the senior sister and Chu Xi didn't find anything unusual.

The three of them returned to the shore in a small boat. When they landed, Zhan Weiling got off first. When it was Chu Xi's turn, Chu Xi's legs softened the moment he stepped on the ground, and he almost fell. Fortunately, Zhan Weiling came up to support her when she saw the situation was not good.

Zhan Weiling smiled and said, "You really have weak legs, did Xiao Nan secretly do something to you just now?"

Su Nan heard the words and complained: "Senior sister, you are too dirty today."

"It's all your fault for teaching me badly." Zhan Wei rolled his eyes at him, but caught a glimpse of Chu Xi's cheeks blushing slightly, and was startled for a moment. It must be true.

Chu Xi quickly returned to normal, gently broke free from Zhan Weiling's hand, and shook her head: "I'm fine, but my feet are a little numb, and don't make fun of me casually."

"Sorry." Zhan Weiling took a step back, but Chu Xi's attitude made her even more suspicious, wondering if Su Nan had done anything.

Although she likes to tease Su Nan in this way, it is probably a habit she picked up when she entered Su Nan's mobile phone, but when it was her turn, she realized that this feeling was not at all pleasant.

Chu Xi's words sounded a little angry, and Su Nan didn't care about the abnormality on her body, so she quickly changed the subject: "Go and sit on the stone bench over there for a while, what do you want to drink?"


So casual.

On the other side, Zhao Junmin hid in the room, staring blankly at the palm of her left hand, the whirlpool on it disappeared.

Just now, driven by the impulse in her heart, she stretched out her hand again and touched a girl PP. Although she was also a girl, she didn't feel embarrassed. Instead, she bullied the girl, intending to blame Su Nan.The girl suddenly became angry, and her fingers hurt sharply from sitting. She retracted her hand, and then the vortex that could connect Su Nan's body disappeared.

Zhao Junmin only felt melancholy, but she breathed a sigh of relief in her heart. She felt that she had fallen into a fanatical revenge state just now, and did something very irrational. Now that she thinks about it, she can't wait to hide her hand.

Fortunately, the whirlpool finally disappeared, and Zhao Junmin relaxed.

She fell powerlessly on the bed, raised her right hand and looked at it in a daze. This hand touched Su Nan's 1 and the OO of two girls just now, and it seemed that there was still a girl's body fragrance on it.Thinking of what she had just done, she panicked.

Su Nan bought a drink and shared it with her senior sister and Chu Xi, and sat beside them to rest. After enough rest, they went to the park and climbed mountains together.

Because of the abnormality in his body, at first Su Nan planned to find an excuse to slip away alone, but after the yacht ride, the hand never appeared again, which made him gradually relax.

The three played in the park until five o'clock in the afternoon, and then had dinner nearby. When they proposed to go back, Su Nan saw that it was only six o'clock, and proposed to take a stroll nearby.He didn't want to go back so early, he felt that the atmosphere at home was weird, not only Qin Xiaowan, but Aunt Qin also gave him the same feeling.

At around nine o'clock in the evening, the three finally went back.

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