Su Nan said: "Go to Xiao Min's room next door to sleep overnight and tidy up tomorrow."

He just wanted to sleep with Chuxi in his arms, and didn't want to do any work, so he carried her to Zhao Xiaomin's room regardless of Chuxi's objection.

The two lay on the bed with their skins touching each other, and they could feel each other's body temperature and heartbeat. They were covered with Zhao Xiaomin's daily quilt, which was full of fragrant smells.

Chu Xi sniffed her nose, like a cat, she said, "This is my perfume."

"It feels like returning to your own bed?" Su Nan laughed.

Chu Xi turned to look at him, and said, "That bottle is actually expired perfume. I plan to use it to spray on the lamp tube as indoor incense."

"She's so stupid." Su Nan echoed her words.

Chu Xi leaned his head slightly on his chest, and drew circles with his fingers, and stroked it gently, which gave Su Nan a tickling feeling, only to hear Chu Xi suddenly asked coldly: "Sleep with me on her bed, It feels good."

"You misunderstood, I'm just too lazy to tidy up the room, and I can't wait to hug you to sleep."

Su Nan's voice was very serious. It was impossible for him to bully Zhao Xiaomin like this. Chu Xi thought too much. Of course, she said this on purpose, just to hurt him.

"You are tired today, let's go to bed early."

Without giving Chu Xi a chance to speak, Su Nan hugged her, kissed her on the cheek, took a deep breath of the scent of shower gel on her body, and whispered in her ear.

The tender embrace softened Chu Xi's body.

The next morning, Su Nan woke up first, Chuxi in her arms was sleeping very cutely, with glistening saliva flowing from the corner of her mouth, entwining him like an octopus.

Su Nan wiped off the drool for her with her fingers, carefully got rid of her entanglement, and got off the bed lightly.

I came to the next door and found my phone. It was past eight o’clock in the morning, and there were missed calls and unread messages on WeChat. Last night and Chuxi got to that point, he simply turned off his phone, so as not to be ruined by an inexplicable call. It’s a good thing. .

Su Nan flipped through the missed calls and messages, and Aunt Qin called one, but if she didn't get through, she sent him a message again, asking if she would return at night. It was already morning, and replying was useless.

Opening WeChat, Su Nan accidentally discovered that her senior sister had sent herself a lot of messages, thinking that she had something to do, when she opened it, Su Nan had a strange expression.

Although the senior sister's message looks like a message from a licking dog to the goddess, it feels quite resentful. Did the senior sister know that he spent the night at Chu Xi's place last night?

At this time, the doorbell rang.

Su Nan put away her phone, hesitated and walked out. Zhao Xiaomin had the key, so it wouldn't be her, and Chu Xi and Zhao Xiaomin shared a lease, so she wouldn't tell relatives and friends, so as not to be disturbed.

So there is a high probability that it is the senior sister outside. It seems that the senior sister really knew that he and Chu Xi spent the night together last night. Su Nan suddenly felt very flustered.

But this kind of thing will be faced one day, so Su Nan didn't intend to pretend to be dead, walked to the door, took a deep breath, and opened the door.

As expected, Zhan Weiling was standing outside. She looked not very energetic. It seemed that she didn't sleep well last night and had dark circles under her eyes.

Seeing Su Nan, Zhan Weiling smiled brightly at him despite her depressed mood, and said, "Xiao Nan, you left the key last night."

She handed over a bunch of keys.

Su Nan froze for a moment, feeling a little delicate. He left the key last night, but at that time the senior sister had already gone home. The reason why he was able to pick up his key was probably because he came out to look for it in person after contacting him at home but did not respond. The keyhole where his key went.

"Senior sister, I..." Su Nan opened his mouth, but didn't know what to say. The apology seemed too hypocritical. The senior sister knew about his relationship with Chu Xi, but she still stayed by his side and expressed that she didn't care. Yes, senior sister must have expected this day.

It's just that Su Nan was very entangled in her heart, and felt sorry for her senior.

Zhan Weiling was stunned for a moment, her expression suddenly relieved, she smiled softly: "Xiao Nan, you don't need to feel sorry for me, after all, this is our choice."

Even if this choice is a last resort.

Zhan Weiling added something in her heart, and said with a smile: "Compared to Chuxi, I am actually a latecomer."

She could have been the first one, but she gave up because of the reality, and she was entangled with it. Now, she seems to be much relieved.

Chapter Four Hundred and Thirty-Nine

Seeing Su Nan staring blankly, Zhan Weiling said to him, "Stretch out your hand."

Su Nan was a little confused, but she still stretched out her hand, palm up.

Zhan Weiling took out something from her bag for a while and put it in Su Nan's hand, saying, "I didn't notice it yesterday. Last time I bought it, remember to give it to Chu Xi."

Su Nan looked down and was speechless for a while, it turned out to be a contraceptive pill.

"Thank you." He said awkwardly, feeling very uncomfortable, but this contraceptive pill is very useful, originally he wanted Zhao Xiaomin to help buy it.

Zhan Weiling hesitated for a moment, then gritted her teeth, and said, "I saw Sister Qin taking Xiaowan out, I wonder if she made breakfast, I cooked porridge, bring some for you, you wait. "

She didn't give Su Nan a chance to raise objections, so she hurried back to her home to do some work, which made Su Nan, who was stunned, feel even more ashamed. Knowing about him and Chu Xi, the senior sister was not only not angry, but also all kinds of things. It can be said that it is very generous to help.

Soon Zhan Weiling came out with two insulated boxes, handed them to Su Nan and said, "Take it home and give it to Chu Xi, and you can eat some too. Chu Xi is not feeling well, so you need to take care of her."

Su Nan held the insulation box in his hand, and looked up at the senior sister again, with hesitant eyes, just when he was about to say something, Zhan Weiling said anxiously: "Oops, I have an appointment with Gong Ting, and I'm going to be late, Xiao Nan, I Go first."

Su Nan held back the words and nodded, "See you, senior."

"Goodbye, Xiao Nan." Zhan Weiling smiled at him, turned around and left, the moment she turned her back to Su Nan, she scolded herself in her heart: Zhan Weiling, you are a big sabi.

Su Nan watched her senior leave, and looked down at the insulated box in her hand. She felt that the thing in her hand was heavy, and her mood became a little heavy.

These extremely good girls gather around him, obey him unconditionally, endure him having other women, and do everything possible to please him, but he can't give them even more.

Sighing, Su Nan closed the door. When she turned around, she saw Chu Xi standing behind her. She didn't know how long she had been standing here. It seemed that girls who would catch rape were walking in complete silence.

Su Nan complained in her heart, and said: "Senior sister brought us food, and..."

He spread his palms.

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