Chu Xi recognized it as a contraceptive pill, because she saw Zhao Xiaomin secretly took it, and a faint blush appeared on her face. She gave Su Nan a white look, and walked quickly into the bathroom.

Su Nan saw her walking unexpectedly, and she didn't feel any discomfort at all. It was similar to her senior sister last time, and she recovered very quickly.

Their bodies are surprisingly good.

This is obviously abnormal, and Su Nan can't help but think of those weird events that appear from time to time and implicate them, and faintly feel that it has something to do with it.

After Chuxi washed and came out, Su Nan had already poured out the porridge brought by the senior sister, put it in a bowl and let it cool down. This porridge should be specially cooked by the senior sister for Chu Xi, with high-quality ingredients added, and the smell is delicious good.

Greeting Chuxi to sit down, she looked at the bowl of porridge curiously, carefully took a sip with a spoon, showing an expression of surprise and enjoyment.Then she drank it sip by sip without saying a word, and she seemed to like it very much.

Seeing this, Su Nan was relieved. If Chu Xi didn't appreciate her kindness, he would have a headache, but fortunately, Chu Xi didn't do that.

After breakfast, Su Nan took things to wash, not letting Chuxi do it.

Chu Xi walked to the door of the kitchen, staring at him hesitating to speak, seemingly unable to speak.

"What's wrong?" Su Nan asked curiously.

Chu Xi blushed slightly, took a deep breath, stretched out her hand, and turned her face to the side: "Give me the medicine that senior sister gave you just now."

She pretended to be calm, but her little hands were trembling slightly.

"It's in my pocket, take it." Su Nan said while washing the dishes.

Chu Xi stepped forward, put his hand into his trouser pocket and fumbled.

"It's not over there, it's over here." Su Nan said.

Chu Xi pinched his thigh with the hand in his pocket before pulling it out to touch another pocket.

After taking the medicine, Chu Xi ran out.

She stood in the living room and looked down curiously at the contraceptive pill in her hand. At the same time, she stroked her belly with her left hand. Su Nan gave a lot to her belly last night. I don’t know if there is life conceived in it, but it should not be so fast. , otherwise what's the use of the after-event pill.

Thinking of this, Chu Xi read the instructions, opened the contraceptive pill box and took one pill.

She took a glass of water from the water glass and was about to take the medicine when a voice suddenly sounded beside her.

"Birth control pills?"

Chu Xi was startled, the cup in his hand almost dropped, and the water spilled out.

She turned her neck stiffly, and looked at Zhao Xiaomin who arrived not far away at some time, Zhao Xiaomin stared at her expressionlessly, and the contraceptive pill in her hand.

"Why do you take birth control pills, don't tell me..." Zhao Xiaomin's eyes seemed to flicker coldly.

"It's because, it's because..." Chu Xi stuttered, unable to deal with Zhao Xiaomin calmly.

Zhao Xiaomin tilted her head as if she was thinking, and then realized something. She stared at Chu Xi badly, and asked, "Did you guys do it last night?"

Chu Xi blushed, then frowned, why did Zhao Xiaomin look so angry?Does Zhao Xiaomin really care?But why can't you see it normally? You must know that Zhao Xiaomin even encouraged Su Nan to have sex with her.

"It's too much, you guys do this kind of thing behind my back, Chu Xi, do you still take me seriously!" Zhao Xiaomin pointed at Chu Xi angrily.

Chu Xi was silent for a while, and said: "I had an attack last night, and then things got out of hand. I think he and I have reached this point."

Zhao Xiaomin was stunned for a moment, and Chu Xi actually explained to her in a serious manner. In fact, Chu Xi had softened to her. If it was normal, Chu Xi would ignore her existence even if he didn't retort.

Could it be that the loss of virginity has such a great impact on a person, then why hasn't she changed much?

Zhao Xiaomin was puzzled.

Zhao Xiaomin's silence caused Chu Xi to misunderstand again. She frowned slightly, as if she wanted to get angry, but finally said in a soft tone: "Why did you have such a big reaction? You gave yourself to Mu Nan a long time ago, right? I did nothing wrong by doing so.”

"You think I'm angry about this? I'm not that stingy." Zhao Xiaomin said angrily, "But you obviously said that Ah Nan was with me today, but you actually gave him your body last night. How could I have the nerve to date him?" All day."

Chu Xi didn't expect this to be the reason, and felt very sorry, "I'm sorry, but I really had to last night. Don't blame Mu Nan. If he can bear it under such circumstances, I will doubt whether he is still a man."

Zhao Xiaomin was stunned again, amazed in her heart. Although Chu Xi spoke very bluntly, she could tell that she was defending Su Nan.

Zhao Xiaomin exclaimed: "Chu Xi, you were fooled by Anan last night, it feels like you are completely in love today."

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

Chu Xi was speechless, Zhao Xiaomin actually has the face to call her a love brain?

With Zhao Xiaomin's docile appearance like a little daughter-in-law in front of Su Nan, it would be more appropriate to say that she has a love brain.

But after such interruptions, Chu Xi also knew that Zhao Xiaomin was not actually angry, but was just deliberately teasing her. The more angry she was, the more energetic Zhao Xiaomin might be.

Ignoring Zhao Xiaomin, Chu Xi threw the medicine into his mouth, then swallowed it with a sip of water, and at the same time apologized secretly in his heart, baby, now mother is not ready for your arrival, please wait patiently for a while.

Zhao Xiaomin didn't bother her to take the medicine, and after she had finished it, she said, "Where did you get your medicine? I finished all the medicine I brought over last time."

"Sister gave it to me." Chu Xi answered truthfully.

Zhao Xiaomin was a little surprised: "Senior sister... you can call it quite fluently."

I don't know if it was an illusion, Chu Xi felt that Zhao Xiaomin's tone was sour, and she was stunned for a while before remembering that Zhao Xiaomin and her senior sister seemed to have had conflicts.

She slowed down her tone and said, "Actually, you don't have any irreconcilable conflicts. You really can't get along. At most, you won't communicate with each other in the future. Don't bring troubles to Mu Nan."

"You think too much, and I didn't intend to fight her." Zhao Xiaomin rolled her eyes and asked, "Where is Ah Nan, is she in the kitchen?"

She heard the dishes being washed.

"Yeah, he's inside, go find him." Chu Xi pointed to the kitchen, she just wanted Zhao Xiaomin to stay away from her, otherwise Zhao Xiaomin would annoy her to death because of her virginity.

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