"Then I'm going to find your man."

Su Nan was still more attractive, Zhao Xiaomin left Chuxi behind and ran into the kitchen after speaking with a smile.

Chu Xi stood there for a while, then went back to the room, closed the door, and locked it, her face flushed, she would not give Zhao Xiaomin a chance.

After entering the kitchen, she saw Su Nan washing dishes with her back turned to herself, Zhao Xiaomin sneaked over, covered Su Nan's eyes from behind, and whispered, "Guess who I am."

She changed her voice on purpose to make sure that Su Nan couldn't tell it was her.

"Xiao Min." Who knew Su Nan blurted out, "When did you come? Where's Chu Xi?"

Zhao Xiaomin was taken aback, and let go of her hand: "How do you know it's me?"

Su Nan laughed, Zhao Xiaomin is stupid, Chu Xi would never do such a thing, who else but her.

But he would not say that, but said softly: "I will never forget your taste."

Zhao Xiaomin happily hugged his waist, and said, "Chuxi is outside, I saw her taking medicine just now, did the senior sister really give that medicine?"

Su Nan was a little confused. To be honest, Zhao Xiaomin's focus was a bit wrong. She actually paid more attention to whether the medicine was given by the senior sister.

"She has such a good intention? She actually delivered medicine to Chuxi, will she help me prepare a condom for you next time?" Zhao Xiaomin maliciously tried to figure out the strange psychology of the senior.

The corner of Su Nan's mouth twitched, and said: "We are only high school students, and it's normal for senior sister to worry. She can always think of many things that her peers tend to ignore."

Zhao Xiaomin changed the subject: "Don't talk about her, you're not happy if you talk about it, tell me about Chuxi's performance last night, is she flirty?"

She seemed very interested, but she couldn't tell if she was jealous.

Su Nan felt relieved, but of course she couldn't tell Zhao Xiaomin about Chu Xi's performance last night, Chu Xi would probably go crazy if she found out.

"I'll tell you later, you should clean up first, or you won't be free next Monday. I'll wash the dishes first, and I'll go out and help you later."

After sending Zhao Xiaomin away, Su Nan continued to wash the dishes, walked out to the living room after washing, only to find Zhao Xiaomin sulking in front of the closed door.

Seeing Su Nan, she came over and hugged his arm, and said aggrievedly, "Chu Xi refuses to open the door, it's obviously my room."

Su Nan didn't know what was going on, so she walked over and knocked on the door: "Chu Xi, are you inside?"

"I'm a little sleepy and want to sleep. You can take Xiao Min on a date. Didn't you make an appointment yesterday?" Chu Xi's voice came out.

"Did you get fucked all night last night? Open the door quickly. I don't have a date today. I'm going into the room." Zhao Xiaomin slammed on the door and said firmly, causing Chu Xi to be confused.

She scolded angrily: "Girls are always swearing. Be careful that Mu Nan doesn't want you. If you promised to date him, you still want to break the date? Are you a girlfriend like this?"

The corner of Su Nan's mouth twitched, what's going on, why does Chu Xi want him to date Zhao Xiaomin so much?Didn't it mean that when a girl gives her body and mind to a person, she will be very attached to that person? Chu Xi's operation is a bit confusing.

Zhao Xiaomin leaned into his ear and said, "Chu Xi is shy, she doesn't want to see me, but the more she is like this, the more I want to play tricks on her, hehe."

Hee hee your head.

Su Nan knocked her on the head, but it didn't hurt, and Zhao Xiaomin didn't care, she pestered Su Nan and acted like a baby: "Play me a play, and I'll let her go, otherwise I'll pester her all day today .”

"What kind of play?" Su Nan was very vigilant, but because it was Zhao Xiaomin, her intentions were not bad, so she trusted her quite a bit, and she didn't think she would make any bad demands.

Zhao Xiaomin smiled like a vixen, and whispered in his ear.

Su Nan had black lines all over her head, but she couldn't bear her begging, so she agreed, and it was not an option to let Zhao Xiaomin keep pestering Chu Xi.

After kissing him, Zhao Xiaomin went to the door and patted it, and said, "If you don't open the door, I will have a shameful thing with Ah Nan, right here at the door."

Talking too straight, and just not doing it here.

Su Nan complained in her heart, but because she agreed to Zhao Xiaomin, she didn't make a sound.

There was no sound inside, Zhao Xiaomin rolled his eyes, knelt in front of Su Nan, and said loudly: "Wow, Chu Xi, is this what served you last night? I want it."

Su Nan looked confused, just say what you say, don't do anything.

He quickly pulled up his pants to stop Zhao Xiaomin's actions.

Zhao Xiaomin tried to take off his pants but failed, so he continued: "It doesn't smell like Chu Xi, eh, it's a bit disgusting."

Then she deliberately made an exaggerated and vague voice, and looked at Su Nan with a smile on her face, but Su Nan was extremely speechless. He felt that he might be beaten to death by Chu Xi.

Inside, Chu Xi stood in front of the door, listening to the voices outside, feeling a little resentful in his heart, Mu Nan is really a scumbag.

"Why hasn't she come out yet?"

After a while, Zhao Xiaomin stood up and said gloomily, does Chuxi really not care at all?

She didn't believe it, it must be that such stimulation was not enough for Chu Xi.

She rolled her eyes, lay on the door, turned her back to Su Nan, and said, "Come on, from the back."

Su Nan whispered, "Stop making trouble."

Zhao Xiaomin raised his slap and dropped it, hitting himself.

The door opened all of a sudden, and Chu Xi appeared at the door frowning. Zhao Xiaomin, who was lying on the door, was caught off guard and fell into Chu Xi's arms, knocking Chu Xi to the ground as well.

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

Zhao Xiaomin was too involved in acting, and her body was completely lying on the door. Unexpectedly, Chu Xi would open the door suddenly, and suddenly lost her balance and fell in, knocking Chu Xi down and pressing her on top of her.

Chu Xi's body felt soft, and the skin was extremely smooth when he accidentally touched it, which made Zhao Xiaomin feel that if he was a man, he would definitely be dazzled by Chu Xi.

Of course, in terms of figure, Chu Xi is not as good as her.

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