Although she decided to compete, Qin Xiaowan did not act rashly. She has her own advantages, the advantage of cohabiting with Su Nan.

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

Throughout the afternoon, Su Nan stayed in the house rented by his girlfriend, and accompanied her. At the same time, because both girlfriends were there, he couldn't do anything, and besides, Chu Xi's body was not very fit, so they just sat together. Just play games together.

On the way, the senior sister joined in and played a few games with them. The senior sister seemed to have gone to play with Li Gongting. She was probably resting halfway, and she went offline after a while.

In the evening, Su Nan returned home and did not stay to have dinner with Chu Xi and Zhao Xiaomin.Aunt Qin left today, and because he wanted to accompany Chu Xi, he didn't care much about Qin Xiaowan, and planned to go back to see if she was still depressed.

It wasn't too late when he got home, Qin Xiaowan was washing rice and cooking.Su Nan walked over to help, but Qin Xiaowan said, "Mom wants me to show her a cooking video, so please help me."

Su Nan was a little surprised: "Why?"

" urge me?" Qin Xiaowan whispered, a little embarrassed.

Seeing that Su Nan didn't seem to understand, she added with a blushing face, "In my mother's mind, a perfect wife must be able to cook well."

Su Nan understood, a little embarrassed, and said, "Why do you listen to your mother about this kind of thing?"

Qin Xiaowan was very shy: "I am very obedient. My mother misunderstood my relationship with you and insisted that I study hard to be a perfect wife. I don't know how to refuse."

Su Nan twitched the corner of her mouth, sighed, and took her cell phone to help take pictures.

The corners of Qin Xiaowan's mouth curled up slightly, and she disappeared again. She directed softly: "Come closer and take pictures of me washing rice, and washing and cooking vegetables. I will edit later."

Anyway, it's boring to be idle, so Su Nan helped her. This is what Aunt Qin asked her daughter, and it has nothing to do with him. Just clarify.

During the filming, Su Nan found that Qin Xiaowan was a lot more skilled in cooking and cooking. Although the fried dishes obviously had some flaws, they were not serious and looked delicious.

Su Nan was a little surprised. She remembered that Qin Xiaowan came to her home for the first time, but she didn't know how to do anything. Now she has learned how to cook and stir-fry. The change is really great.

"Okay, take these things out for me next, I'll go back to the room to edit the video first."

Qin Xiaowan took off her apron, washed her hands, took the phone back from his hand, and said.

Su Nan asked, "Shouldn't you eat first?"

Qin Xiaowan shook her head: "Let's eat later, mom is waiting for me to send her the video."

After speaking, she ran back to the room in a hurry, Su Nan was speechless.

In the room, Qin Xiaowan did not edit the video, but chatted with her mother. She told her mother what happened just now, and told her not to slip up when she talked about it in front of Su Nan in the future.

Yes, Qin's mother did not explain what videos she made, everything was done by Qin Xiaowan on her own, and she hoped to increase the chances of getting along with Su Nan.

Because it was the beginning, the videos she shot were relatively simple, but as Su Nan got used to it, the requirements of "mother" would gradually change, and the scale would be larger by then.

Knowing her plan, Qin's mother was very happy to praise her, which made Qin Xiaowan feel a little embarrassed, but more happy.

After finishing chatting with her mother, Qin Xiaowan took a deep breath, suppressed the restlessness in her heart, and then walked out of the room.Although it was hard to endure it desperately, she had to hold it back no matter what, and she couldn't act too slutty, because it would scare Su Nan.If Su Nan regards her as a disorderly girl, she will cry to death.

During the dinner, without Qin's mother, Su Nan and Xiao Wan seemed to have returned to the old days. The two of them, facing each other, ate dinner in silence, and then went about their own affairs after finishing.

This time Qin Xiaowan hesitated, and proposed that she wash the dishes. Naturally, Su Nan would not let her do it alone, so she came to help.

Qin Xiaowan was very happy, and compared herself to a pair of scissors, even if she didn't have a mother, she could do it.Living together, as long as she can take the initiative, there will be many opportunities.

But it's not good, the kitchen is not big, the two of them are crowded together, and they can smell each other's body in their breath, she can't help it, but she can't resist this temptation, and followed Su Nan into the kitchen.

It was troublesome for the two of them to wash the dishes, so Su Nan asked Qin Xiaowan to help with the things, and after they were cleaned, they were handed over to her to put them away.

Standing close to Su Nan and standing behind him, Qin Xiaowan's eyes were blurred, and she slowly approached him, sniffing his scent obsessively.

"Take it." Su Nan handed over a few plates, not paying attention to Qin Xiaowan's expression, but Qin Xiaowan was startled, took a step back and took the things in Su Nan's hand, and turned around with a face full of embarrassment.

After putting the things away, Qin Xiaowan couldn't take it anymore. She looked at Su Nan's back, resolutely walked over quickly and threw herself on Su Nan, wrapped her arms around his waist, pressed her face on his back, and had sex with him. close contact.

Su Nan's body froze.

Qin Xiaowan quickly let go, pretending to be embarrassed and said, "I'm sorry, the floor is too slippery, I couldn't stand firmly."

It turned out to be the case.

Su Nan breathed a sigh of relief, and said, "Go outside, so as not to fall, I have almost finished washing the dishes."

"Okay." Qin Xiaowan knew that this kind of thing could only be done once, otherwise Su Nan would be suspicious, so she walked out as she said.

As soon as she went outside and left Su Nan, Qin Xiaowan's mind immediately cleared up.Thinking of what happened just now, I feel very regretful, it was too reckless, this kind of thing should be done as little as possible, and a step-by-step strategy will be fine.

"I'm going back to the room." Shouting to the kitchen, Qin Xiaowan hid back in the room, she made up her mind not to go out, don't do anything wrong.

But lying on the bed, she was distressed again. As soon as she got close to Su Nan, she felt a strong urge to push him down, but it was not an option to keep avoiding Su Nan, and it was in great conflict with her plan.

Expose yourself as a slut in front of him?Or is the plan shelved?

Qin Xiaowan hesitated.

As the night deepened, the impulse in Qin Xiaowan's heart was like the waves in the ocean. The turbulent waves overwhelmed people's reason and made her lost in the ocean of desire.

She gritted her teeth, got out of bed, and walked out of the room.

Standing in front of Su Nan's door, Qin Xiaowan stretched out her trembling hand to open the door, her heart was pounding, as if she was going to jump out of her throat, the stimulation of the night attack made her both scared and excited, her whole body was trembling, like Drugs are addictive and cannot be controlled.

Gently opened the door, Qin Xiaowan walked in lightly, walked to the bed, held her breath, looked at the despised figure on the bed, swallowed, she slowly climbed onto the bed, lay down, leaned closer, and closed her eyes shyly .

The next moment, Qin Xiaowan opened her eyes in astonishment, what she was holding in her arms was just a quilt, and Su Nan was not there.

Where did he go?

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