Qin Xiaowan immediately thought of the next door, and felt very jealous and depressed.

But at this time, she couldn't go to the next door to find Su Nan, so she could only sulk secretly.

Lying on the bed where Su Nan slept, hugging the quilt he covered every day, sniffing the smell still left on it, Qin Xiaowan sighed comfortably and decided not to leave tonight.

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

Zhao Xiaomin slept with Chuxi tonight, and Chuxi's sheets were dirty, Zhao Xiaomin saw that she was pitiful, so she let her sleep with him.

Of course, Chu Xi disagreed, and felt that this guy was a bit annoying, but then he was tortured to the point of being helpless, and he was really sleepy, so he was half pushed and half pulled into the room.

Lying on the bed at this time, seeing Zhao Xiaomin talking to Su Nan with her cell phone, she felt awkward.

"The two of us tonight, two of us, Ah Nan, are you really not coming?" Zhao Xiaomin compared scissors hands to the camera to seduce Su Nan, with a sweet smile on his face.

Su Nan was a little moved, but seeing Chu Xi's threatening eyes behind Zhao Xiaomin's back, she immediately dispelled the charming thoughts in her heart, and said with a smile, "No, there is class tomorrow, you guys go to bed early."

Unexpectedly, Zhao Xiaomin was not reconciled, and said reluctantly, "No, I want to sleep with Ah Nan, and I can't sleep tonight without Ah Nan."

She acted coquettishly, stared at Su Nan with charming eyes, and licked her lips like others. The charming posture made people's hearts sway, and Jill was hard.

Su Nan took a deep breath, and suppressed the restless emotions in her heart. She just felt that this body was still too impulsive. Being seduced by Zhao Xiaomin like this, she was ready to move.

I don't know where this girl learned the skill of acting like a baby. Although it looks very contrived, it is really useful for boys. Hearing it makes his ears go soft. If he didn't take Chuxi's emotions into account, he would go to the next door immediately. up.

Chu Xi gave Zhao Xiaomin a disgusted look. Girls are different from boys. A behavior that is very attractive in the eyes of boys may cause physical disgust to girls, and then he cursed that woman for being a bad cousin.

At this time, Chu Xi had this feeling in his heart. When Zhao Xiaomin acted like a baby to Su Nan, she could see her scalp tingling, and she wished she could kick Zhao Xiaomin out of bed.

She didn't think it was because she was jealous. Instead, she thought it was because Zhao Xiaomin was too contrived. Otherwise, why didn't she feel so strongly jealous towards Zhao Xiaomin before.

Really, if you don’t want to learn, you must learn to be a vixen.

Chu Xi muttered in his heart.

She was so shameless and coquettish that she didn't even get Su Nan to agree. Zhao Xiaomin aroused her competitive spirit, but she didn't continue to seduce her, because as long as Chu Xi disagreed, it was unlikely that Su Nan would come over.

She rolled her eyes, thought of a fun game, and turned off the video call.

Su Nan froze for a moment, shook her head, put down her phone and went to bed.

After turning off the video, Zhao Xiaomin fell straight down on the bed, making a sound of gasping for air, and her pretty face, which was smiling like a flower just now, was also pale and pale.

Chu Xi was startled, and hurried to her side: "What's wrong with you?"

Zhao Xiaomin's lips parted slightly, but no sound came out, and it was difficult to speak.

Chu Xi quickly put his hand on Zhao Xiaomin's forehead, and found that her body temperature was normal. Then he saw Zhao Xiaomin's pale face and clenched teeth, as if he was enduring something. Suddenly he realized, and said in surprise, "You're having an attack again?"

Zhao Xiaomin had an attack some time ago, she didn't expect it to be so fast.

Chu Xi quickly picked up Zhao Xiaomin's dropped phone, and clicked directly to make a video call with Su Nan. In this case, Su Nan still needs to come forward, otherwise she will be punished at night, and everyone will not have to sleep tonight.

Now that things have happened, Chu Xi is much calmer about the fact that she and Zhao Xiaomin will be punished if they are not ashamed. If it is not so uncomfortable in the prelude, she is not very repulsive.

Soon the video call was successfully connected. Su Nan, who had been hung up before, appeared in front of the camera with a puzzled expression. When he saw that it was Chuxi, he was even more puzzled, and asked in surprise, "Why is it you?"

Chu Xi didn't care too much, and said eagerly, "Come here quickly!"

After she finished speaking, she found that Su Nan was looking at her strangely. She froze for a moment, and then her pretty face burned slightly. She knew that Su Nan had misunderstood something, but it was too late to explain at this moment. It was important to save Zhao Xiaomin.

Holding back her shame, she said softly, "Come here, Xiao Min is waiting for you."

Su Nan looked at her strangely, and subconsciously asked, "What about you?"

As soon as he asked, he felt that it was wrong. Isn't this sincere and angry with Chu Xi? Just as he was about to explain, he heard Chu Xi grit his teeth and say, "I'll...wait for you too."

She blushed and didn't dare to look directly at Su Nan.

Su Nan's heart was pounding by her generosity and boldness, she definitely did not misunderstand, right?Chu Xi said to wait for him, Zhao Xiaomin also waited for him, they both waited for him, so why.

Su Nan was still in a daze. Chu Xi caught a glimpse of Zhao Xiaomin's body trembling. In a hurry, he said to the camera: "Xiao Min can't wait, come here right away! There are benefits!"

After she finished speaking, she hung up the phone directly.

Su Nan's heart was pounding, he jumped out of bed, put on his shoes and went out.

The living room was quiet, Qin Xiaowan probably fell asleep, Su Nan walked out lightly, opened the door and left the house.

He had the key to the residence of Chuxi and Zhao Xiaomin. He took out the key and opened the door and walked in. As soon as the door was closed, he couldn't wait to walk to Zhao Xiaomin's room. face, just close to kissing each other.

Su Nan who walked to the door got stuck, you called me here so late just to show me this?

What made Su Nan even more speechless was, when did their relationship get so close?

The lilies are blooming.

Chu Xi looked up and saw Su Nan's painful expression, so he knew that he had misunderstood, and was about to clarify, when she looked down and saw Zhao Xiaomin was in pain, staring at her beggingly, her heart softened, and she nodded slightly.

Zhao Xiaomin was very excited, but Chu Xi didn't notice the sly look in her eyes.

Chu Xi was still lying on Zhao Xiaomin's body, which was suggested by Zhao Xiaomin before Su Nan came. She said that she couldn't take it anymore, and with her current face, I'm afraid Su Nan would have to go to her to treat her.But Su Nan might be skeptical if she made such a request hastily, so Zhao Xiaomin asked Chu Xi to help her act, to play a lily scene, and wait for the male lord of the harem to come and collect the lily.

Chu Xi didn't want to, but was hugged by Zhao Xiaomin, so he became what Su Nan saw.

At this moment, she was pressing on Zhao Xiaomin's body, her slightly undulating chest pressed against Zhao Xiaomin's plump chest, that soft feeling made her feel slightly strange, envious and jealous.

She tried her best to let herself ignore Zhao Xiaomin's chest, but she raised one hand and put it on one side of Zhao Xiaomin's chest, sinking her fingers.

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