At that time, I thought the problem was with the senior sister and Su Nan, but now it seems that it may be the fault of Zhao Xiaomin's sister.

This time between Su Nan and sister Zhao Xiaomin, it wasn't Su Nan who took the initiative.However, even though Zhao Junmin took the initiative, she still did this kind of thing to Su Nan, which is really intriguing.

Chu Xi looked at Zhao Xiaomin, who was suddenly depressed, and didn't know how to comfort her. After thinking for a while, she said, "In that state, maybe your sister, like Mu Nan, can't control her behavior."

Zhao Xiaomin's eyes lit up, and he nodded eagerly, as if he was relieved.

Chu Xi hesitated to speak, but in the end he didn't express his guess.

They have all experienced punishment before, and they have all been troubled by the follow-up effects of punishment. Under the follow-up effects, although they feel impulsive, they are not in a state of irrationality. If they want to control their behavior, they can do it as long as they are hard-hearted. .

The 17th Chapter [-] The Change of Senior Sister

After Chu Xi and Zhao Xiaomin came back, Su Nan also went to take a shower. During this period, Zhao Xiaomin wanted to contact her sister, but she didn't know what to say to her for a while, and it was too late, so she had to give up.

When Su Nan came back from taking a shower, the three of them lay on the bed and slept. Su Nan didn't bother to go back. The three of them had done everything together, so it was nothing to sleep together.Plus tomorrow is Monday, they don't do anything else, just turn off the lights and go to sleep.

Although the three of them had been together before, Chu Xi was obviously not used to it, which made the atmosphere a bit unnatural, and they couldn't continue talking about any topic. It was weird, so they just went to sleep.

When he woke up in the morning, two girls entangled him in his sleep, Su Nan took a lot of effort to get out of bed and went home to cook breakfast.

After cooking breakfast, Qin Xiaowan didn't wake up, but she didn't go to school so early, Su Nan didn't call her for the time being, but evened out half of the cooked breakfast, put it in a thermos, and took it to the next door, waiting for Chuxi and Zhao Xiaomin to wake up Come and eat together.

After breakfast, Su Nan went back with a thermos, but when she walked outside, she met a senior who happened to be going out.

The senior sister smiled at him, but her eyes fell on the thermos bottle in his hand, and her gaze became a little subtle.

Su Nan was a little embarrassed, and explained: "They got up late and didn't have time to do it. I brought them some breakfast, so as not to waste time waiting for breakfast on the road, did senior sister eat?"

He secretly blamed himself, the senior sister shouldn't be angry, after all, she brought breakfast for Chuxi and Zhao Xiaomin, but ignored her, it shouldn't be, it's normal to be angry.

Su Nan blamed himself for ignoring the feelings of the seniors, because the seniors usually get up very early, and they make breakfast by themselves, and they are used to being independent. In the past, Su Nan went to the seniors' place to eat more, which made him subconsciously ignore the seniors It also needs to be concerned, and it should not be done anyway.

They are all his own women, let go of their pride and follow him, and don't mind that there are other girls around him. I don't know how much I have been wronged. If even he can't make a bowl of water level, how can I be sorry for these things that will hurt my body and mind? Give it to your own girl.

To put it darkly, everyone will feel unbalanced, jealous, and jealous because they are treated differently. If they don't handle it well, the girls around them will either leave one by one in the future, or they will be torn to death.

In a short period of time, many thoughts flashed through Su Nan's mind. This time, he should teach himself a lesson and remind himself that he should try not to ignore it next time.

Zhan Weiling didn't think too much about it. It's normal for Su Nan to be more concerned about Chu Xi these two days. When she handed herself over to Su Nan, it wasn't the same. A girl can't give her most precious thing to Su Nan. In the end, in exchange for Su Nan's gentle treatment, there is no such right.

Although she felt a little uncomfortable and sour, which was a sign of jealousy, she still tried her best to overcome it.

Zhan Weiling chuckled and replied: "Have eaten, why don't you let them come to my place for breakfast next time, lest your little girl get angry with you, and they don't have to bother you so much."

"This... Xiao Min usually cooks breakfast. She is used to getting up early." Su Nan reacted and subconsciously refused, thinking that it might not be a good thing for the three of them to get together, and there might be conflicts.

The senior sister blinked and asked tentatively, "Xiao Min is used to getting up early? Then why didn't you get up today?"

Su Nan stared at the senior in surprise, and the senior also looked at him strangely, as if doubting something.

After a while, Su Nan tried to calm herself and said, "I don't know, anyway, she overslept this morning."

"oh, I see."

Zhan Weiling didn't ask any more questions, but the seeds of doubt had already been planted. However, this guess was unbelievable even for her, because no matter what, Chu Xi didn't seem to want this kind of person. Zhao Xiaomin felt out of tune, but without Chu Xi's cooperation, Can't have a threesome either.

"I'm going to school first. See you, Xiao Nan." Zhan Weiling greeted with a smile, and turned to go down the stairs.

Su Nan said: "Senior, go slowly."

After seeing off her senior, Su Nan breathed a sigh of relief and opened the door to go home. If her senior knew that he was flying again, she might look at him strangely, but fortunately she was not found.

After he entered, Zhan Weiling turned back and knocked on the door. After a while, Zhao Xiaomin opened the door and looked at her in surprise: "Why are you?"

Zhan Weiling smiled, her gaze drifted to Chu Xi behind Zhao Xiaomin, and said, "Let's go together, I'll discuss something with you on the way."

Chuxi and Zhao Xiaomin looked at each other, a little surprised, but they didn't reach out to hit the smiling face, and they didn't have a big conflict with the senior sister, and they might even meet frequently in the future, so there is no need to make the relationship so stiff.

After simply cleaning up, they didn't notify Su Nan, and went downstairs with their senior sister.

On the way, Zhan Weiling carefully observed the walking postures of Chu Xi and Zhao Xiaomin. After watching for a while, she realized that Su Nan's physical strength was enough to knock down several girls.

Although Chuxi and Zhao Xiaomin's walking postures seemed normal, Zhan Weiling's careful observation revealed that their walking postures were different from usual.

Zhan Weiling has a good memory and pays attention to some details in daily life, so she naturally discovered this abnormality.

It was the day before Chu Xi handed over her body to Su Nan. If she hadn't experienced it again last night, she should have recovered given her physical fitness that has been punished several times. Something happened to Su Nan.

Coupled with Zhao Xiaomin's abnormality, people have to guess what they did last night, three P?

Zhan Weiling was a little surprised, surprised that they were so open-minded, especially Chu Xi, and at the same time, she was also very apprehensive, and even a little wary, two people are always better than one!

"What are you looking at?" Chu Xi asked unhappily when he noticed that Zhan Weiling, who was a little behind, was actually staring at her buttocks, instinctively feeling shy.

Although Zhao Xiaomin didn't understand what was going on, she also stared at Zhan Weiling.

She peeked and didn't expect to be discovered, but Zhan Weiling was very calm, and said with a smile: "You are recovering well."

Chu Xi's cheeks were slightly hot, and he frowned, "What are you talking about?"

But in my heart I was panicking to death, why did my senior sister know about this?Could it be that Su Nan was exposed?

It's not a big deal, but it's too embarrassing to be known.

Zhan Weiling chuckled, "Sorry, I was just joking."

Chu Xi didn't believe it at all, but there was no need to worry about this issue at this time.

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