The three walked forward, Zhao Xiaomin turned to look at Zhan Weiling strangely: "What do you want to tell us?"

"Well, it's about the three of us." After a pause, Zhan Weiling went on to say, "I was too impulsive before and rejected your invitation, but now I have figured it out, there are many benefits to working with you, At least there is someone to help when it happens."

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

Zhan Weiling feels that the relationship between competitors does not have to be tit-for-tat, and they can also get along very well, especially when there are two of her competitors, and the two are still very close partnerships, and she does not You should treat them like enemies.

The so-called competitive relationship between them is different from that of ordinary people. To put it bluntly, even if they win, they may not get anything substantial. Even if they occupy more weight in Su Nan's heart, the possibility of all of them is also too small.

Zhan Weiling knows Su Nan well. At this point, he can no longer let go of Chu Xi and Zhao Xiaomin. Even these two people can even do things like sleeping with him. What Zhan Weiling should worry about is that he is in Su Nan. Will the weight in my heart be lost a little bit?

So she needs to make a change, and the change is to join them.

This is not to say that she will have a foursome together after joining, but as a nail, if they want to accompany Su Nan together, they will notice her nail, and they will not be so calm if they want to do that kind of thing again.Zhan Weiling can even stop it when necessary.

Zhao Xiaomin was surprised by Zhan Weiling's words, and looked at her suspiciously: "Didn't you not want to before? There must be some conspiracy."

"Is it useful to play tricks?" Zhan Weiling smiled bitterly, and she sighed, "I just don't want to make our relationship so blunt, and I don't want Xiao Nan to be embarrassed because of us. If we walk around more, our relationship will be better, and Xiao Nan will be very happy. Be happy."

"You really dote on him." Zhao Xiaomin said sourly, but she agreed with Zhan Weiling's words in her heart. She was thinking more from Su Nan's point of view. If she opened a harem, she naturally hoped that the harem would be harmonious. Who can bear to tear up the Asura field?

Chu Xi felt something was wrong, but before she could think about it, Zhan Weiling asked her, "Chu Xi, what do you think?"

Chu Xi was silent for a while, and she actually proposed to cooperate with the senior sister from the very beginning. Thinking of this, she no longer hesitated, and looked at Zhan Weiling seriously: "Welcome to join."

Lu Ying got up early this morning to cook breakfast, hesitated for a while, and then pushed open the door of auntie's room, only to find that auntie had woken up, she was lying listlessly on the bed with her eyes open staring at the ceiling.

There was a lot of worry in Lu Ying's eyes. Since she threw away her aunt's collection that night, her aunt became weird this weekend. She was much irritable and often had a tangled expression on her face. She shut herself in the room He didn't go out, and he didn't even go to work, as if he had been hit hard.

Could it be because the collection was thrown away?

Lu Ying thought to herself.

If yes, what should I do?

Throwing those things into the trash can had already been taken away by the garbage truck. Even if they hadn't been taken away, she wouldn't be able to find them back. It's wrong to be perverted, and she needs to get rid of it.

Lu Ying said softly to her aunt, "Auntie, it's time for you to go to work."

Lu Anya glanced at her, without making a sound, pulled the quilt over her face, as if she heard the sound of her grinding her teeth.

Lu Ying was a little worried that she had bitten her teeth badly, so she hurriedly said guiltily, "Auntie, I'm sorry, it's all my fault that I didn't pay attention, and let the sanitation auntie take your box as trash and throw it away."

"Forget it, I don't blame you, Xiaoying, go to school quickly, I still want to sleep for a while." Lu Anya said wearily.

"Auntie, you've been sleeping for two days and two nights, and you haven't gone to work. Even if you don't feel well and don't want to go to work, it's fine to go out for a walk. If you stay in the room all the time, you'll get bored." Lu Ying said worriedly, for fear that Auntie would be sick. I have autism and never go out again.

Unexpectedly, Lu Anya suddenly became irritable, and said nervously: "Go out? I don't want to go out, I don't want to go out in this life! Once I go out, I can't help but want to see him..."

Speaking of this, Lu Anya shut up, as if the next words were difficult to say.

"Him?" Lu Ying was stunned for a moment, and asked tentatively, "Is it Su Nan?"

"Don't mention him!" Lu Anya was very annoyed, and added in her heart, if I mention him again, I can't help it, and I can't help but fuck him.

After that night, when she woke up, she found herself in a sick state, thinking about Su Nan all the time, not only not angry at being tortured by him in the game that night, but very excited, wishing to see Su Nan soon Nan, pin him down and repeat what he did to himself.

Startled by her own crazy idea, Lu Anya felt flustered, because it was not an accidental idea, she really thought so in her heart, and she even wanted to take action very much, almost as if she was sick.

So she didn't dare to go out, and locked herself at home, for fear that if she went out, she couldn't help but look for Su Nan, and then treat him like this, lose her innocence, and turn herself into a slut, a pervert.

Auntie's reaction made Lu Ying feel that Su Nan had something to do with her becoming like this. Liu Mei immediately frowned. Since last week, Auntie hadn't met Su Nan, and her WeChat account was also deleted. Eh, delete WeChat ?

What did Lu Ying think of? She used her aunt's WeChat to delete Su Nan, but it could not be ruled out that her aunt thought that Su Nan deleted her, so she felt sad. Is my aunt so fragile?

Could it be that perverts are actually psychologically fragile?

After a few words of persuasion to my aunt, Lu Ying finally gave up because she was about to be late.

On the way to school, Lu Ying felt very embarrassed. There is no doubt that there is something wrong with my aunt's condition. It has something to do with Su Nan. Maybe only Su Nan can help my aunt, but if she asks Su Nan for help, wouldn't it be against her original intention? Matched?

After thinking about it, Lu Ying felt that the most important thing right now was to get my aunt back to normal, and I'll talk about the rest later.

She sighed and made a decision.

At noon, Su Nan was going to have lunch. The squad leader walked up to him and sat down, and said directly: "Su Nan, excuse me for a while."

Su Nan was a little surprised, because the squad leader hadn't paid much attention to him since the last incident in the women's toilet, probably because he felt that the last incident was too embarrassing.So why did you suddenly find him again this time, persistent perversion?

Thinking of weird thoughts in her heart, Su Nan subconsciously looked at Chu Xi's seat, and Chu Xi was staring at the squad leader's back at this time, but she didn't come over. With a hint of vigilance.

Su Nan felt ashamed. After becoming a married woman, did Chu Xi's intuition become stronger?

"What's the matter with you?" Su Nan froze silently, Lu Ying was a little upset.

After recovering, Su Nan shook her head: "It's nothing, what can you do with me?"

At this time there were still many students in the class, and he didn't think the monitor had the guts to mess with him, and if he asked him to do something perverted, the monitor didn't have to tell him face to face, so it should be a serious matter?

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

After hesitating for a while, Lu Ying took out her mobile phone and said to him: "You add this WeChat, I recommend it for you to add."

She lowered her head and began to operate, and soon Su Nan received a message on WeChat.

He took it out and found that the nickname was a bit familiar, and the address book list already existed.

Su Nan was puzzled and said: "This seems to be your aunt's WeChat. Didn't I add her? You deleted it later."

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