"That's right." Su Nan rolled his eyes, and then walked out. What he said dispelled Zhao Xiaomin's suspicion.

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

Walking outside the women's toilet, Su Nan looked around. Although there were not many people here in normal times, it's better to be on the safe side, so as not to be regarded as a pervert by accident.

Just as she was about to sneak into the women's bathroom, there was a voice behind her, and at the same time, someone tapped her shoulder lightly.

Su Nan was startled, and immediately realized that it was the voice of her senior.

He looked back and saw the senior standing behind her hands behind her back with a smile on her face, looking at him with interest and saying, "You must be scared, it's not a good behavior for a boy to enter the women's bathroom."

Su Nan is speechless, didn't you call me here?Didn't he say that he was waiting for him in the women's bathroom? Why did he run outside?

"Because it's silly to wait for someone in the toilet." As if seeing what he was wondering about, Zhan Weiling said with a smile, then took his hand and walked upstairs, and whispered to him: "If it's not like being seen by them , just run upstairs."

I'm not, I'm not...

In this way, Su Nan was led up the first floor.

He looked at senior sister, and senior sister was also looking at him.

Senior sister's eyes were excited, her little face was flushed, and her breathing was a little messy.

This is definitely exciting.

She looked at Su Nan, as if she liked it more and more, and finally couldn't help it, she stepped forward and knocked her head on Su Nan's chest, sniffing the smell on him that fascinated her, and said with a smile: "Hiding them It's very interesting to be with Xiao Nan, and it's not in vain for me to join you."

Her smile was as proud as a little fox who stole a chicken.

The corner of Su Nan's mouth twitched, and asked: "Is this why the senior sister joined the club?"

"This is a very important thing, who told Xiao Nan to stay with them every day, I want to do that too!" Zhan Weiling said seriously, she was jealous.

"I'm also very happy, because this way I can see senior sister every day." Su Nan said softly, and opened her arms to hug senior sister.

Although she knew that he was deliberately making herself happy, Zhan Weiling couldn't help but smile happily, but took a step back to avoid his embrace.

Su Nan looked at her puzzled.

The senior said, "I smell like perfume."

Su Nan suddenly realized that if she hugged her senior, her body would smell of the perfume she used, and it would be easy to reveal their secret of secretly dating outside.

However, Su Nan felt that the senior made a big fuss. He only came out for a while, and the senior immediately went back. The two of them spent more than a minute outside together. Xiao Min and Chu Xi were not so suspicious.

As if seeing through his thoughts, Zhan Weiling said deeply, "Xiao Nan, every girl is Sherlock Holmes."

Su Nan was dumbfounded.

Soon, Zhan Weiling remembered that time was running out, staying too long would arouse the suspicion of Zhao Xiaomin and Chu Xi, after all, she is new here, it is not good to be too arrogant.

She approached and pressed her soft lips on Su Nan's face for a few seconds, then slowly backed away, and waved to him with a smile: "I'll go back first, Xiao Nan, hurry up too."

After she finished speaking, she ran downstairs.

Su Nan waited for a while, and then went down too. When he returned to the activity room, he saw his senior sister and Zhao Xiaomin sitting together. They chatted and drank tea happily, talking and laughing, just like good sisters .

As soon as he sat down, the phone received a message. He subconsciously looked up at the senior, who was also looking at him and winked at him.

Su Nan looked at Zhao Xiaomin again. Xiao Min went to pour water to drink now, and she also held Chuxi's cup, and poured a cup for Chuxi as well.

Su Nan looked down at the message sent by her senior on the mobile phone, which said: "Xiao Min is very easy to deal with. A few compliments make me a good friend, but Chu Xi seems to be a little wary of me, what should I do? Wait carefully She smells you."

He silently put the phone back, remembering that Zhao Xiaomin deliberately bad-mouthed her senior in front of him before going out just now.

I heard that there are five wechat groups in the girls' dormitory for four people, and it was only a joke at first, it seems that it is not impossible!

The lunch break passed quickly, because the senior was a senior high school student, so she went back half an hour before class started, and Su Nan, Chu Xi, and Zhao Xiaomin were left. They waited ten minutes before the preparatory bell rang, and then walked out slowly. Activity Room.

Many students have the habit of taking a lunch break. It is extremely difficult to get up after taking a nap at noon. Therefore, most people get up when they are almost late, and then rush to school. They flocked into the school gate, so for Su Nan and the others, it was still early, so there was no need to rush.

As soon as he walked outside, Zhao Xiaomin stuffed the things in his hands into Su Nan's arms: "Hold it for me, I'll go to the toilet." After speaking, he ran in.

Su Nan was stunned, Zhao Xiaomin ran in a hurry, how long did she hold back.

Seeing that he was looking at the entrance of the women's toilet, Chu Xi couldn't help asking, "Want to go in and accompany her?"

"Will you let me out?" Su Nan said with a smile, he could feel that Chu Xi was joking.

"Okay." Chu Xi nodded, and asked him again: "Do you want to take a sneak shot? My mobile phone has very high pixels, comparable to a SLR."

She really took out her mobile phone, she just bought it, and she still has the one she used before.Su Nan was speechless. Is this girl here to show off? His mobile phone is only over [-] yuan.

"Aren't you going to secretly take pictures?" Chu Xi handed him the phone as if offering a treasure.

Su Nan pushed back and said, "Instigate me to do this kind of thing, be careful that Xiao Min will fight you desperately."

"I think she might be more happy. As an excellent loyal dog, she will be very responsible and satisfy her master's various quirks anytime and anywhere." Chu Xi said solemnly while holding the phone.

Su Nan remained silent, turned her gaze to the entrance of the women's toilet, and hurriedly said: "Xiao Min, don't be angry, Chu Xi is just joking."

After speaking, he found that Chu Xi was looking at him with a smile, and he didn't turn his head to look at it at all. He sighed in his heart, he was so smart that he couldn't be fooled.

"Help me get something, I'll take a sneak shot." Chu Xi stuffed the extra things on her body to Su Nan, only holding her novice, then sniffed, and looked at him with satisfaction when she saw that she didn't smell anything. Turned around and entered the women's restroom.

Su Nan was stunned, she was really right by the senior sister, wait, Chu Xi just said that she wanted to take a sneak shot, and brought her mobile phone in, is she joking?

"Ah! Pervert! Ah Nan, save me!" After a while, Zhao Xiaomin's shrill scream came from the women's toilet, followed by a "bang" kick on the door. The girl looked very angry.

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