Chu Xi seemed to be hiding early in the morning, because Zhao Xiaomin rushed out, and threw herself into Su Nan's arms as if about to cry: "Ah Nan, have you seen the pervert?"

Su Nan quickly hugged her to comfort her, and didn't know how to complain in her heart, but Chu Xi really took pictures.

"Pfft! Hahaha, it's so funny... Ah Nan fell for it!" Zhao Xiaomin burst out laughing suddenly.

It turned out that I was the one being played.

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

After school in the afternoon, there were only Su Nan and Chu Xi in the activity room. Zhao Xiaomin hadn't arrived yet, and the senior sister might not come because she was in her third year of high school and had a lot of work to do.

Chu Xi was sitting next to Su Nan. She took out the mobile phone at noon from her bag, lowered her head and operated it for a while and placed it on the table.

Su Nan was playing with a strand of her hair, but now she couldn't help but look down, and when she saw the photo on the phone, she was startled.

It was a sneak shot at noon, but Chu Xi actually took it, which is unbelievable.

In the photo, Zhao Xiaomin seemed to know that she was being photographed, squatting there and looking down at the camera. The photo was taken from in front of her, and her face could be seen clearly from bottom to top.

Seeing that Su Nan was shocked, Chu Xi said with a happy smile, "She discussed teasing you with me, foolishly thinking that I didn't take pictures, but actually I did, but she didn't know."

Chu Xi was laughing, but Su Nan shuddered, looking at her strangely, Xiao Min believed in you so much, why are you treating her like this?

I don't know how Zhao Xiaomin offended Chu Xi, making Chu Xi even do such things as sneak shots.

"I'm not taking a sneak shot, but an aboveboard shot." Chu Xi emphasized, as Green Onion's finger landed on the screen and slid flexibly, the photos slid one by one, and finally a video, Chu Xi clicked play, and there was the sound of water.

Su Nan didn't know what to say after watching it. He even shot the video, and he didn't understand why Chu Xi did this, so he showed it to him.

"This guy is shameless all day long. If she doesn't teach her a profound lesson, she won't hold back." Chu Xi said.

Although her tone was calm, it was not difficult to hear the discomfort in it.

Su Nan felt that it was the threesome that angered Chu Xi. At the time, he thought they were voluntary, but Chuxi's behavior was a bit too shy afterwards. Maybe Zhao Xiaomin did something to meet the threesome's conditions.

"What do you want to do?" Su Nan asked curiously.

After taking videos and photos, and showing them to him, Chu Xi should want to discuss something with him.

Probably wanting to teach Zhao Xiaomin a lesson, Su Nan was very curious about how Chu Xi planned to teach Zhao Xiaomin a lesson.

Chu Xi said: "You show her the video and photos, and just say you found them on the Internet."

Su Nan understood what Chu Xi was thinking, and Xiao Min would basically believe what he said. If he said it, Zhao Xiaomin would probably be scared to death, thinking that she was secretly photographed, and was hung up on a strange website to be watched by others.

"What do you think?" Chu Xi looked at Su Nan, using a discussing tone.

Su Nan shook her head: "This is too scary, let's find another way."

"Okay." Chu Xi nodded, picked up the phone and deleted the video and photos in front of him.

It's just that when she deleted the video, she turned her head to look at Su Nan and asked with a smile, "Do you want to make a backup copy for you?"

By the way, she clicked play, and the sound of water was loud.

Su Nan looked away with difficulty, and said seriously: "Delete them all."

This video is well shot, although he really wants to keep it, but once this kind of thing is leaked, it will be a big blow to the woman, the whole girl is his, there is no need to keep these risks because of this nasty heart .

Chu Xi thought for a while, put the phone back, and said to him, "I'll delete it tonight, and I'll show her anyway, to see if she's ashamed."

After she finished speaking angrily, she assured him: "I will keep this phone, and it has been handled by professionals. Even if it is picked up, it will not be able to crack and check the contents of the phone."

Su Nan didn't say anything more.

Chu Xi was angry with Zhao Xiaomin, because it wasn't serious, and he didn't intend to persuade Chu Xi to give up, it made her feel that it was not good for him to favor Zhao Xiaomin.

Su Nan is also quite curious about Zhao Xiaomin's reaction after seeing this video. Based on his understanding of Zhao Xiaomin, it's okay to be angry, but I don't know if I will be shy. After all, I have experienced so many shameless things with him. , Thick skin is also normal.

Chu Xi hid her phone, sat for a while, leaned her head on his shoulder, her face flushed slightly, since she broke through the last relationship, she was a little clingy to Su Nan and took the initiative a lot, but she still felt embarrassed easily.

Su Nan enjoyed Chu Xi like this, gentle, a little arrogant, and honest.

Put your hands on her head and rub it gently, the hair is very soft and feels good.

With her hair messed up, Chu Xi pressed his hand and frowned, just when she was about to say something, Su Nan moved her face and kissed her lips, tasting them carefully.

Chu Xi was stunned for a moment, then pushed Su Nan without opening it, and then glanced at the door of the activity room, seeing that it was tightly closed, she closed her eyes reassuringly, and her face became more rosy.

Su Nan didn't mess around for too long, just kissed Chu Xi for a while, and dropped his hand from her chest to experience the treasure land that was not majestic but had a unique beauty.

When Su Nan let Chu Xi go, she was already sitting on his lap, hugging him tightly with her hands, her face buried in his chest, panting heavily.

The door was pushed open, and Zhao Xiaomin walked in. Seeing how close they were, she was stunned for a while, then stared at Chu Xi with a look of gusto and said, "Sorry, I'm early, but this is an activity room. So bold."

Chu Xi's breathing stagnated, and she seemed to be gnashing her teeth. She whispered in Su Nan's ear, "Just now you said that you thought of another way, which means you agreed with my decision. Then listen to me tonight."

"What are you going to do?" Su Nan asked in a low voice.

"Probably welfare?" Chu Xi said ambiguously.

The three of them had just been together not long ago, and Chu Xi's ambiguous answer made Su Nan look forward to it.

"What are you secretly talking about?" Zhao Xiaomin walked over quickly, wanting to eavesdrop.

Chu Xi had already left Su Nan's arms, returned to his seat and sat down, and replied calmly: "I told him to give you the seat."

Zhao Xiaomin froze for a moment, then asked suspiciously, "Are you so good?"

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