Facing Zhao Ruomin's question, Su Nan answered cautiously, and at the same time pulled his hand out of her embrace.

Su Nan didn't forget that the sister-in-law's brain circuit was a little abnormal, and she actually had thoughts about him as her sister's boyfriend.

Unsatisfied with Su Nan's answer, Zhao Ruomin puffed up her cheeks, and wanted to get closer to ask again, but Zhao Junmin ran over and grabbed her, and dragged her away involuntarily: "I'm going to be late, take me to school."

"Eh? It's still early." Zhao Ruomin looked a little unwilling.

"Today I have to clean up, so I need to be early." Zhao Junmin said, and gave the bicycle to her sister.

Zhao Ruomin sighed, feeling that she couldn't refuse, so she could only ride on the bike, greeted Su Nan, and then drove her sister away in frustration, her voice was still heard in the wind.

"Goodbye brother-in-law, come to my house for dinner when you have time, it hurts..."

The bicycle was swinging violently, and the girl let out a pitiful cry of pain, while Zhao Junmin pinched her sister's waist with her fingers, and said unhappily: "Don't make a fuss, my sister hasn't married him yet."

As she said that, she looked at Su Nan, and there seemed to be a gloomy look in her eyes, remembering the scene of Chu Xi lying on her sister and being played by Su Nan that night.

Su Nan watched them go away suspiciously, and felt that Zhao Junmin seemed to have a lot of opinions on herself, but she couldn't remember when she had offended her.

Well, if I have to say it, some unspeakable things did happen between the two of them, but it was basically Zhao Junmin who took the initiative, and if he was angry, he should be angry.

Then Su Nan remembered what Zhao Xiaomin had said to herself. She had a telepathy with her younger sister Zhao Junmin, and what she could feel, her younger sister could also feel. Their performance is indeed a performance of empathy, although they don't know what caused it.

Recently, Zhao Junmin reacted abnormally, maybe the so-called telepathy appeared again, Zhao Junmin could also feel what he did to Zhao Xiaomin.

Thinking of this, Su Nan broke into a sweat. He actually completely ignored this question. It's just strange that, if this is the case, then Zhao Xiaomin should find out, but recently Zhao Xiaomin didn't object to doing that kind of thing with him at all.

Could it be that Zhao Xiaomin moved next door to his house recently, and lived at home for a relatively short time, so she didn't notice anything unusual about her sister, and Zhao Junmin didn't say anything.

Just now Zhao Junmin seemed to be angry, but it happened that Su Nan, Chu Xi and Zhao Xiaomin had a threesome the night before last.

The more she thought about it, the more guilty she felt, Su Nan decided to find a chance to mention it to Zhao Xiaomin at noon, and asked her to test if Zhao Junmin had any abnormalities. If so, he might have to abstinence for a while.

When I came to school, it was still early, and the class hadn't opened yet, so Su Nan planned to find a place to sit on the playground.

As soon as he came to the playground, he saw a girl in a white sportswear running slowly along the track. Looking carefully, he found that it was Shu Baoer, whom he hadn't seen for a while.

Shu Bao'er also saw him, and waved at him from a distance, with a sweet and iconic smile on her face, which was very eye-catching.

Su Nan had nothing to do, so he sat down on the steps and watched the junior run. There was an open schoolbag where he sat. It was full of girls' things, including clothes, which should belong to the junior.

Su Nan also saw something like a fat cover, and thought that it was probably for the school girl to change and wash after running. The style and color of the two items were surprisingly mature.

Su Nan looked away after just one glance, intending to sit farther away, so as not to be misunderstood by the junior, but before he could move, he heard the unique crisp voice of the junior.

"Senior, do you want to steal my fat time? You must be going to hide in the men's bathroom, then take off your pants and wrap it up, don't! It's a bit disgusting."

Looking up, Xuemei stood a few meters in front of him, looked at him with her hands folded and said with disgust, but her eyes did not give a very angry feeling.

However, Su Nan was still a little bit taken aback, and said sternly: "Nonsense, as a senior, I'm just helping my cute school girl to read things. After all, it's hard to guarantee that there won't be perverts passing by."

Shu Bao'er smiled and said: "The senior is getting thicker and thicker, but I also believe that the senior is not that kind of person, because how can you be satisfied with mere fat times, and you still haven't worn it."

"I didn't even know I was such a pervert." Su Nan complained.

"I still think I'm taking it lightly." The school girl blinked at him.

Su Nan sweated secretly, and couldn't tell whether she was joking or serious. If he was serious, he was a pervert because he maintained close relationships with several beautiful girls at the same time.

"Do you run here every morning?" Su Nan changed the subject.

"No." Shu Bao'er shook her head: "Not necessarily running every day, if the senior wants to come and watch me run in the morning, he may be disappointed."

As she spoke, she walked up the stairs and sat down on the other side of her schoolbag. She was sweating all over from running and her sportswear was soaked, but Su Nan didn't smell the smell of sweat, but a faint fragrance , giving him the urge to take a deep breath.

Su Nan restrained this impulse, and said: "Whoever wants to see you, don't be stinky, you are covered in sweat, go find a place to take a bath and change clothes, it stinks to death."

"Senior, really, this is fragrant sweat, do you understand? The sweat of a beautiful girl is fragrant." Shu Baoer took out a towel from her bag to wipe the sweat, and gave him a coquettish look.

Su Nan smiled and nodded: "Okay, sweating is sweating, but hurry up and change clothes, be careful not to catch a cold."

She was sweating all over, and the wind was a little strong in the morning, but Su Nan didn't forget that her school girl was afraid of the cold, if she accidentally caught a cold, it would be bad.

The school girl curled her lips: "Senior is not sincere, but forget it, school girl, I'm going to the girls' dormitory to take a shower, so I won't take you there."

After she finished speaking proudly, she stood up with her schoolbag and waved to him, and said with a smile on her face, "Goodbye, senior. I'm going to see the beautiful figures of the first-year high school girls who just woke up in the morning."

Leaving a sentence full of temptation, Shu Bao'er ran away.

Su Nan couldn't help shaking her head. Usually, she looked healthy and seemed to have good physical fitness. I really couldn't see that she was so afraid of the cold.

After the junior girl left, Su Nan had no interest in staying, and got up to go back to class. At this moment, he found an ID card on the ground, where the junior girl put the schoolbag just now. dropped.

After all, the ID card is a very important thing. Su Nan picked it up and planned to return it to the school girl sometime, but when she accidentally saw the information on the ID card, Su Nan froze for a moment and frowned.

He checked carefully again and again, and confirmed that the date of birth on the ID card was indeed in [-], which was a full round older than him.

Probably the date of birth was written wrong, Su Nan thought so, but the mistake was too outrageous, it was more than ten years behind.

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

Su Nan didn't think about this question for too long, took Shu Bao'er's ID card and left the playground.

When I came to the class, it was still early for those on duty today, and the door had already opened.

Su Nan returned to his seat and began to read after sitting down. He has been too lazy recently, but because of the improvement of memory and comprehension ability, the study has not been delayed too much.

However, if you want to get good grades in the exam and even prepare for the college entrance examination, you need to work harder.

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