He used to be alone, so he didn't have a lot of pressure on the future, but recently there are more and more excellent girls around him, and he always feels that if he doesn't work hard, it will be difficult to support them in the future, and such a harem is too embarrassing.

Of course, it's not impossible to solve it. He has tried it. With his physical fitness, as long as he exercises a little bit more, practice his skills, and do some hard work, it is still possible.

It doesn't mean moving bricks, he can show his ability to rich people, and he can make a lot of money as a bodyguard, but it's just too unambitious.

He thought that if he couldn't get along in the future, he might be able to participate in the sports industry.With his physical fitness, he should be able to dominate many sports.

There is no hope for football. No matter how strong a person is, he can't lead the whole team, and football doesn't just need to be physically strong to play well.

Swimming, running, high jump and long jump are quite suitable for him, especially sprinting. People of yellow race are not as good as blacks in this aspect, and their physical fitness is naturally too poor. If he can win the 100-meter sprint world champion or even the Olympic champion, he will definitely be very good. sensational.

After thinking about it, she strayed away. Su Nan came back to her senses and quickly restrained her mind to concentrate on reading.

Then the students came in one after another and started the morning reading.

Su Nan, who was reading with her head down, didn't notice that the class monitor passed by and stood there for a while, hesitant to speak as if she wanted to say something to him, but when she saw the teacher came, she had to go back to her seat and sit down.

After class at noon, Zhao Xiaomin came to the class to look for Su Nan. Seeing that he was reading seriously, she came over and patted him on the shoulder and said, "Stop studying, I will support you in the future."

Su Nan laughed. Fortunately, there was no one in the class at this time, otherwise everyone would be shocked to death by Zhao Xiaomin's words.

"You're still suitable as a hot soldier for him. It's hard for you to make money." Chu Xi walked over, and the first sentence he said was to hit Zhao Xiaomin.

Zhao Xiaomin stared at her in dissatisfaction. She wanted to say something cruel, but she didn't have the confidence. It seemed that the pretense of "I'll raise you" was more appropriate for Chu Xi, a rich lady.

This was just a small episode, and soon Su Nan packed up her things and went to the cafeteria to eat with them.

"Xiao Nan, this way."

As soon as they finished cooking and went up to the second floor, they heard the senior sister's greeting. Following the sound, the senior sister was waving to everyone, and sitting beside her was a tall girl with a slightly glamorous temperament.

Seeing Su Nan, the girl gave him a friendly smile, as if the ice and snow melted instantly, making people feel like a spring breeze.

Su Nan was stunned for a moment, and smiled back at Li Gongting, but wondered why the senior sister brought outsiders here today.

That's right, to them, Li Gongting was an outsider.

Zhao Xiaomin bumped Su Nan with his elbow, pouted and asked, "Who is that?"

Chu Xi also looked at Su Nan. Although he didn't make a sound, his eyes could bring pressure.

"Senior sister's friend has nothing to do with me." Su Nan quickly clarified, quite speechless, he could be suspicious of him, senior sister is still sitting there.

The three of them walked over and sat down. Before Chuxi and Zhao Xiaomin could ask questions, Zhan Weiling introduced Li Gongting to them, and then introduced them to Li Gongting.

After the introduction, Zhan Weiling winked at Chu Xi and Zhao Xiaomin.

The two girls knew each other, knowing that Li Gongting thought Su Nan and her senior sister were lovers, then Su Nan and them could only be friends, otherwise Li Gongting would be frightened.

"Li Gongting...the name is a little familiar." Zhao Xiaomin said doubtfully, her eyes fell on Li Gongting's face, looking a little confused.

Chu Xi said: "Sister Li Gongting is the trump card of the school's sports. She once led the school football team to win the city's high school league championship. Because she was promoted to the third year of high school, she quit the school team to prepare for the college entrance examination."

"Ah, I remembered!" Zhao Xiaomin looked at Li Gongting with starry eyes, and asked curiously, "Sister, why don't you continue to practice sports? Students who are good at sports can also pass the college entrance examination."

Li Gongting replied with a smile: "Playing football is just a hobby, I am not going to fight as a career."

"So that's how it is, what a pity." Zhao Xiaomin said with regret.

Su Nan didn't pay attention to sports before, and went home every day after school. Although she knew that the school's football team won the game with other schools in the first year of high school, she never watched it once, so she didn't know about Li Gongting at all. After hearing about it, he looked at her in surprise.

Zhan Weiling said with a smile: "Actually, Gong Ting is very good at playing basketball, sprinting, long-distance running, high jump and long jump. I was in the same class with her in junior high school, and she won the championship in every school sports meeting. In high school, she chose to play football, and she still maintained a high level. level."

she said in amazement.

"That's amazing, senior sister, you are a genius!" Zhao Xiaomin also looked at Li Gongting in admiration.

"I'm just more talented in sports." Li Gongting said, but Su Nan saw a faint trace of helplessness flashing across her face.

Before he could think about it carefully, Li Gongting suddenly cast his eyes on him and said, "School brother, Wei Ling told me that you are not weak at all, is that so? Am I misunderstanding?"

Although she asked, disbelief was written all over her face. After all, she had seen Su Nan being bullied miserably by girls.

The corner of Su Nan's mouth twitched, seeing that no matter Zhao Xiaomin, Chu Xi or the senior sister, they were all looking at him curiously, as if wondering why Li Gongting thought he was weak.

The two experiences of being rescued by Li Gongting, Su Nan couldn't tell, and Li Gongting didn't seem to tell others, probably out of consideration for his face.

"Those two times were due to accidents. My body is actually quite strong. If you don't believe me, you can ask them." Su Nan chose an ambiguous answer, and asked his three girlfriends to testify for him by the way.

His original intention was so, but what he said changed in their ears, and their faces turned slightly red, which made Li Gongting full of doubts.

"Cough..." Su Nan coughed as a reminder.

Chu Xi was the first to react and nodded: "I am in the same class as him, and he performed well in physical education class, so he is not weak."

"Yes, sometimes our class has physical education class together, and I have seen it." Zhao Xiaomin also spoke up quickly.

Zhan Weiling said: "Gong Ting saw it, I almost grew up with Xiao Nan, he is not as weak as you imagined."

Li Gongting was silent for a moment, and said to Su Nan: "It seems that I have misunderstood, but it is also true that you encountered trouble in those two times. The murderer is still at large, and you are still in danger. If you don't mind, you can come to me after school every afternoon." Wait for me on the playground, then I will teach you some self-defense skills."

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

"Senior, have you found my ID card? My ID card is gone."

When school was over in the afternoon, Su Nan received a call from Shu Baoer. The voice of the school girl on the phone sounded sad.

After all, it is an ID card. If it is lost, not to mention the long time to reissue it, if it is picked up by someone with ulterior motives and used to do bad things, it will be a troublesome thing.

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