Looking at Su Nan carefully, Lu Ying said seriously: "Because I think you are more handsome, and my aunt likes good-looking ones, so I want to invite you to accompany my aunt to explain her."

She blushed when she said embarrassing words, but when she found that Su Nan seemed a little embarrassed, she immediately felt subtly happy.

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

"Hmph, after all, if you can be an investigator, your appearance won't be too bad."

Lu Ying stared at him, and said with a soft snort, feeling like she was grinding her teeth.

Su Nan was a little embarrassed by her praise just now, but now she is embarrassed when she hears the words. No wonder the monitor rejected him from getting in touch with Lu Anya so much. It turned out that he thought he was handsome and scumbag.

Fortunately, he was thick-skinned, and said jokingly, "Aren't you afraid that I will sneak in and make your aunt like me?" After speaking, he saw the squad leader staring at him blankly, so he immediately changed his words: "I'm just kidding."

Lu Ying nodded coldly: "It's good that you know, some jokes are not allowed."

In fact, Lu Ying really wanted to slap Su Nan, her aunt had long liked Su Nan to death, she was still worried about the wool.

Thinking about it makes her angry, but she doesn't want to tell Su Nan about this kind of thing. If it weren't for the fact that her aunt had a serious problem this time, as if she was suffering from depression, she wouldn't ask Su Nan for help.

Lu Ying waved her hands impatiently, and said, "Okay, you go to see my aunt, don't talk or move, just chat with my aunt and enlighten her."

"Aren't you going?" Su Nan was a little puzzled.

"I won't go." Lu Ying shook her head, "Don't tell her that I called you here, anyway, I'm hiding nearby, and I'll come forward if you can't handle it."

That last sentence is a warning.

Su Nan thought to himself, the squad leader said that she would keep watching him nearby, warning him not to mess around.

Of course, Su Nan didn't think about messing around, she just looked at the monitor and asked, "That video..."

"Delete it after you complete my explanation." She turned her face away.

Su Nan nodded, and walked towards Lu Anya who was drinking not far away, and Lu Ying was also hiding behind a big rock.

She had to stay and stare at Su Nan, otherwise she would be worried.

Staring and staring, before Su Nan came to her aunt, Lu Ying saw several young people sitting around her aunt. They looked at each other with disgusting smiles on their faces, and one of them stretched out his hand towards her. Auntie seemed to want to take advantage, but her auntie became dull because of drinking, and she couldn't react.

Lu Ying instantly turned pale with fright, and hurried out from behind the stone, trying to rush over to stop it, but the distance was too far and it was too late.Seeing that my aunt was about to be taken advantage of, and she couldn't stop it, Lu Ying felt depressed.I was so sad that I regretted that I didn't take good care of my aunt.She was going to shout, trying to scare those idiots.

"Ah, it hurts!"

A sudden scream caught her attention. Lu Ying looked over subconsciously, and found that it was Su Nan who had walked up to her aunt at some point, grabbed the wolf claw stretched out by the idiot, and folded it fiercely, turning the idiot's hand behind her. The angle is a bit exaggerated, I'm afraid it's broken.

Su Nan let go, and raised her foot to kick the idiot's stomach. The idiot's body flew out involuntarily, lying on the ground like a writhing wretch.

At this moment Lu Ying was stunned, looking at Su Nan who had a hostile face, somehow felt that he was quite handsome.

On the other side, after Su Nan dealt with the bastard who dared to reach out to Lu Anya, he glanced at the rest of them. His cold eyes frightened them, they didn't dare to stay, and they left without caring about their injured companion.

Originally, as pig friends and dog friends, everyone was quite loyal on the surface, but Su Nan was too ruthless, and he simply cleaned up one person neatly.And seeing that there is an accident happening here, the security guards of the park are coming, and it will be too late if they don't leave.

The security guards ran towards the injured idiot, but Su Nan didn't pay attention, and turned to comfort the frightened Lu Anya.

The moment he turned around, a soft and delicate body threw himself into his arms and held him tightly. The female body fragrance mixed with the smell of alcohol crazily penetrated into his nose and pressed against his chest. That full touch made his body stiff.

Su Nan raised his head, and the direction he was facing happened to be able to see the squad leader. She looked at her with a cold face, clenched her fists, and got angry.

Su Nan regained her senses, and quickly pushed away Lu Anya who was in her arms. Fortunately, she had no strength after drinking, so she pushed away.

Lu Anya sat down on the grass, she was not angry, she just looked up at him with a blushing face, and said embarrassedly: "I'm so excited, thank you for saving me."

Seeing the squad leader hid back again, Su Nan looked away and comforted: "Don't be afraid, it's okay."

He thought that Lu Anya was frightened, and it was normal to be afraid in that situation, so she threw herself into his arms immediately after she was saved.

"Well, thank you, by the way, why are you here?" Lu Anya asked curiously, wondering if it was an illusion, Su Nan felt that her voice had an indescribable gentleness.

"Come here to relax, how about you, why are you drinking here?"

Su Nan looked down at the several articles of beer left in the plastic bag on the ground, and frowned.

There are still a few empty bottles around. It is obvious that Lu Anya drank a lot. At this time, her face is a little drunk and flushed, but it looks very interesting, especially the neckline is slightly open, and Su Nan is from top to bottom. look...

A suspicious blush appeared on Lu Anya's face. She lowered her head and said in a low voice, "Because...you don't have to think about anything when you're drunk."

After being drunk, he didn't have the strength to act, and his whole body was limp, and he could only lie on the bed and sleep like a corpse. He could neither continue to think about the amazing thoughts in his mind, nor act on them.

Only in this way can she guarantee that she will not do anything wrong.

It's just like God's will, when she was in the most danger, Su Nan came to her.

With her weak appearance, Su Nan felt a little sympathetic, and said: "It's no big deal to lose love, why bother to make things difficult for yourself."

Lu Anya was startled, thinking that he thought she was broken in love.

She wanted to clarify, but she didn't know if it was because of drinking, and when she was slightly drunk, her ideas became bolder.

She shook her head, opened a bottle of beer with a bitter smile and said, "Sit down and have a drink with me."

A woman's tears are the most powerful weapon, especially a beautiful woman, Su Nan is not immune, let alone he agreed to the monitor's request.

Su Nan sat down, reached for a bottle of beer, opened it, and toasted with Lu Anya.

He didn't stop Lu Anya from drinking, the alcohol content of the beer was too low, so it was not so easy to get drunk to the point of unconsciousness, and with him by his side, there was no need to worry about safety.

Those who are broken in love might as well let her vent and get drunk.

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