After taking a sip, Lu Anya became even more excited, but she still maintained a depressed look.

With her body tilted, she took the opportunity to lean on Su Nan, buried her face on his shoulder, and shed tears.

Su Nan felt a burst of wetness on her shoulders, so she stopped the thought of pushing Lu Anya away, and silently let her vent.

Seeing this scene, Lu Ying, who was hiding behind a rock not far away, felt very upset, but seeing her aunt crying, she also resisted the urge to go out and interrupt.

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

Lu Ying gritted her teeth and stared at the scene in the distance. My aunt suddenly threw herself into Su Nan's arms and cried very sadly, but Su Nan didn't refuse, and even put her hand on her back and patted her lightly, as if comforting her girlfriend.

Seeing this scene for some reason, Lu Ying felt angry in her heart. He had clearly warned Su Nan not to act recklessly, but he still dared to do this, it was really bad in his bones!

But seeing her aunt crying, Lu Ying still resisted the urge to go out to stop them. She retracted her head, leaned against the big rock, and took a deep breath, trying to calm herself down.

She was afraid that she would not be able to bear it if she continued to look at it, so she simply couldn't see it.

On the other side, Su Nan didn't expect that Lu Anya would suddenly lose control of her emotions, throwing herself into her arms and hugging herself tightly to cry.His body was stiff, passively touching Luanyana's plump body, especially his chest was being squeezed by her fullness, the feeling was indescribable.

Lu Anya hugged his neck, sobbing softly, crying into tears, Su Nan felt that her shoulders seemed to be wetted by her tears.

At this moment, there was a hint of jealousy in his heart. Lu Anya is young and beautiful, and she has a more mature temperament than Lu Ying. This kind of woman is undoubtedly a goddess level, and she can't be cherished if she is held in the palm of her hand. Now she is lying in his words, heartbroken for other men.

Su Nan didn't have any thoughts about Lu Anya, but seeing her crying so sadly, she subconsciously had an opinion on the man who abandoned her, probably because he, as a man, naturally possessed a beautiful woman deep in his heart want it.

Su Nan quickly threw out the strange thoughts in her head, and gently patted Lu Anya's back to comfort her. He didn't know what to say, and he didn't know how to comfort her. It seemed that many words were superfluous. He Nor does it have the ability to comfort a woman who is broken in love.

Soon Lu Anya stopped crying. It was also in this strange state that she could control her emotions so freely.As if standing in front of Su Nan, a certain impulse deep in her heart would turn her into an extremely smart woman who is very good at taking advantage of herself as a beautiful woman.

She left Su Nan's arms, wiped away her tears, and said embarrassedly: "I'm sorry, I stained your clothes."

"It's okay, as long as you're fine." Su Nan shook his head. He used to think that Lu Anya was a troublesome woman, and he meant to keep her at arm's length, but after the incident of her crying in his arms, he suddenly felt that Lu Anya She is just an ordinary woman, equally fragile, easily trapped by love, and being broken in love makes her weak like an abandoned little girl.

"Well, after crying, I feel much better." Lu Anya smiled, and Lihua's rainy smile was like a white lily blooming in the morning fog, covered with dew, showing herself stubbornly to the rising sun The most beautiful side.

Su Nan's heart was touched subtly, he almost subconsciously shifted his gaze, and felt baffled by his behavior.

Noticing Su Nan's strangeness, Lu Anya was overjoyed, and chased after the victory, saying: "I'm hungry, and you haven't eaten dinner, why don't I treat you to dinner, and thank you for saving me just now."

She drank a lot, Su Nan would not ignore her.

Sure enough, Su Nan nodded after hesitating for a while.

"Come on, I know that there is a new Sichuan restaurant nearby, and the taste is very good." Lu Anya almost couldn't wait to stand up and said to Su Nan.

It just so happened that Su Nan agreed to the squad leader's request. If eating with Lu Anya would make her happy, of course Su Nan would not refuse.

He glanced at the monitor's hiding place, then stood up and left the park with Lu Anya.

He didn't notify the squad leader, because he felt that the squad leader had been hiding in the dark and staring at him, and she would follow him later.

After they walked away, Lu Ying, who finally calmed down, leaned out to see what was going on, but was shocked to find that Su Nan and her aunt had disappeared.

After dinner, at Lu Anya's request, Su Nan accompanied her for a walk on the street. During the walk, he kept observing with his eyes from time to time, but he couldn't find the squad leader hiding there. His tracking skills were professional enough.

Lu Anya didn't notice Su Nan's abnormality. She was trying her best to restrain her inner impulse, and she still wanted to maintain a depressed appearance on the surface.

Being so close to Su Nan, she could hardly bear it anymore. If she hadn't considered her next plan, there would be more exciting things in the future, she would have wanted to pull Su Nan into the alley right away .

It's just too uncomfortable to endure this step. At this moment, her mind is spinning rapidly, thinking of ways to get in touch with Su Nan's body, and crying sadly in his arms like just now. This has already been done, and it will be okay to do it again. It's too inconsistent.

Suddenly the sound of a microphone came from the front. A welcome event was being held in front of a newly opened supermarket. An elegant hostess on the stage was holding a microphone and inviting the audience to play a game. It seemed that the prize was good, causing passers-by to cheer.

Lu Anya listened carefully to what the hostess said, and immediately grabbed Su Nan's hand: "Let's go and have a look."

After finishing speaking, she couldn't help but pull him over, Su Nan looked down at her hand holding her hand, resisting the urge to break away, wondering if it was Lu Anya who held his hand so casually Just treat him like a younger brother, after all he is just a high school student.

Or, as the squad leader said, Lu Anya likes boys with good looks, and because of his good looks, she subconsciously gets close to him.

Su Nan didn't think that Lu Anya would have thoughts about him. After all, when he thought about it, Lu Anya had just lost her love, and not long ago she cried to death for her ex-boyfriend.

Holding Su Nan close to the stage, Lu Anya pretended to look at the stage curiously, but did not let go of Su Nan's hand, as if she had forgotten.

Just as Su Nan was about to remind them, the hostess on the stage saw them, her eyes lit up, and she smiled and said, "Are you interested in coming up to play, the beauties and handsome guys in the audience?"

"Me?" Lu Anya was stunned.

"Yes, it's you." The hostess nodded.

Lu Anya turned her head to look at Su Nan, and asked for his opinion: "It seems to be fun, do you want to play? Why don't you go up with me?"

Although Su Nan didn't like to go on stage, but seeing that she was interested, she agreed, and being able to participate in these activities, maybe Lu Anya would forget her sadness.

This is very beneficial for him to complete what Lu Ying explained today.

So Su Nan and Lu Anya came to the stage.

Standing on the stage, surrounded by hundreds of people watching, Su Nan suddenly regretted it, but it was too late.

What made him feel even worse was why the hostesses were chosen by a couple of men and women!

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

The supermarket opened today. In order to attract the attention of the masses, the owner of the supermarket specially prepared some popular games.

Since it is to attract attention, then the hostess is looking for people from the audience to come up to participate in the show, so naturally she has to choose some beauties.That's why when he saw Lu Anya who was a big beauty, he immediately chose her.

Listening to the content and rules of the game announced by the hostess, cold sweat immediately broke out on Su Nan's head. This is a game for couples, and the squad leader is still hiding nearby. How dare he play with the squad leader's aunt?

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