Lu Anya, who was lying on the bed, opened her eyes. Hearing the sound of water coming from the bathroom, she had the urge to peek, but she resisted it.

Su Nan has been left as planned, and it's time for dinner tonight.

Su Nan has no clothes to change, he will probably sleep on the sofa here tonight, and then Lu Anya will pretend to be asleep, and wait for Su Nan to fall asleep before getting up and attacking him at night.

Thinking of the key point, Lu Anya became excited. She got up and cut off the telephone line in the hotel room, completely cutting off all the ways for Su Nan to communicate with the outside world.

Soon the sound of water inside stopped, and Lu Anya hurried back to the bed, lay down and closed her eyes, leaving only a gap to look at the door of the bathroom, because Su Nan had no clothes to wear, so she might be lucky.

After a while, Su Nan came out wearing a bath towel, but Lu Anya was disappointed, knowing that she had wet all the bath towels when she was in the bathroom just now.

But it doesn't matter, Su Nan is hers tonight, and she can see him whatever she wants then.

On the other side, Su Nan didn't know that Lu Anya was pretending to be asleep. He sat on the sofa and sighed while holding his mobile phone. It fell into the water just now, but now it can't be turned on at all, probably due to water damage.

This mobile phone has only been replaced for a few months, and it actually broke down. It hurts a bit. The most important thing is that he can't contact the monitor, and he can't ask the monitor to come and pick Lu Anya away.

Well, maybe it's a good thing. Seeing their appearance at the moment, it's impossible for the squad leader not to doubt it. Even though she went missing with her aunt, and the phone couldn't get through, it's also doubtful.

Su Nan glanced out the window, the sky had already darkened, her phone was broken, and she didn't know if Xiaowan Chuxi, Xiaomin, and the others would be worried.

His eyes fell on Lu Anya who was lying on the bed, thinking about what to do next, he couldn't go out when his clothes were dry, and he couldn't use his mobile phone.

Su Nan got up and found Lu Anya's bag, took out her mobile phone, and found that it was turned off.He pressed the power button, but it said there was no battery. Otherwise, he could turn on the phone and wait for the squad leader to call and report her safety.

Then Su Nan put his expectation on the phone in the hotel room, intending to ask the waiter to help him buy clothes, but found that the phone was broken.He was completely disappointed, and it seemed that God wanted him to stay.

After staying for a while, the bored Su Nan lay down on the sofa. In short, let's sleep for a while, and leave after the clothes dry later.

At eight o'clock in the evening, Lu Ying was guarding the gate of the park, but she didn't see Su Nan and her aunt coming out. It seemed that they were indeed not in the park anymore.

Lu Ying turned to face the crossroads. There was a steady flow of vehicles at the crossroads. She looked at that intersection and then at another intersection, not knowing which direction to look for.

Anyway, let's go home first, maybe my aunt has already gone home.

Thinking so optimistically, Lu Ying hailed a car and went home.

In the hotel room, the time was getting later and later, and Su Nan gradually fell asleep. Normally, he didn't go to bed so early, but it was too boring to play without a mobile phone. In short, let's sleep for a few hours and wake up at eleven or twelve o'clock .

Around eleven or twelve o'clock, Su Nan felt that his body was being pressed by a heavy object, and the feeling brought about by Qin Xiaowan attacking him at night not long ago reappeared.

At first, he was still a little confused, thinking that he had fallen asleep, but then he suddenly realized that he opened his eyes profusely with sweat, and saw that Lu Anya, who was supposed to be sleeping on the bed, came to him at some point and opened up to him. world.

Traveling, Su Nan is traveling, from the world to the new world.This process brought pain to the world, and blood sprang from the sky of the new world, staining the land red.

But the world master turned around and gave the intruder a charming smile. She didn't cry, let alone get angry. Instead, she turned around and hugged the intruder tenderly, kissing the intruder's forehead affectionately.

The intruder was ignorant throughout the whole process, realizing that he had made a terrible mistake, but the master of the world he invaded treated him tenderly, making him intoxicated in this gentle place.

"Where did my aunt and him go?"

Lying on the bed, Lu Ying sighed.

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

After the matter was over, the two of them lay on the bed hugging each other, chest to chest, and the sound of their heartbeats seemed to be connected together.

Looking down at the flushed woman in her arms who was slowly falling asleep due to exhaustion, Su Nan was in a complicated mood. He didn't know why things had developed to this point. He was woken up from sleep, and when he realized it, Lu Anya has already sat on him, making the closest connection with him.

When he woke up in the middle of the night, Lu Anya pushed him against him. Su Nan couldn't accept the result. As for why Lu Anya did such a thing, the reason can only be attributed to being drunk.

In fact, when they were awakened by Lu Anya, they hadn't reached that point yet. At that time, Su Nan had the opportunity to prevent the incident from developing to the worse side.

But when he was in the bathroom, he had already been aroused by Lu Anya. Although he suppressed it forcibly later, his physical needs were extremely strong, and the impulse was only temporarily lurking until Lu Anya came to provoke him. , suddenly things got out of hand.

Taking advantage of the few seconds Su Nan was stunned, Lu Anya had already started, leaving him too late to react, and by the time he realized what happened, it was already too late.

Later, Su Nan didn't even have the thought of stopping, and the suppressed lust broke out, turning him into a reckless beast, cooperating tirelessly with Lu Anya.

It's just that after the calm at this moment, Su Nan calmed down, thinking of Lu Anya's identity, he had a headache, and now he didn't know how to explain to the squad leader.

At the same time, if she did such a thing because she was drunk, Lu Anya might suffer a huge blow when she wakes up tomorrow.

In a daze, Su Nan suddenly felt that the people around him woke up, and the other party was still provoking him, giving him a new round of feelings.

He looked in astonishment at Lu Anya who woke up for some reason, looked at him with a blushing face, but her eyes were eager to try.

"Haven't you sobered up yet?" Su Nan asked in amazement.

"No, actually when you hurt me, you already woke up." Lu Anya said with a blushing face, she could see that she was still a little drunk, and her movements were extremely bold.

"Then...why?" Su Nan couldn't understand. If she was conscious at that time, why did she continue?Lu Anya is probably the first time.

He lowered his head, and his eyes flicked over the red stain on the bed sheet.

"Because I want to vent, and you just fit my aesthetics. Today, you care about me and save me. I am very touched."

The woman said softly, without any intention of complaining, but instead leaned forward and kissed Su Nan.

She held Su Nan's face in both hands and looked at Su Nan tenderly, the affection in her eyes made Su Nan's heart flutter.

"Can you do it again? I want to forget my troubles." She said with a smile, and climbed onto Su Nan again.

Su Nan took a deep breath, slapped Lu Anya's big moon back, and stretched it up until the end.

The sound of her rapid breathing came from her ear, and Su Nan simply stopped suppressing herself.

After some exercise, the two hugged and slept together, and Su Nan looked down at her in her arms.At this moment, Lu Anya closed her eyes with a tired face, she really fell asleep this time, her eyebrows were slightly wrinkled, and there was still a trace of pain between her brows.

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