It was the first time for Lu Anya. Su Nan felt pity for her, lowered her head and kissed her forehead, then got up lightly and got out of bed to take a bath.

After he left the bed, Lu Anya opened her eyes, her face was blushed with shyness, recalling the little things just now, even though she handed over the most precious things, she didn't regret it at all, instead she had something in her heart. An eerie satisfaction.

Lu Anya wondered if she was affected by the previous punishment incident, so she thought about pushing Su Nan back, and whether she would regret it after the influence was over.

But the answer is not important to her at the moment, she just wants to reverse Su Nan, wants to have a close relationship with Su Nan, and wants to be his closest person.

For the rest, think about it later.

Su Nan went into the bathroom to take a shower, and Lu Anya came in after a while, and gently wiped his back.

Sensing the actions of the man behind her, Su Nan was startled, thinking that Lu Anya would be good at playing, and doing so would be comfortable for a man, both physically and psychologically.

Although the mood is complicated, but the matter has come to this point, no matter what, it can't be changed, and Lu Anya doesn't seem to mind at all, so just enjoy it.

Su Nan didn't hate being flattered by Lu Anya, she leaned in her arms and closed her eyes, letting Lu Anya serve her.

Slowly, Lu Anya's movements became more and more daring, Su Nan even heard the sound of her diving into the water, and thought to herself that you are trying to die!

He opened his eyes, just as Lu Anya got out of the water to breathe, seeing her delicate and shy face, Su Nan couldn't help but move her index finger, and hugged her into her arms.

After that, the two had a good time again.

It was close to two o'clock in the morning when Su Nan hugged Lu Anya, who was soft and had no strength at all, back to bed to sleep.

After the two lay down, Lu Anya slipped into his arms, looked at him tenderly, felt his warm embrace, and soon fell asleep.

Waking up in the morning, Su Nan was holding a woman in her arms. Looking down, she felt a heat in her nose.

Lu Anya lay quietly in his arms, her black hair spread out like a cloud, and the corners of her mouth curled up slightly in her sleep, as if she had encountered a beautiful event in her dream, and she was smiling happily.

His eyes strayed across her butterfly-like eyelashes, her lips were as rosy as a begonia, and finally fell on the woman's fragrant shoulders that were accidentally exposed, and his breath tightened slightly.Her skin was as white as milk, and the slightly messy hotel pajamas, even the sunlight coming in from the window, couldn't match her radiant skin.

The sleeping posture is so soft and beautiful, and the curves of the body are simply fascinating, especially the part of the body exposed outside the quilt. Because of the posture of the body, the beautiful curves make people's eyes linger.

Su Nan just felt a strange feeling in her heart. Her face is so moist that people want to touch it when they see it. The shape of her face is so beautiful. Her eyes are especially charming, like a sleeping beauty. temperament.

Su Nan unconsciously ignored Lu Anya's identity, bent down, stretched out her hand, and touched Lu Anya. Since the two are very close now, Su Nan didn't feel wrong, and Lu Anya would not be angry.

His slightly rough palm touched the woman, and his dream was disturbed. She moved her body a little dissatisfied, and pouted her small mouth.

Lu Anya woke up from her sleep, and as soon as she opened her eyes, she saw Su Nan looking at her with a half-smile. She quickly remembered her bold action last night, her pretty face blushed, and she buried her face in Su Nan's chest. Dare to look up at him.

I'm so ashamed, how could I be so bold last night, using all the methods I learned from the Internet, would he feel that I don't love myself, probably not, he was very happy last night.

Listening to Su Nan's powerful heartbeat, breathing his familiar smell, it was the smell that made Lu Anya obsessed.A flash of shyness flashed in Lu Anya's heart, and then she accidentally touched something with her hand, and she heard Su Nan complaining in her ear: "Do you still want to come again?"

Lu Anya's face turned red, and she subconsciously retracted her hands, with a frightened expression on her face.

Due to being too indulgent last night, she still feels very uncomfortable, and she can't stand it again.

Seeing this, Su Nan thought of playing a prank. Lu Anya was very proactive last night, but now she is acting like a young woman.

Su Nan went over and whispered in her ear: "It's okay, I won't do anything to you, but you have made me like this, you have to be responsible anyway."

Lu Anya thought to herself that men have been like this for a long time, why did I wake it up.

It's not that Lu Anya doesn't understand anything. Sensing Su Nan's needs, she looked at Su Nan with some embarrassment, not knowing what to do.It seemed that after one night, she was satisfied, and the strong idea of ​​pushing Su Nan subsided temporarily.

Su Nan rolled her eyes and whispered something in her ear. Lu Anya's face was reddened, but she hesitated for a moment, and she still followed suit.

Not long after, Lu Anya got out of the quilt and ran into the bathroom with a blushing face. Su Nan looked at her embarrassed back with great interest, and felt guilt inexplicably in her heart.

For some reason, when the mistake was irreversible, he felt a little self-defeating, or abandoned all worries, and the first thing he thought of was to enjoy everything in front of him.

This kind of self seems to have become a lot of scum under the pampering of senior sister Chu Xi, Xiao Min and the others.

When Lu Anya came out, Su Nan also went in to wash up, and then the two left the hotel.

The two had some breakfast at a nearby breakfast spot. Lu Anya felt a little unwell. After all, it was the first time. Su Nan planned to send her back.

"I'm going to work, and I haven't been to work for several days." Lu Anya said while putting her hand on top of his hand to grab it, squeezed it lightly, and said with a smile: "Remember to contact me."

Su Nan actually felt a little uncomfortable with her enthusiasm. Now he was a little uncertain whether Lu Anya was broken in love, so she gave up on herself and wanted to have fun by getting drunk, or whether she also had feelings for him.

The former is very likely, and that's what Lu Anya told him, but Su Nan saw the same thing as Zhao Xiaomin, Chu Xi and the others from the way Lu Anya looked at him, probably an illusion.

Persuading Lu Anya to go home and rest failed, so Su Nan had no choice but to send her into a taxi. After the car drove away, he was about to leave when the monitor's voice came from behind him.

"Su Nan, where's my aunt?"

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

Su Nan looked back at the squad leader standing behind him at some point with an expressionless face. His body was stiff, and he felt guilty that he was doing something bad and was suddenly caught by the person involved. The squad leader probably didn't notice when he sent Lu Anya to the car just now. come on.

"As for my aunt, she is such an adult, she didn't come home last night, and she couldn't get through the phone."

Seeing that Su Nan didn't answer, Lu Ying asked again, her expression full of worry.

Su Nan slowly relaxed. The squad leader probably didn't see the scene where he sent Lu Anya off just now, otherwise she wouldn't be asking this question now, and she didn't think about the bad side.

Facing the class monitor at this time, Su Nan felt unspeakably awkward about getting her aunt involved. She was uneasy, sorry, guilty, and entangled, and didn't know how to face it.

All kinds of complicated emotions flowed in his heart, tangled together like hemp rope.

Although it really counted, it was actually Lu Anya who fell for him.

Comforting himself in his heart, he shook his head calmly, and said in surprise: "Yesterday I saved your aunt, and later she invited me to dinner, and she went back after dinner, because she was drinking and called a friend to pick her up , why, didn't she come home?"

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