"No, I can't get through the phone either, and you couldn't get through yesterday either." Lu Ying shook her head and finished speaking, looking at Su Nan hesitantly.

Su Nan took out her mobile phone, "My mobile phone has been damaged by water, and I plan to take it tonight for repair."

After a pause, seeing the squad leader frowning all the time, Su Nan said, "Your aunt may have gone to work, and the mobile phone should not be charged. Do you have the phone number of her company colleague?"

Lu Ying shook her head first, then she reacted and said, "I'll go to her company to have a look!"

After finishing speaking, she wanted to leave, Su Nan hurriedly said: "Well, I will accompany you there, but you have to ask the school for leave first, and you too."

The squad leader looked not in good spirits, with dark circles under his eyes. Maybe he didn't sleep well last night. Su Nan didn't feel relieved that she was alone, but he couldn't tell her that Lu Anya was fine, otherwise it would be exposed that he was with Lu Anya last night. Are you together yet?

So Su Nan planned to stay with the monitor for a while, and when Lu Anya arrived at the company to charge her phone, she would report to the monitor as soon as she saw the message from the monitor.

Lu Ying didn't refuse, but just whispered, "Thank you."

Su Nan felt ashamed, and comforted her: "Don't worry too much, I personally sent your aunt to the car last night, and the one who picked her up was your aunt's friend, who is also a woman, and she will be fine."

It's just that Lu Ying couldn't listen, she nodded perfunctorily, not knowing what she was thinking.

Su Nan had no choice but to call a car, got in the car with Lu Ying, and went to Lu Anya's work address.Fortunately, halfway through the car, Lu Ying received a call from Lu Anya, and the nervous expression on her face finally relaxed.

After hanging up the phone, Lu Ying looked at Su Nan beside him in embarrassment. It was a shame that she was so panicked in front of him, and even a little dependent on him.

She whispered, "Auntie is at work, thank you for accompanying me."

Su Nan smiled and nodded, "It's fine, let's go to school, there should be still time."

The monitor nodded, and then Su Nan changed the address to the driver, and the car drove to the school. At this time, he started to study early, but fortunately, he was late for class.

Sitting in the car, Su Nan felt a little depressed. Last night when he found that things were irreversible, under the mentality of self-abandonment, male instinct prevailed, and he only cared about having fun. When he woke up in the morning, he was still in his head, and went to flirt with Lu Anya. , Another morning exercise.

Facing the squad leader now, he knew more and more deeply what he had done, and his heart was almost heavy.

The relationship between him and the squad leader is already unclear. In order to retaliate against some of the squad leader's past behaviors, he bullied the squad leader without any psychological barriers, making the relationship between the two of them not far from the last step. Now he and Lu Anya drunk Chaotic sex is really messy enough.

Su Nan didn't know how to face the squad leader and Lu Anya in the future, his mind was in a mess, suddenly he felt a weight on his shoulders, and at the same time his body was touched by a soft body.

He was stunned for a moment, then turned his head to look, and saw the squad leader's head resting on his shoulder, and his body fell asleep next to him.

Su Nan turned her head and just saw the squad leader's peaceful face after falling asleep. It was so cute that it was a foul, and she was not at all defensive. People couldn't help being fascinated.

After a while, Su Nan looked away and sighed inwardly, why did she feel so heavy when she said she would take revenge on the monitor.

At school, when the car stopped, Su Nan came back to her senses. The first time she felt a wetness on her shoulders, it was probably saliva or something.

He turned his head again and leaned his head against the squad leader on his shoulder. The corner of the monitor's mouth was dripping with crystal liquid, which was inexplicably cute.

Su Nan couldn't help stretching out a finger, and poked it on the white face of the class. When the fingertip touched it, there was a feeling of warmth like jade.

When Lu Ying woke up, she was stupefied for a moment, until she realized that she had fallen asleep leaning against Su Nan, her body immediately bounced off like an electric shock, she sat near the car door, her eyes turned to the outside of the car, her face turned bright red.

Then she felt the corners of her mouth wet again, and wiped it subconsciously, it was saliva, and glanced at Su Nan's wet shoulders, her face blushed uncontrollably.

She felt very ashamed, she was fine with sleeping next to Su Nan, but she was still drooling!It's too unladylike for a girl to drool, not to mention it's still dripping on Su Nan's body, she can't stand it with her delicate face.

On the contrary, Su Nan said calmly: "Squad leader, we are here, let's get off."

Dazed for a moment, Lu Ying nodded slightly.

The two got out of the car, and walked towards the campus one after the other, Su Nan walked in front, Lu Ying walked behind, her eyes fell on Su Nan's shoulder, her cheeks burned red again, hesitating whether to wipe it for Su Nan , or think of something else.

But Su Nan didn't care at all, and walked straight ahead, ignoring her wet shoulders.

Lu Ying frowned slightly and stared at his back, feeling like being ignored, she felt a little uncomfortable.

After reaching the floor where the class is located, Su Nan stopped and said, "I'll go to the toilet first."

Lu Ying glanced over his shoulder, nodded, hesitated, took out a handkerchief from her bag and handed it to him, bowed her head in embarrassment and said: "Take it and use it first, and... just now, I'm sorry gone."

Dazed for a moment, Su Nan took the handkerchief and said, "Thank you."

The monitor was silent for a while, then turned and walked into the class.

Su Nan looked down at the handkerchief in his hand, and vaguely smelled a special fragrance. Girls carry such things with them. They are very personal items, but the squad leader gave them to him.

Su Nan has always felt that the class monitor has thoughts about her, maybe she likes her, or maybe she has some kind of trait in her that attracts the perverted class monitor.

He didn't pay much attention to it before, and just regarded it as a very common thing, but the behavior of the squad leader to present the handkerchief just now made him feel burdened.

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

As soon as Su Nan returned to the class and sat down, Chu Xi looked back at him, but the class monitor kept his head down and stared at the book.

He shook his head slightly to Chu Xi, indicating that he was fine.

In the past few nights, Su Nan has been going to the next door to accompany Chu Xi, Zhao Xiaomin or the senior sister, but she didn't show up last night, and the phone is broken, so she can't be contacted, so maybe Chu Xi is a little worried.

He didn't go home last night, and he didn't know if Qin Xiaowan was worried, so let's go back after school today and have a look.

These days he kept avoiding Qin Xiaowan, but he didn't expect to meet Lu Anya in the end. Lu Anya did the same thing as Qin Xiaowan, and was even far crazier than Qin Xiaowan. In the end, he couldn't escape the fate of being reversed.

Being pushed against by a woman, especially a beautiful woman, should be a good thing for many people, but Lu Anya's identity is Lu Ying's aunt, so it can't help but make people feel entangled.

Judging from Lu Anya's performance in the morning, it seems that she still wants to maintain a relationship with him. Su Nan didn't know how to deal with it, so she could only shake her head and not think about it for the time being.

After class at noon, Zhao Xiaomin came to look for him and Chuxi again, and Su Nan also calmed down temporarily, and walked to the cafeteria with them.

Lu Ying stared at the three of them from behind, her brows were tightened, and then slowly loosened, her eyes turned firm.

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