"Ah Nan, are you in a bad mood today?" Zhao Xiaomin asked suddenly on the road.

Su Nan was a little puzzled, did he act so obviously?

"Because we can feel it." As if seeing what he was thinking, Zhao Xiaomin said with a smile.

"It's a little bit, maybe I didn't sleep well last night." Su Nan explained, and then said: "By the way, my phone fell into the water last night, and I may not be able to contact me through my phone for the next two days."

Chu Chuxi took a deep look at him, took out a mobile phone from his bag, and said, "It happens that I have a mobile phone that is out of use, so I will use it first."

Su Nan shook her head without thinking, but Zhao Xiaomin had already taken Chu Xi's phone and stuffed it into his hand, without giving him a chance to refuse.

"We can't contact without a mobile phone. We will miss a lot of things. Chu Xi is not an outsider. Ah Nan is too polite."

When Zhao Xiaomin said that, Su Nan didn't know why she refused, so she had to accept it.

He doesn't like to use other people's things. In the process of dating, he is the kind of person who doesn't want to spend girls' money, but Zhao Xiaomin is right, it's not good to be too polite.

When I came to the cafeteria to meet my senior sister, the four gathered at a table and started having lunch.

In the past, when the three of them sat together, they barely attracted so much attention, but since the senior sister also came, Su Nan was accompanied by three superb beauties every time he ate, so it was difficult not to attract attention.

Su Nan, who was the person involved, was quite uncomfortable, but seeing that no matter whether she was senior, Chu Xi, or Zhao Xiaomin, they didn't care much, so she was embarrassed to say it.

Fortunately, they are often on the second floor and come later, so there are not many people.

The group of people who had lunch were going to the activity room together. Just after they walked out of the cafeteria, the senior sister took Su Nan's hand and said hello to Chu Xi and Zhao Xiaomin: "I have something to borrow him for a while, don't you mind?" .”

Zhao Xiaomin said, "He doesn't just belong to us."

There was some confusion between Chu Xi's brows, probably because she couldn't be as calm as Zhao Xiaomin, but she didn't say anything.

"It's better to be clear, so that you don't think I'm stealing." Zhan Weiling said generously, Su Nan felt ashamed when she heard this, the senior is too tough.

After confessing to Chu Xi and Zhao Xiaomin, Su Nan followed her senior to a forest in the school. The senior didn't tell him what to do, but just told him that he could help, and Su Nan held back her curiosity and didn't ask any more questions.

Arriving at the woods, before Su Nan went in, she heard bursts of girls' crisp yelling from the woods, mixed with Li Gongting's voice, she seemed to be teaching the girls.

Seeing Su Nan's surprised face, Zhan Weiling looked a little helpless, "You'll know when you go in, Xiao Nan, this time you get her done for me, this guy is really annoying."

After finishing speaking angrily, the senior sister walked in first, and Su Nan followed into the woods.

After walking for a while, the yelling sound became clearer, and then Su Nan saw more than a dozen girls standing in an open space not far away, each holding a wooden sword in their hands, making an attacking posture forward.

They are practicing swords.

And in front of everyone, Li Gongting, who was dressed in elegant clothes, stood on the spot, watching everyone's sword movements with lightning-like eyes, giving pointers from time to time, quite a bit of a master's temperament.

Seeing Zhan Weiling coming, Li Gongting gestured to the girls practicing swords and walked towards them.

"Wei Ling, you are finally here. I prepared a wooden sword for you. From today on, you can practice swords with me. Pretty girls in society are not safe, so learn to protect yourself."

When Li Gongting said this, his tone was somewhat joyful, as if he was very satisfied.

"Xiao Nan, you have to help me, this time she wants me to learn how to practice sword with her no matter what, I'm going to take the college entrance examination, how can I have so much time, and she promised that if I persuade you to learn something with her, she will let me go " Zhan Weiling pulled Su Nan's arm and said to him pitifully.

Su Nan was speechless, the senior sister sold him like this.

Li Gongting discovered Su Nan at this time, and his face flashed with joy. He walked over slowly and said softly: "Su Nan, are you willing to learn martial arts with me? Although Wei Ling said that you are in good shape, there are bad guys watching you. I'm falling for you, your situation is very dangerous, you should make yourself stronger!"

The girls who practiced over there stopped, and happily responded to Li Gongting's words. They looked more like booing, but Li Gongting's expression was very serious, and what he said was righteous, like coming out of a martial arts novel. The chivalrous woman.

Su Nan came back to his senses and was speechless. Is this the rhythm of passion? He's still learning martial arts.

Zhan Weiling poked Su Nan's arm to remind him.

Su Nan met Li Gongting's bright eyes, from which he saw seriousness and persistence.This is a girl who does not give up until she achieves her goal, but also a girl with a strong sense of justice. It is not easy to get her to give up her beliefs.

"What do senior sisters know?" Su Nan asked.

"Fist, palm, leg, sword, knife, I know all eighteen martial arts. What do you want to learn?" Li Gongting said confidently.

"Then dare to ask senior sister, can a person really become stronger after learning these things? I mean it's like kung fu in novels." Su Nan asked again.

Li Gongting shook his head: "Novels are all deceitful, but learning martial arts can indeed strengthen the body."

"Then why do I study so hard? Just keep fit and go for a run." Su Nan spread his hands. His own situation made him always suspect that the world is not that simple. He thought that Li Gongting knew something, but now it seems that he obviously doesn't .

"Running is also a kind of martial arts practice, but not all." Li Gongting looked at Su Nan after answering, and said slowly: "Learning martial arts does not allow a person to gain great strength. A man, no matter how much he trains his strength, he can't compare to a strong man with natural supernatural power, but if a thin man fights a strong man to the death, the winning rate before practicing martial arts is [-]/[-], and after practicing martial arts may be [-]/[-], [-]%. three-thirds, or even higher."

"Practicing martial arts is not about winning anyone, longevity, eternal life, etc., but to surpass oneself and increase the strength of self-protection and even resistance when facing desperation."

Li Gongting said calmly.

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

"Learning martial arts is just to give us the strength and possibility to fight back. Even if it only increases the possibility by one percent, I think it is worth it."

Li Gongting looked at Su Nan, she said so with a serious expression.

Su Nan was stunned for a moment, and then felt a headache. He even doubted whether Li Gongting was the successor of some secret sect, and his brain circuit was completely different from that of ordinary people.

Now the society is relatively stable, and ordinary people rarely encounter opportunities to use force. For this slight possibility, it is not worth spending a lot of effort to exercise and learn martial arts.

But Li Gongting thought this was right, and even asked him and Zhan Weiling to join, and if he didn't agree, senior Li Gongting would even be a little bit determined not to give up until she reached her goal. Is she obsessive-compulsive disorder?

Su Nan complained in her heart.

In fact, Su Nan does not reject learning some skills. He has brute force, but he doesn't know how to apply it. There is no harm in learning.

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