She stared at Su Nan ambiguously, because Lu Ying was there, so she didn't dare to make it too obvious, but Su Nan could understand this.

Su Nan shook her head: "It's too polite, but my family still has a younger sister to take care of, so I have to go back early."

"It didn't take long to have a meal. I hired someone to cook at home, and I can eat it right away when I get back. Besides, you are a classmate with my family Xiaoying. You need to connect more with each other."

Lu Anya didn't want to just let Su Nan go. She felt numb after not seeing Su Nan for a day, and wanted to integrate with him again.

While talking, Lu Anya winked at Lu Ying who was walking, hinting that Lu Ying would help.

Lu Ying froze in place, her mood suddenly became complicated. Auntie seemed to be back to normal, was it because she met Su Nan yesterday?

What did Su Nan do yesterday to make her almost depressed aunt return to normal?

Lu Ying thought a lot, but the answers made her feel bored.

My aunt should be disappointed that Su Nan dated several girlfriends at the same time, but now she is obviously not angry with Su Nan, but wants to get close to him. What did Su Nan say to my aunt yesterday, or is it because of a simple hero saving the beauty? Behavior?

She didn't have time to think about this point. At this moment, Lu Ying was tangled in her heart. She found herself caught in a problem, that is, her aunt liked Su Nan, and she was almost depressed because of him.

And if I reject my aunt at this moment, will it irritate my aunt and make her change back to the way she was yesterday?

Lu Ying didn't dare to take any risks, so she turned around and spoke to Su Nan with a trembling tone: "Su Nan, get in the car, thank you for taking care of my aunt yesterday."

"No need, I'll go back first."

Su Nan shook her head, didn't notice the monitor's abnormality, and planned to leave after speaking.

Just kidding, going to Lu Anya's house for dinner now, facing her and the squad leader at the same time, not to mention whether it was for death, the atmosphere alone is as embarrassing as one can imagine.

It's just that he didn't take two steps, but the squad leader who walked quickly grabbed his arm and said a little unhappily: "I'm your squad leader, I don't give you any face, and be careful to wear small shoes for you in class."

Involuntarily dragged Su Nan to the car.

Su Nan didn't intend to cooperate, and was about to struggle when she heard Lu Ying whispering to herself, "Didn't you promise me just now, so you can't refuse my initiative, or I will be ashamed, go to my aunt now, I'll show you around my room."

Saying this, the squad leader blushed slightly, and Su Nan's heart jumped. The girl invited the boy into her room. This move is ambiguous enough.

Of course, although he was tempted, he would not agree to it. However, what the squad leader said made his heart sting, and all thoughts of resistance disappeared at once. Such a humble squad leader softened his heart. This was dragged into the car.

As soon as Su Nan got into the car, he felt at a loss. The squad leader was sitting beside him, and Lu Anya was in front of him, which made him feel a little nervous for no reason, so he had to keep silent.

Seeing that Lu Ying finally dragged Su Nan into the car, Lu Anya turned her head and secretly gave her a thumbs up, and then quickly started the car as if she was afraid that Su Nan would regret it.

Lu Ying was a little depressed, she obviously didn't want Su Nan to get involved with her aunt, but she had to help, because she was afraid that her aunt would change back to the way she was these days.

She thought it might be Su Nan's heroic act of saving the beauty last night that touched the heart of my aunt and made her feel that he is a reliable person, so she didn't care that he had other girlfriends.

She thought that when my aunt invited Su Nan home, she must have hoped to do something to impress Su Nan, and then let Su Nan choose herself.

Lu Ying didn't know what to do, and even felt resentful in her heart.

The car entered the community and parked. Su Nan observed the outside through the car window and found that it was a very high-end community, but the squad leader's family was in good condition. It was normal for Lu Anya to live in this kind of community.

Thinking of his situation, he felt a headache again, but they had already come here, and it was too late to leave.

After getting out of the car, Lu Anya greeted the two of them, walked in the front, and took the elevator up to the specific floor. Su Nan was not in the mood to pay attention, but just followed until she entered Lu Anya's house.

"Xiaoying, sit with Su Nan for a while, and I'll go to the kitchen to help."

As soon as she got home, Lu Anya left a word and ran into the kitchen

Originally, what she wanted to do most now was to throw herself into Su Nan's arms to act like a baby and make out with him, but it was a bit inconvenient for Lu Ying to be at home. At the same time, after applauding with Su Nan yesterday, some changes quietly occurred in her heart, and she hoped that Su Nan could see My good side, such as virtuous, not lazy, can cook.

Watching my aunt into the kitchen, she felt that she didn't come out so soon, Lu Ying hesitated, so she summoned up her courage and said to Su Nan, "Follow me into the room."

Su Nan stared at her blankly.

Seeing Su Nan staring at her silently after speaking, Lu Ying couldn't hold back, her cheeks were burning hot, she felt that her face must be very red at the moment.

Enduring the shame in her heart, Lu Ying tried her best to speak calmly: "I promised you before, hurry up, otherwise there will be no chance for my aunt to come out, so don't blame me."

Seeing that Su Nan was still not moving, she gritted her teeth, stretched out a trembling hand, grabbed Su Nan's hand at once, and led Su Nan to her room, but Su Nan hesitated for a while, but did not refuse.

It can be felt that the squad leader's palms are sweaty, wet, and warm at the moment, making her hands even more slippery, as if they will slip out of them if she is not paying attention.

Chapter four hundred and seventy fifth successively ambiguous

"Please come in."

Walking to the door, Lu Ying opened the door, then let go of Su Nan's hand, leaning sideways to invite him in, her cheeks were flushed and she dared not look directly at Su Nan.

The shy expression on the monitor's face made Su Nan look forward to it. He took a deep breath, restrained the impulse and shook his head, "Forget it, let's do it next time. I don't have much time. I'll leave after eating."

Although Lu Anya was in the kitchen, and she didn't have to do anything when she went in, Su Nan still refused, he just wanted to have a meal early and leave.

Lu Ying's body froze, she looked at him seriously and said, "I said I would show you around my room, you can't count your words, or your mind is full of unhealthy things."

This... really exists, but Su Nan can't admit it, just said: "Let's go to the kitchen to help."

"My aunt can handle it, come in!"

Gritting her silver teeth, Lu Ying caught Su Nan's hand again and pulled him into her room.

Then he threw away his hand, pointed to his room and said generously: "Look at it casually, aren't you boys curious about girls' rooms?"

She looked indifferent, but the twinkling eyes betrayed her.

Su Nan felt that there must be something in the room that the monitor didn't want to be discovered, which made him a little curious. However, although the monitor behaved generously, if she really went to explore her room, she would definitely be angry.

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