Now that she has already entered, Su Nan is not in a hurry to go out. Looking at it, it is normal to visit a classmate's room. Even if Lu Anya sees it, she can't say anything, as long as she doesn't stay too long.

Seeing Su Nan looking at her room, Lu Ying was a little nervous and blushed, but fortunately she is a clean person with a little obsessive-compulsive disorder, and the room was tidy, otherwise she would never have let Su Nan in rashly.

Slowly, realizing that Su Nan was just looking at it, and didn't do anything, Lu Ying relaxed a little, but suddenly, she saw some of her own clothes on the chair, and the ones she had just taken back were not put in the closet in time.It was probably collected by my aunt in the morning, and the clothes were placed there randomly, with the fat times and hoods on top, very conspicuous.

At this time, Su Nan happened to see the clothes on the chair, and seemed to be taken aback, but in the eyes of the monitor, it was him who was staring at his underwear.

In a hurry, she rushed over and hugged all the clothes in her arms, then turned her back to Su Nan, blushing up to her neck.

"Cough, I'll go out first." Su Nan gave a dry cough and was about to go out, but she caught a glimpse of a color printer on the computer desk in the room, and there was a stack of photos of herself on it. It was a candid shot.

He looked surprised, how could there be a picture of himself in the monitor's room?

After hearing Su Nan's voice, Lu Ying didn't hear his footsteps. She couldn't help but look back, and found that he seemed to be in a daze.

Lu Ying followed his line of sight out of curiosity, but saw the photos on the printer. She was struck by lightning and was dumbfounded. It should be that my aunt came to print it in the morning and forgot to take it away. To help her aunt, she collected Many photos of Su Nan are stored in the computer.

At this time, Su Nan had discovered all of them. Maybe she had become a pervert in his eyes. Lu Ying almost fainted from shame, and hurried over to put away those photos, but because she was too hasty, she held the clothes in her arms, and it was too much. The long trousers were dragged on the ground, and she stepped on them directly, and the whole person lost his balance and fell down.

Seeing the ground getting closer and closer, Lu Ying closed her eyes with a pale face, but the expected pain did not come, Su Nan quickly rushed over to hug her body that was about to fall, to avoid her disfigured ending.

Because of nervousness, Lu Ying subconsciously dropped the clothes in her hands, grabbed Su Nan's clothes tightly with both hands, opened her eyes and looked at him, eyes full of gratitude, at this moment, the frailty on the squad leader's face made Su Nan startled.

He looked down at the squad leader, and the squad leader was also looking at him. The two looked at each other, and they were a little closer to each other.

The squad leader made an unexpected move, she raised her head slightly, put her lips on Su Nan's mouth, and closed her eyes full of soft light.

Suddenly, Su Nan was stunned, and then the warm touch from his lips made him respond involuntarily, and the squad leader closed his eyes and echoed him, his hands changed from clutching his clothes tightly to raised, and hugged his neck .

The two suddenly entered into an ambiguous atmosphere, giving each other, taking each other, and embracing each other heartily.


The sound from the kitchen woke them up. Lu Ying pushed Su Nan away with some strength, stepped back a few steps and looked down at the ground, as if there was something on the ground. Ruddy, almost dripping blood at the moment.

Su Nan observed the room as if nothing had happened, and at the same time focused on listening to the sounds outside, and was relieved until no one planned to come in.

Because Lu Anya was at home, a slight disturbance would make people nervous, Su Nan was also speechless, but he was more curious about the sudden behavior of the squad leader, was it really because he was a pervert?

Because he is a pervert, he made out with him while his aunt was at home, and felt excited about it.

Lu Ying didn't know what Su Nan was thinking, now she felt ashamed when she thought of the initiative just now, at that moment she did that kind of behavior completely subconsciously, but it wasn't infatuated.After subconsciously kissing Su Nan, all she could think about was what she should do. Now that she has made a decision, she shouldn't stand still.

It is necessary to take the initiative to make Su Nan fall in love with her.

She convinced herself so.

"Xiaoying, Su Nan, are you in the room?"

My aunt's voice came from the living room, Lu Ying calmed down and replied, "Yes, I'm showing him around my room."

Now that it was discovered, why not tell my aunt generously, lest she think too much.

"There are a lot of things in the kitchen. If you ask Su Nan to help, he can do it alone. There are too many people and it's hard to work." Lu Anya said, she didn't feel wrong about Lu Ying showing Su Nan her room.

Lu Ying felt relieved, and said to Su Nan: "My aunt asked you to help, you can go."

Su Nan nodded and went out of the room. After he left, Lu Ying closed the door and rolled around on the bed, feeling her face was hot.

Suddenly she remembered something, and immediately got up and ran to the printer to hold Su Nan's photos in her hand, flipping through them one by one, and found that they were all photos that she had secretly taken, she suddenly looked depressed and worried, she would not be Be a slut.

In the kitchen, Lu Anya waved to Su Nan who had just walked in, pointed to a pot of soup and said with a smile: "This pot of soup is a bit heavy, you boy is strong, help me take it out."

Su Nan nodded, and walked over calmly, but just as he was about to iron him, Lu Anya, whose eyes had been following him all the time, saw him walking in front of her, couldn't help it anymore, stepped forward to hug Su Nan's body and kissed him. kissed him.

Su Nan's eyes widened. He had just finished kissing the monitor.

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

Hugging Su Nan and kissing his mouth, Lu Anya closed her eyes a little satisfied, but then she opened them, because Su Nan didn't respond to her enthusiasm.

Feeling a little strange, she stuck out her tongue to provoke Su Nan, only to see Su Nan's face was weird for a while, and then pushed her away.

Lu Anya asked puzzledly, her expression was a little worried, and she began to think wildly about what went wrong. Could it be that Su Nan is the kind of irresponsible person?

Su Nan couldn't say the reason, so she could only vaguely say, "It's getting late."

Lu Anya's nervous heart calmed down, she only thought that Su Nan wanted to go home early to cook for her sister, or she was worried that Lu Ying would see her.

It's just that she is still a little unconvinced. She is such a beautiful woman who offered to throw herself into her arms and kiss her, but she was rejected, and she couldn't help but feel a little uncomfortable.

She looked at Su Nan with a smile: "It's okay to give me a kiss."

Su Nan glanced outside the kitchen, then took a step forward and quickly kissed Lu Anya on the cheek, intending to break down her reluctance in this way, after the kiss, Su Nan was ready to back away.

"Kiss here." Lu Anya pointed her finger at her lips and said.

After a moment of hesitation, Su Nan finally decided to satisfy her, and lowered his head to kiss her lightly on the lips.

Then Lu Anya let him go contentedly, Su Nan breathed a sigh of relief, and left the kitchen with her things.

He didn't want the squad leader to find out about his relationship with Lu Anya, but since the experience last night, Lu Anya seemed to be a little clingy to him, Su Nan had to fulfill some of her small requests, so as not to make her unhappy and be caught by the squad leader. An exception was found.

Regarding Lu Anya's attitude towards her, Su Nan was puzzled. Would an adult who had already joined the workforce fall in love with him because he lost his virginity to him?

What's more, last night's absurdity was partly caused by drunken sex.

Su Nan felt a little unreliable, he didn't even have much contact with Lu Anya.

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