After thinking about it, Su Nan could only attribute it to the fact that Lu Anya didn't really like her, probably like what the squad leader said, she was a beauty control?

Su Nan touched her face subconsciously, could it be that she is handsome?Or the real reason is that yesterday he rescued her.

"What are you thinking?" A soft voice sounded beside him.

Only then did Su Nan realize that she was standing in front of the dining table with a pot of soup. Turning her head to look, she saw the squad leader standing there with her arms behind her back, staring at her curiously. Her ears were still a little red, and her eyes couldn't escape. Dare to look directly, it seems that he has not completely calmed down from the previous incident.

Su Nan restrained her strange mood and shook her head, expressing that she was fine, then put down the iron and ran into the kitchen to serve other dishes.

Lu Ying also followed in to help, and after Su Nan went out with the dishes, her aunt held her back and said to her flatteringly, "Xiao Ying, you have to help me, you must keep him tonight!"

She spoke firmly, but Lu Ying was shocked, what is my aunt planning to do?

Subconsciously, she wanted to refuse, but she thought of her aunt's abnormalities these days, so she hesitated.

Seeing Lu Ying's strange expression, Lu Anya realized that what she said was ambiguous, and explained with a blushing face: "I mean to tell him not to go home so early. You are his squad leader, so he will definitely listen to you."

Lu Ying didn't want to do this at all. After taking a deep breath, she pretended to be calm and said, "Su Nan is going back to cook for her sister, so let's not delay him."

Lu Anya rubbed her chest and said in a low voice: "I'm not in a good mood recently, and I feel uncomfortable. I hope he can accompany me."

Lu Ying hesitated for a while, sighed inwardly, and nodded, "I'll find a way, but you have to promise me, auntie, don't mess around!"

Her tone was full of warning, but she felt that her reaction was a little too much. She was worried about arousing her aunt's suspicion, so she slowed down her tone and said: "Su Nan has a girlfriend, and he will feel very uncomfortable if you push her too hard. And you have to think about me too, I will be very embarrassed if you pick on my classmates in front of me."

Lu Anya suddenly felt a little embarrassed, because she knew that Su Nan was Lu Ying's classmate, she used Lu Ying to do some things, and said that she liked Su Nan, which would definitely make Lu Ying feel embarrassed in front of Su Nan.

But there was no other way. At that time, she avoided meeting Su Nan.

As for now, last night she pushed against him. In the future, Su Nan can only be Lu Ying's elder.

Thinking of this, Lu Anya couldn't help but feel embarrassed for Lu Ying, but that was Lu Ying's business, anyway, she had already cooked rice with Su Nan, and now she is still infatuated with him to death.

But since Lu Ying said so, Lu Anya had to express it anyway, she nodded very seriously, and said, "I just hope he stays with me a little longer."

Although a little uneasy, Lu Ying agreed to her aunt's request and went out to talk to Su Nan.

When she returned to the living room, Su Nan had just arranged the dishes when she saw her come out with two dishes and came over to help.

Lu Ying handed it to him, and followed him until she stopped. She hesitated for a while and said, "Can I sit for a while after eating?"

Su Nan was silent for a while, then shook her head: "Sorry."

"Go back and take care of my sister? How old is your sister, and she still needs you to accompany her?" Lu Ying asked, thinking about how to complete her aunt's task.

Su Nan couldn't tell why she wanted to leave early because she didn't want to face the two of them at the same time, and said calmly: "I just started junior high school, and if I don't go home for dinner, I'm afraid she will sue my mother and make my mother think I went out and learned badly."

Lu Ying was embarrassed, and then took a deep breath, a layer of pink rose on her face, she looked at Su Nan and stammered, "Can' accompany me?"

Finally saying it, Lu Ying felt ashamed and helpless, why she used this excuse to keep Su Nan, but for the sake of my aunt and him alone.

Heart tangled to death.

Su Nan was stunned at once. The monitor's initiative was surprising. She wanted to refuse, but she was worried that the monitor would lose face, but it was too uncomfortable to stay.

Seeing that he was embarrassed and kept silent, Lu Ying asked in a low voice, "Can't you?" Because of Su Nan's hesitation, she was a little bit shocked, so she looked a little depressed.

Su Nan looked at the clock on the wall and felt a headache. He sighed and said, "I have to leave at seven o'clock. If I go back too late, I won't have time to cook."

After finishing speaking, the squad leader was silent, with a complicated expression on his face, and finally completed the task assigned by his aunt, but she didn't feel happy at all, but felt uncomfortable.

Su Nan thought that she was dissatisfied that she only stayed until seven o'clock, so she hesitated and said, "At most seven thirty."

Lu Ying felt even more uncomfortable when she heard that, she lowered her head and said, "It's ok, I'll help my aunt with the food, let's eat first and then talk."

After speaking, she hurriedly fled from Su Nan's eyes. She was afraid that she would not be able to help crying if she didn't leave.

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

When she returned to the kitchen and stood in front of her aunt again, Lu Ying still calmed down. She couldn't let her find out her relationship with Su Nan, for fear of irritating her.

But thinking of the resolution she made not long ago, she couldn't help feeling a little worried, not knowing how to deal with the relationship between herself, Su Nan, and my aunt.

In terms of emotion and reason, she didn't want her aunt to have anything to do with Su Nan, but her aunt's abnormality these days really scared her, but after seeing Su Nan yesterday, she returned to normal.

This proves that my aunt's change is related to Su Nan. If my aunt is prevented from attacking Su Nan, will my aunt's condition become more serious when she finds out about her ambiguous relationship with Su Nan?

She didn't dare to think about it.

"Xiaoying, what's the matter with you? Did he agree?" Seeing that her niece was distracted, Lu Anya shook her hands in front of her eyes.

After regaining her senses, Lu Ying quickly nodded, "I agree, but auntie, what are you going to do? He only agreed to stay until [-]:[-]."

"What time is it?" Lu Anya didn't answer directly.

Lu Ying looked at the time and replied, "It's almost six o'clock."

"At half past six after dinner, one hour should be enough." Muttering to herself, facing the suspicious eyes of her niece, she smiled and said, "Eat first, don't worry, I won't mess around, and my aunt is going to eat again." Not a slut."

No wonder, it's obviously a pervert!

Lu Ying complained in her heart, but her aunt's abnormalities these days made her dare not stop her.

"You're welcome, treat it like your own home."

At the dining table, Lu Anya smiled and said to Su Nan, but Su Nan nodded politely. It would be great if she didn't stretch her feet under the table intentionally or unintentionally. Why do girls who have a close relationship with him like to do this kind of thing? Ah, senior sister, Xiao Min, add Lu Anya now.

After finishing dinner in silence, Su Nan tried to keep silent during this period, so as not to let them find out the abnormality, but it was really tiring.

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