After eating, Lu Anya and Lu Ying packed up their things and took them in for the wash, leaving him outside to watch TV. Su Nan finally relaxed, took out the mobile phone that Chu Xi gave today and installed a SIM card.

As soon as he turned on the phone, he saw the WeChat icon showing 99 unread messages. He clicked on WeChat, and except for the greeting from Xiao Min and the others last night, the rest were sent by Qin Xiaowan. He asked him where he was, why he didn't go home, and whether something happened. up.

From last night to just now, probably because she was very worried, Su Nan felt warm and replied to Qin Xiaowan.

In the kitchen, Lu Anya threw the dishes and chopsticks aside, pulled Lu Ying and whispered, "I'm going to bring Su Nan into my room..."

Before he finished speaking, Lu Ying strongly refused: "No! He is my classmate, if you bring him into the room in front of me, wouldn't I be ashamed of myself?"

Talking about such a righteous reason, Lu Ying was actually panicked to death, what exactly did my aunt want to do?

She didn't forget that my aunt is a pervert, she can even play with Su Nan's fat times, who knows what will happen when she and Su Nan are alone.

Lu Anya's face was embarrassing, but she still remembered that Lu Ying took good care of herself these past few days. She rolled her eyes and said unhappily, "Why not? Xiaoying, don't you believe me? I just feel uncomfortable and hope he will accompany you It's just me, why do you misunderstand me?"

After being speechless by her aunt's words, Lu Ying frowned after a long time and said, "Isn't it good to be in the living room? At most, I'll go back to my room."

"There is no atmosphere in the living room. I hope to spend some time alone with him." Lu Anya still saw Lu Ying's face full of reluctance after speaking, and Lu Anya sighed: "You know, I can't even do my job well recently. If this continues, I will If you are fired by the company, you won't even be able to pay the rent. How can you support you?" This sentence has been said to be Lu Ying's weakness. Apart from worrying about her aunt's mental health, she really doesn't want to have no place to live. I hope to go to my parents.

"What do you want me to do? Do you think he will agree to come into the room with you?"

Lu Ying felt that she thought of a reason to refute. With her around, how could Su Nan agree to her aunt's request.

And if my aunt asks her to leave home, it means that my aunt is out of her mind, and she can refuse with confidence.

"You were not showing him around the room before. When I come in, you excuse that a classmate will call you to chat with you, then go out and let me accompany him. In short, you should find a way. I must make him and you today." I'm alone."

In the end, Lu Anya started to play a rogue, which made Lu Ying very speechless, but she couldn't refuse, worried that she would irritate her aunt.

After struggling for a long time, Lu Ying still agreed, but planned to stop immediately if something went wrong.

Back in the living room, Lu Ying invited Su Nan to visit her room. Since Lu Ying said that she wanted Su Nan to accompany her, Su Nan didn't think it was strange.

Before following the squad leader into her room, Su Nan looked at the kitchen a little worriedly. Lu Anya was washing the dishes. I hope the squad leader won't suddenly become abnormal, but I think it shouldn't be messy. It was just a big accident before.

After entering the room, Lu Ying pointed to the chair and said to Su Nan, "Sit!"

Su Nan was puzzled, but she still walked over and sat down.

Then Lu Ying said with a serious face: "Don't think that if I keep you here, you can be unscrupulous. You must not mess around at my aunt's house, you know?"

Su Nan was very confused. When did he mess around? It was obviously the monitor who took the initiative before.And deliberately kept him here with a shy face, but now he said such words that ruined the atmosphere, so Su Nan had to wonder if the monitor was implying something, could it be implying that he was playing a role-playing game?

But at this moment, Lu Anya is here, so it's completely unnecessary. Is the squad leader so irrational?

Such a question that would obviously anger the squad leader, Su Nan held back and nodded numbly.

Lu Ying was actually warning Su Nan not to mess around when she was with her aunt later, although she was a little deceiving herself.

Seeing that Su Nan agreed, although Lu Ying was very reluctant, she still acted according to the script set by her aunt.

The pre-set bell rang, and she said to Su Nan, "Sit down for a while, I'll go out and answer the phone."

After finishing speaking, he ran out, but this made Su Nan relax. He was still a little worried that Lu Anya would find out that he had a problem with the squad leader.

Thinking of this, a sneaky figure came in suddenly, closed the door, and locked it. The movement was so fast, as if he had practiced it countless times, and Su Nan couldn't react. He looked at Lu Anya who had slipped in in astonishment. One thought, why close the door?

"Hush~" Hush to the stupefied Su Nan, and then Lu Anya couldn't hold it anymore, cheered in her heart and rushed over to push Su Nan down on the bed, then sat on his stomach and lay down with him. relative to each other.

Su Nan's cold sweat immediately flowed down. He was about to say something, but Lu Anya kissed him without any delay, and blocked everything he wanted to say.

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

After Lu Ying walked out of the room, she saw her aunt slipping in and closing the door.

Obviously, my aunt had promised her, but seeing this scene, Lu Ying still felt a strong uneasiness in her heart. After hesitating for a moment, she went to the door of the room and put her ear on it, listening carefully, but she didn't hear any sound.

However, Lu Ying panicked even more. No sound is the most dangerous thing. Although my aunt's house is nice and the sound insulation is good, she shouldn't be able to hear anything when she speaks, right?

It's not good for her to break in or knock on the door directly, for fear that Su Nan will notice that something is wrong, so she turns her head and backs away, pretending to be talking on the phone with her classmates, the voice is not low.

Su Nan was caught off guard by Lu Anya and kissed her. Like a clingy kitten, she gently stuck out her tongue and licked the owner's palm. The moist and soft feeling made the owner distracted.

The kitten also rubs against the owner's body with its own body. The kitten likes this feeling. The contact and friction with the owner produces a hot and humid feeling, but then the owner pushes her away and loses this feeling. She felt very lost.

Lu Anya's disappointment lasted only for a moment, and when she heard the voices outside, she knew the reason for Su Nan's actions, and she couldn't help complaining, she didn't let Lu Ying pretend to be like this.

Seeing that Su Nan was about to get up, Lu Anya was willing to let him go, quickly turned over and sat on his stomach, and whispered in his ear: "Don't move, if Xiaoying overhears..."

The sly tone did not make Su Nan hesitate, and continued to want to hug her down. The squad leader just went out to answer the phone, and it was only a few minutes at most, he didn't dare to delay.

Seeing that Su Nan didn't give in, Lu Anya immediately became anxious, and said in a low voice, "I'll hug you and promise not to do anything. I'm in a bad mood recently. If you don't promise me, I'll call you!"

When it came to the end, she became very angry, of course it was an act, in order to soften Su Nan.

Hearing her threatening voice, Su Nan really hesitated, the hands that originally hugged her slender waist and wanted to hug her froze there.

Su Nan felt a headache because she found that Lu Anya didn't look like she was joking, and once she yelled out and the monitor heard her, it would be a bad situation after thinking about it.

He didn't dare to take such a risk, and asked tentatively in a low voice: "What do you want to do? The squad leader will be back soon."

"I'm just not happy, I want you to accompany me."

Lu Anya pouted and said, looking pitiful, of course she was also pretending, because if there is no sufficient reason, a woman who is too messy will be hated by men.

She didn't want Su Nan to hate herself, so she had to pretend to be pitiful.

Su Nan said helplessly: "The squad leader is outside, what if she sees us like this?"

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