After speaking, under Su Nan's gaze, he clicked delete.

Su Nan was surprised in her heart. It seemed that the squad leader attached great importance to her aunt. It was not easy for a pervert to delete this video for the sake of her aunt.

Su Nan had already seen that when the video was deleted, the monitor's face showed reluctance.

In fact, Su Nan didn't care much about this video, he was just worried that the squad leader would find out about his anomaly, after all that time there was a space channel in his palm connected to the body of a girl.

But the squad leader recorded the video for so long and found nothing, probably he didn't notice it.

Even so, Su Nan said politely: "Thank you."

"You're welcome..." Lu Ying felt a little embarrassed, and after hesitating for a while, she changed the topic: "Well... about my aunt, can I still ask you?"

A little entangled, Lu Ying didn't want Su Nan to get in touch with her aunt again, but because of her aunt's condition, she could only hold back, and even comforted herself in her heart, as long as Su Nan came to see her aunt, she would be there. What's wrong.

After a few days, my aunt is emotionally stable, and then I try to persuade my aunt to see a doctor.

Unexpectedly, the squad leader would ask herself such a request, Su Nan was very entangled, and didn't want to go through what happened last night again, feeling as tired as walking a tightrope.

He said: "Your aunt should be fine, I feel that she has walked out of the shadow of broken love."

Being so attached to him doesn't seem like she's still reluctant to part with her ex-boyfriend, although she's a bit self-destructive, even like finding a new toy she's interested in.

"No, she just doesn't show well in front of outsiders."

Although she didn't want Su Nan to contact her aunt, after Su Nan refused, Lu Ying persuaded her a little anxiously: "Yesterday, because of you, my aunt was in a better mood, but after you left, she started to be alone in a daze again. I'm really scared." Something will happen to her."

Su Nan was startled, did Lu Anya feel so uncomfortable?Why is the appearance in front of me different from what the squad leader said.

Is it because of being in front of outsiders?And I am an outsider.

Su Nan found herself in a strange mood, as if she was unhappy.

"You can help me out. You don't have to do anything. Just visit my aunt regularly and chat with her. Don't worry, I won't doubt you anymore."

Feeling that Su Nan's refusal was to avoid suspicion, although Lu Ying did not believe in his integrity, she still said in a moderate tone.

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

After repeated persuasion by the squad leader, Su Nan finally didn't give up and agreed.

Regarding Lu Anya, although he didn't want to admit it, he also cared a little bit. If Lu Anya was really what the monitor said, he couldn't completely ignore her.

"What are you talking about?"

A sudden voice from around them interrupted the conversation between the two of them. Su Nan turned her head to look, only to find that Chu Xi was standing there quietly at some point.

She probably didn't hear the conversation with the squad leader just now.

Su Nan couldn't help thinking, but it seemed that he and the squad leader hadn't talked about anything ambiguous, so it didn't matter if Chu Xi heard it.

Thinking of this, Su Nan calmed down.

"It's nothing." Lu Ying shook her head, stood up and glanced at Chu Xi, then walked back to her seat.

Chu Xi stared at the monitor's back, and Liu Mei frowned slightly: "Is she talking to you about those things again?"

It seems that Chu Xi just arrived and didn't hear anything.

Although the squad leader's request was not shameful, what happened with Lu Anya was real. Su Nan didn't know how to deal with it, let alone how to tell Chu Xi and the others, so she nodded.

Chu Xi frowned deeper, and whispered: "This guy is really persistent, but let her make trouble, as long as Mu Nan, don't be fooled by her."

She looked at Su Nan with a faint smile.

Su Nan couldn't help but glanced at the squad leader, wondering if the two of them had a feud before, and nodded in response to Chu Xi.

Because the early reading was about to start, people in the class came in one after another, and Chu Xi didn't chat with Su Nan for too long, so he went back to his seat and sat down after speaking.

After school at noon, Qin Xiaowan went to the high school area and planned to find Su Nan to accompany him for lunch, but on the way, he saw Su Nan, Chu Xi, and Zhao Xiaomin walking together. The three of them were talking and laughing as they walked towards the cafeteria. Very harmonious.

Jealously staring at the backs of the three of them, Qin Xiaowan secretly scolded them as vixens, who actually gave Su Nan a harem in such a despicable way.She still has a little confidence if the opponent is alone, but if there are two people, she will feel a little guilty, unless she can also agree with Su Nan to open the harem, but that would be too much sacrifice.

But Qin Xiaowan thought about it again, if Chu Xi, senior sister, and Zhao Xiaomin were all suffering from strange diseases like him, they would never be able to leave Su Nan.Then even if Su Nan really fell in love with her in the future, it would be meaningless to give up other women for her.

Because those women who suffer from seizures will cling to Su Nan like brown sugar, and they can't be driven away no matter how hard they drive them away.

Thinking of this, Qin Xiaowan became a little depressed and let Su Nan and his two girlfriends go away.

Su Nan didn't know that Qin Xiaowan would not be in the mood to disturb her because she saw herself walking with other girls.After he and his two girlfriends came to the cafeteria, the mobile phone rang during the meal. He took it out and saw that the name of the note was very familiar, it was Lu Anya.

"Who is looking for you?" Zhao Xiaomin, who was standing in front, looked back carelessly, Su Nan hung up the phone quickly, and facing Zhao Xiaomin's suspicious eyes, he said calmly: "It's an unknown number, it may be an online loan. Calls like that."

When Zhao Xiaomin heard this, she immediately became nervous, turned around and said nervously to him, "Ah Nan, don't borrow online loans, I'll give you the money if you don't have it."

Probably a little excited, so the voice was a bit loud, which attracted strange looks from the surrounding students. Even Chu Xi, who was in front of Zhao Xiaomin, turned his head and looked at Su Nan with a hesitant expression.

Su Nan was a little embarrassed by everyone, and quickly explained: "The call came from the advertisement, so I didn't answer it."

Seemingly realizing that she had embarrassed Su Nan, Zhao Xiaomin gave him a sorry look, stuck out her tongue and hurried back to line up, while Chu Xi's tense expression in front of her also relaxed.

Soon, Su Nan's phone rang again, it was Lu Anya's call, he still refused to answer, and then edited a text message and sent it.

"I'm eating, I'm not free."

"Then I'll call you later."

Seeing Su Nan's headache this time, she was thinking about how to get rid of Lu Anya's thoughts, because sometimes Zhao Xiaomin would secretly look through his mobile phone, and Su Nan found out that it would be bad if she saw her.

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