At this moment, Lu Anya sent another message, this time on WeChat.

Su Nan opened it a little, and a selfie picture came into view. It was not exposed, but the chest was pulled down very low, and the hook could be seen.

Attached message: "I miss you, I think of you here."

Su Nan froze for a moment, until Zhao Xiaomin in front of him turned his head again, he quickly turned off the screen, put the phone back in his pocket by the way, and asked Zhao Xiaomin who was looking at him curiously, "Why didn't you see senior sister today?"

Zhao Xiaomin's attention was diverted, and when Zhan Weiling was mentioned, she curled her lips, but she didn't dare to be too obvious in Su Nan, and said with a smile: "Senior year, why are we so free, I think Ah Nan, you should remind senior sister, let me She concentrates on her studies, don't waste time going to the activity room, she will be admitted to a good university in the future, and falling in love will also take time."

Chuxi in front of him was thoughtful, and turned back to Zhao Xiaomin and said, "Your grades have dropped dramatically recently. Is it because you have too much Nianmunan? I think you should also work harder."

"Traitor!" Zhao Xiaomin angrily scolded Chu Xi, but Chu Xi was unmoved, and continued: "Loyal words are harsh, you'd better restrain yourself, Mu Nan and I have good grades, and we can be admitted to a good university together in the future .”

Zhao Xiaomin was really frightened, thinking that she couldn't be with Su Nan in the whole university, her heart sank.

"Don't listen to her, Xiao Min, I believe in you." Su Nan hurriedly comforted his girlfriend.

Zhao Xiaomin was refreshed when she heard the words, and she was full of energy and said, "With Ah Nan's encouragement, I think I can study hard in the next month."

"You don't have to force yourself so much." Su Nan said softly, "Even if you fail the exam, you can still work in our university so that we can be together."

Zhao Xiaomin was stunned.

"Xiao Min has good strength. She will go to the university cafeteria to be a vegetable auntie, and then she will cook food for Mu Nan and me." Chu Xi added from the side.

Zhao Xiaomin puffed up her cheeks: "You adulterers and prostitutes, I won't let you get what you want. I must study hard."

The three of them quarreled and finished their meal, and came to the old place to eat. During this period, Su Nan kept receiving messages on WeChat, all of which were sent by Lu Anya, and all of them were selfies. Did this girl completely abandon herself because of a broken relationship?

After only seeing a few posts of Su Nan, she didn't dare to read any more, but the notification sound kept ringing, which made the two girlfriends around her feel strange.

He had no choice but to set the volume to mute, and replied that the other party was eating by himself, and Lu Anya stopped for a while.

After dinner, the three of them came to the activity room to kill time, and Su Nan received another message from Lu Anya.

"Video, here's Kang P."

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

After lunch, Su Nan sat with his back facing the window in the activity room, feeling a little sleepy from the cool breeze blowing in from outside. He was about to close his eyes and squint for a while, but a WeChat message woke him up.

Holding the phone and looking at it for a while, Su Nan raised his head, and in front of him was a round table, while Chu Xi and Zhao Xiaomin were sitting on the left and right of him. One of them was reading a book, and the other was holding a book that Chu Xi brought over. He was playing with his laptop, so he didn't even notice his strangeness.

Seeing that the two women were obsessed with their own affairs, Su Nan lowered his head again, and carefully read the message that Lu Anya sent to him, and confirmed that it was indeed what Kangkang Nasha meant.

In addition to this sentence, she also sent many faceless but explicit selfies.

Su Nan was a little shocked. Anyway, it's too ambiguous for a woman to send such a message to a member of the opposite sex.

No, it can even be called silver.

Su Nan and Lu Anya are actually not very close, but because of the accident that night, they had a relationship that shouldn't have happened, but he didn't think that the woman who lost her virginity to him would be determined to seduce him without shame .

Unless...Lu Anya herself has this kind of personality?

But Lu Anya, who was sad because of a broken relationship, didn't feel like this to herself. Why?

Su Nan didn't have time to think about it, and a video call request was sent, and it was Lu Anya.

He subconsciously refused, and then sent a reply to Lu Anya: "Don't make trouble, I'm in school, and there are people everywhere."

Just kidding, with two girlfriends by his side, how dare he have a video chat with other Lu Anya, and it's still very H.

"Then you go where no one is, go to the toilet."

Su Nan couldn't understand Lu Anya's reply, and he politely refused. Why did he keep chattering and insisting on giving benefits to others? This mentality is too abnormal.

"Are you serious?" Su Nan asked her.

"Do you want to see it?" followed by a smiling expression, Lu Anya did not answer directly.

"There are people around me, it's not convenient to talk to you."

Su Nan didn't answer directly, because saying that she didn't want to, would be hypocritical, and would make Lu Anya feel ashamed, so answering, thinking about it, would be too wretched.

He had no choice but to emphasize that he was not free, and hoped that Lu Anya would be more interesting.

However, it turned out that Su Nan was thinking too much.

"That's just thinking, it's just inconvenient, can't you find a more convenient place, such as a playground, toilets and so on."

Su Nan frowned, it seemed that Lu Anya was not joking, but serious.

A little puzzled, Su Nan then typed and sent it to Lu Anya, asking her, "Why do you do such a thing?"

"Because I miss you, I want to see you, let's make a video with me." (with teary eyes)

Just after reading the message, the video call application was sent again, but Su Nan still clicked to decline, and then told Lu Anya: "It's really inconvenient for you, and it's also inconvenient for you to leave."

(Crying) "Do you just hate me that much? You obviously didn't like this last night..."

The corner of Su Nan's mouth twitched, a little crazy, he took a deep breath to calm himself down, and typed with his head down.

"I really can't leave."

Lu Anya was a little weird today, Su Nan didn't dare to make a video call with her, it would be bad if she really took off her pants.

"I don't believe it, it's noon now, it's the rest time, how could you not be free, obviously you just want to be irresponsible!"

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