"It's none of his business, I just feel..." After a pause, Lu Anya continued, "I just think I'm almost fine, and I feel embarrassed to bother Su Nan every time, and I hope I can become normal Some, the current state has seriously affected my work."

"After all, I want to support you." Lu Anya turned her head, blinked at Lu Ying, and said with a smile.

Lu Ying was slightly speechless, she hesitated for a while before saying: "How about this, I will help you invite Su Nan to come to your house once a week and let him chat with you."

Although she didn't want Su Nan to have any contact with her aunt, Lu Ying was even more reluctant to have any problems with her aunt.

She can accept the rate of once a week, as long as she keeps an eye on her every time, and when she confirms that Auntie is really okay, she will slowly extend the time interval between asking Su Nan to come over until she doesn't make an appointment at all.

After hesitating for a while, remembering that she couldn't do without Su Nan, Lu Anya finally nodded.

Although she hasn't had any seizures this week since the last punishment ended, she doesn't feel that her illness is completely cured, it's just that she is in that fanatical slut state, and she can't tolerate anything except Su Nan , maybe she had already had an attack by then, but she was treated for what she did, she just didn't know it.

The return of rationality made Lu Anya return to normal. After she calmed down, she felt that there was something more in her heart. Everything that happened in the past week, meeting Su Nan, being with Su Nan, and opening a room to seduce her Su Nan, took the opportunity to overthrow Su Nan.

And the two secretly did all kinds of shameful things behind Lu Ying's back at home.

Everything, bit by bit, is clearly engraved in her mind, as if a memory that will never fade, even the mood at that time remains in her heart, making Su Nan become different in her heart .

The thought of never seeing Su Nan, which just crossed my mind just now, was suppressed by her the moment it first came to my mind.

Lu Anya sighed in her heart, maybe she really had a different feeling for the boy who was still in high school that she couldn't live without.

She was a little worried, but also a little inexplicably happy, which was simply unreasonable.

Aunt Qin's coming again made the house much more lively, and also made Su Nan temporarily forget about those troubles, or was temporarily avoided by him because he didn't know how to face them.

Aunt Qin's arrival was great, but Su Nan couldn't understand the fact that she taught her daughter to wear decisive underwear, and suspected that Qin Xiaowan was picked up by her.

However, the arrival of Aunt Qin also made Su Nan breathe a sigh of relief. Recently, she has been sleeping with Qin Xiaowan. Every time before falling asleep and after waking up, she feels extremely awkward. Now that Aunt Qin is here, her doctor friend should be free. Shi urged her to take Qin Xiaowan to treatment as soon as possible.

After the farce, Qin Xiaowan hid in the room and did not come out, but Qin's mother asked Su Nan to help make lunch. She came and bought a lot of vegetables, as if she planned to stay here for two days.

While washing the dishes, Aunt Qin nagged at him: "I heard that you all slept together. What happened just now was what I suggested to Xiao Wan. Don't get me wrong. I mainly thought of Xiao Wan. Treatment issues, if you are more intimate, it will help her condition improve."

Hearing Aunt Qin talk about this, Su Nan felt uncomfortable. After all, he slept with someone else's daughter?

Su Nan said seriously: "Auntie, I think ordinary contact is enough. After all, our purpose is to prevent Xiaowan from doing worse things. It's not good if you develop bad habits for Xiaowan."

Qin's mother smiled and said: "What you said is also reasonable. I didn't think it through, but aren't you Xiaowan's boyfriend? What's the matter with being intimate? It's not like you haven't done it before."

She laughed teasingly.

Even if Su Nan has a thick skin, she still feels hot when she teases her like this. He seems to have forgotten one thing. From Aunt Qin's point of view, he and Qin Xiaowan are a couple now.

She opened her mouth, but then Su Nan shut up again, because she felt that no matter what she said, Aunt Qin might not believe it.

He used to think that as long as the relationship between himself and Qin Xiaowan lasted for a long time, Aunt Qin's misunderstanding of them would be resolved naturally, but the problem is that now he has developed to the point where he sleeps with Qin Xiaowan every night.

You must take Qin Xiaowan to see a doctor quickly, otherwise the misunderstanding will never be explained clearly.

Thinking of this, Su Nan tried to ask while helping with the ingredients, "Auntie, when will you take Xiao Wan to see a doctor?"

"Today." Mother Qin smiled.

"That's great, for Xiaowan's future, we must take her to see a doctor." Su Nan was overjoyed, and said quickly, he didn't notice Qin's mother's smile and disapproval.

Knowing that Aunt Qin took Xiao Wan to see a doctor after lunch, Su Nan speeded up her work.

Around twelve o'clock, on time for lunch.

Sitting at the dining table, Su Nan couldn't help being a little puzzled. Qin Xiaowan, who was facing her, lowered her head and still dared not look at herself, as if she hadn't completely calmed down from the previous incident.

You're over acting, girl.

Immediately, Su Nan couldn't help but sigh with emotion, as long as Qin Xiaowan went to see a doctor, he might be cured and no longer be a pervert. At that time, Qin Xiaowan must be as quiet, docile, shy and cute as the girl in front of her.

After lunch, Su Nan sent Aunt Qin and Qin Xiaowan out, and asked if he wanted to accompany them.

Aunt Qin glanced at him with a half-smile, and shook her head: "I'll just take Xiaowan there, you can rest at home, don't push yourself too much." After speaking meaningfully, Qin's mother took her daughter's hand and left, Su Nan was left alone in a daze.


-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

Walking on the road, Qin Xiaowan finally couldn't help asking: "Mom, you really took me to see a doctor."

"Of course." Mother Qin replied.

Qin Xiaowan was speechless immediately: "Mom, you know, I'm not sick."

Even if I was sick, I recovered this morning.

The aftermath of the last punishment ended this morning, but Qin's mother just arrived at that time, enlightened Qin Xiaowan who felt ashamed, and suggested that Qin Xiaowan seize the opportunity and continue to sleep with Su Nan at night.

The decisive underwear was originally bought by Qin's mother for her daughter, but on a whim, she suggested that her daughter try it on, and suggested that she also wear such underwear to sleep with Su Nan at night.

"If you are not sick, you have to see a doctor. At least we have to go through the process. Without medical records and examination reports, Xiao Nan will not trust us easily."

Qin's mother said seriously, and finally persuaded her daughter.

Taking her daughter to the best hospital in the city, Qin's mother gave her daughter a series of physical examinations, including psychological examinations, through the doctor she contacted in advance.

After such a busy life, in the afternoon, Mother Qin took her daughter to bid farewell to the attending doctor. After leaving the doctor's office, she didn't go back directly. Instead, she found a place to sit down in the hospital and took a series of reports from her daughter to read carefully.

Qin Xiaowan complained on the side: "Didn't you agree to only see a psychiatrist? After so many checks, it would be a waste of time and annoying."

"What are you talking about, stupid girl." Qin's mother tapped her daughter's head with her fingers, and smiled angrily: "Isn't it good to have a full body checkup? No matter how many people want to do it, they don't have the time and money."

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