Qin Xiaowan rubbed the painful place, and saw that her mother seemed to be angry, she shrank her neck and nodded repeatedly: "Okay, very good, thank you for your concern."

Qin's mother rolled her eyes and gave the inspection report to her daughter: "Read your report carefully. Compared with before, you have improved in all aspects of your body, and you have the physique of an athlete even though you haven't exercised much."

Qin Xiaowan didn't pay much attention to this problem, but sometimes she felt that her body was getting better, but she didn't pay much attention to it. At this time, she was a little surprised when she heard her mother say this: "What's going on?"

"Mom thinks it might have something to do with your strange disease. Didn't you enter the game last week? I was worried that there would be some sequelae, so I took you to check it out. But it seems that my worries are unnecessary now. The more you are punished, the more you will be punished. The more benefits you get."

Mother Qin said lightly, her eyes flickering slightly.

It was only then that Qin Xiaowan understood why her mother insisted on doing a full-body examination for herself. It turned out that she was worried that something might happen to her body. She didn't expect to be punished, but it would be beneficial. It felt a little weird.

Qin's mother looked at her daughter again, and said with a smile: "My Xiao Wan has become more and more beautiful recently, I don't know if it has something to do with the punishment, and I can't help looking at Xiao Nan's idiot for another two years."

"Mom!" Qin Xiaowan suddenly became reluctant, her face flushed red.

After teasing her daughter for a while, Mother Qin stopped and said with a smile, "Okay, it's getting late, let's go home, your brother Nan is waiting for us."

Qin Xiaowan kept arranging her messy hair by her mother, with a cute and angry face, but she didn't dare to lose her temper with her mother, so she could only obediently follow her mother's ass.

Her mother slowed down and put her hands on her shoulders, "Because there is still some time on the way back, Mom will discuss with you how you can attack your Brother Nan tonight."

They discussed in low voices.

It was past six o'clock in the evening when I got home. At this time, Su Nan had already prepared dinner and was waiting for them to come back.

After dinner, Su Nan planned to pack up, but was dismissed by Qin's mother, who drove Su Nan out of the kitchen.

Su Nan, who had nothing to do, returned to the living room and found that Qin Xiaowan was secretly looking at her, her face turning red for no reason.

Su Nan hesitated for a while, walked up to Qin Xiaowan and asked her, "I went to the doctor today, how is it going?"

Just now when they came back, Su Nan entertained them for dinner, so she didn't have time to ask, so she just wanted to find out.

Because Qin Xiaowan had already discussed it with her mother beforehand, so Qin Xiaowan put on a downcast look. Su Nan was shocked when she saw it, thinking that something unexpected happened, and quickly asked: "What's the matter?"

"The doctor said..." Qin Xiaowan frowned.

"What did the doctor say?" Su Nan asked.

"The doctor said I..." Qin Xiaowan hesitated to speak.

"What the hell did the doctor say?" Su Nan was speechless. Can you be more straightforward? It makes people panic to death.

Qin Xiaowan sighed, and said in a low voice: "The doctor said that my psychological problem is a bit serious, like a fetish, it is difficult to cure it completely, and I can only take conservative measures."

"It's fine." Su Nan first breathed a sigh of relief, and then reflected Qin Xiaowan's words, frowning slightly.

He has heard of fetishism. Fetish patients on the Internet are all kinds of strange things. In a narrow sense, it mainly refers to arousing sexual excitement and obtaining sexual satisfaction through contact with clothing and accessories worn and used by the opposite sex.

In a broad sense, the object of fetishism includes not only those inanimate objects worn by the opposite sex, but also a certain part of the opposite sex's body, and it can naturally include Su Nan.

Generally speaking, fetishism is driven by strong desire and excitement, repeatedly collecting items used by the opposite sex, which is related to sex, and what Qin Xiaowan is in love with is Su Nan, so it is no wonder that she often finds herself in Su Nan. The abnormality in front of me is because I can't control the expression of my desire.

At present, there is no specific medicine for the treatment of fetish addiction in the medical field. Generally, a single drug treatment or simple psychological treatment is used, but the effect is mediocre. No wonder Qin Xiaowan is depressed and difficult to talk about. A girl suffering from this disease This kind of disease is quite embarrassing.

Su Nan didn't know what to do. The appearance of fetishes is usually seen in adolescence. Qin Xiaowan fits this point. The cause of the illness is because of him, and the specific reason is unknown.

Seeing the girl bow her head in confusion, Su Nan sighed and asked, "What did the doctor say?"

Qin Xiaowan blushed, but she raised her head to look at Su Nan, and said seriously in a low voice: "The doctor said that if fetishism is not very serious, such as foot fetish... as long as it does not violate the law and does not affect other people, it is fine without treatment. And Like me, if... the person I love can be with me, it will not affect me at all. "

After saying this, Qin Xiaowan's face was as red as the scorching sun, and she was so ashamed that she wanted to find a hole to get in, but she mustered up all the courage to say what she had discussed with her mother in advance, but at this moment, she couldn't help but burst out in her heart. Looking forward to, looking forward to Su Nan's answer.

Therefore, although she felt very shy and ashamed, Qin Xiaowan still stayed and looked at Su Nan secretly, hoping to hear his answer.

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

Su Nan didn't know what Qin Xiaowan was thinking. He was in a bit of a mess at the moment. Fetishism is not a serious problem. There are many people with fetishes in the world, but if you fall in love with something to the point of perversion, you may even pay for it. The point of action, then the problem is very serious.

And it just so happens that Qin Xiaowan's infatuation with him, as well as some of her actions during this period of time, all show that she is infatuated with him to the point of obsession.

This situation is very bad, and it cannot be easily cured. Unless Qin Xiaowan is asked to move out of this house, Su Nan can't think of any other way.

After thinking about it, Su Nan said, "Can you show me the medical records?"

He doesn't believe that Qin Xiaowan's problem is so serious. It's rare to hear that fetishism can develop to the point of being obsessed with a person, at most it's just obsessed with certain parts of the body.

Su Nan even wondered if Qin Xiaowan deliberately exaggerated to deceive herself.

Qin's mother had already considered what Su Nan was worried about, so she specially found a doctor who was familiar with that hospital, and spent a sum of money to forge some evidence.

At this time, Qin Xiaowan heard what Su Nan said, and quickly took out the medical records that had been prepared, and handed them to Su Nan.

After Su Nan took it, she looked at it seriously, while Qin Xiaowan next to her was a little uneasy, because she knew that the medical record was fake, and she was worried that Su Nan would find out the loopholes.

But obviously she was thinking too much, just the words written by the doctor on the medical records made Su Nan overwhelmed. After he barely recognized those words, he, who is not a professional, couldn't find out what was wrong with the medical records for a while.

After reading it for a long time, I finally came to one conclusion, that Qin Xiaowan really got a strange fetish.

Su Nan put down the medical records embarrassingly, and sighed inwardly, feeling a little tricky.

"What do you think... what should I do?" Seeing that he didn't find anything unusual, Qin Xiaowan felt a little relieved, and then asked him weakly.

Su Nan understood why Qin Xiaowan asked her. She was probably expecting something, such as the doctor's advice from her just now.

It's just that Su Nan was a little hesitant, unable to pass the test in his heart.

Seeing Su Nan not answering for a long time, Qin Xiaowan felt a little disappointed.

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