At this time, Qin's mother came out of the kitchen and found Su Nan holding the medical records in her hand. She realized something and came over, "Xiao Nan, you understand Xiao Wan's situation, right?"

She stopped beside Su Nan and asked seriously.

Su Nan hesitated and nodded.

"Then what are you going to do?" Mother Qin continued to ask.

Su Nan didn't know how to answer, should he answer that he could sacrifice himself and become a couple with Qin Xiaowan, so that her so-called fetish became famous.

He couldn't say it out loud, and he couldn't explain it to his girlfriend. At the same time, the matter of indifference today made him feel a little irritable.

Qin's mother stared at him seriously for a while, her eyes suddenly softened, and she said to him: "Xiao Nan, how about this, you and Xiao Wan still maintain the previous way of getting along, and I will come over every weekend from now on. Take Xiaowan to see a psychiatrist, but usually I can only wrong you, so I should give her adjuvant therapy."

That's all for now.

Su Nan thought for a while, then nodded helplessly in agreement.

After taking a shower at night, Su Nan went back to her room and picked up her mobile phone. When she opened WeChat, she found that there were two messages from the squad leader to her.

"Are you home?"

"Is it better?"

A very simple greeting, but revealed the squad leader's concern for him.

Su Nan found that the class monitor seems to have softened his attitude towards her recently, and his previous training behavior towards the class monitor...the monitor at that time could not have been acting. She was really angry at the time, but she endured it because of his threats.

After a few times of training, Su Nan thought that the squad leader might like her at that time, but after learning today that she is not indifferent, Su Nan's idea should also be denied, but the recent behavior of the squad leader is indeed true, no Like hate him.

Especially what the school monitor said that day. She told Su Nan that the agreement between the two should continue. The agreement was that Su Nan fell in love with her and gave up other women for her.

Whether or not the squad leader plans to sacrifice himself for others in order to prevent him from ruining other girls is unclear, but Su Nan thinks that if the squad leader really can't understand her behavior, including opening a harem and being a scumbag, then she There must be some other way to stop myself.

It is the stupidest way to sacrifice one's self for the sake of others and one's appearance. The squad leader can't be that stupid.

Su Nan felt that during the outrageously wrong revenge process, the squad leader might still have some special feelings for herself.

This discovery not only made him feel a little heavy, but also felt a bit of satisfaction in an incomparably worse way.He kind of hates himself like this.

Holding the phone and looking at it for a while, Su Nan moved her fingers and clicked on the screen, thinking about replying something, but after thinking for a long time, she didn't know what to say, and her fingers froze.

After a while, Su Nan shook her head, turned off her mobile phone, threw it aside, then lay on the bed and closed her eyes, a little upset.

"Dong dong."

It was a knock on the door.

Su Nan opened her eyes, hesitated for a while, and said, "Please come in."

It was Aunt Qin who entered the door. She glanced at Su Nan who was lying on the bed, and said hello to him: "Xiao Nan, wait for a long time, I brought my daughter here."

This statement made Su Nan very speechless, why did Aunt Qin feel like a pimp, and it was related to her daughter.

Behind Qin's mother, Qin Xiaowan hid shyly, only showing a pair of eyes and looking at Su Nan shyly.

Su Nan felt that this girl was pretending in front of her mother again.

Because of Su Nan's mental preparation and the fact that she had been sleeping with Qin Xiaowan at night before, she was a little used to it. Although Qin's mother felt that she couldn't let go, she still nodded quickly.

Seeing this, Qin's mother pulled her daughter out from behind. Regardless of her daughter's helplessness, she pushed her daughter's back and walked forward until she reached Su Nan's bed.

Blinking at Su Nan, Qin's mother suddenly put on a pitiful look and said, "Please be gentle with my daughter."

The corner of Su Nan's mouth twitched, not knowing how to deal with it.And Qin Xiaowan also blushed, feeling like she was shy, of course Su Nan thought she was faking it.

Seeing Su Nan's embarrassment, Qin's mother twitched her lips, greeted her and left contentedly. She just left her daughter to spend the night alone in the adolescent boy's room. This mother really has a big heart.

After the door was closed, only Su Nan and Qin Xiaowan, who was standing in front of his bed with her head bowed and blushing face, were left in the room. Both of them remained silent, and the atmosphere was slightly awkward.

But this is not the first time, so Su Nan quickly calmed down, gave up half of the bed, pretended to be relaxed, and sent her own invitation to the dazed Qin Xiaowan: "Come on, go to bed."

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

Leaving Su Nan's room and looking back at the closed door, Qin's mother sighed slightly, but soon, she cheered up again and encouraged herself by talking to herself: "This is a necessary step, Mom Xiaowan's things belong to Xiaowan, and Xiaowan's things belong to mother, so there is no need to care so much..."

In the room, facing Su Nan's invitation, Qin Xiaowan had the urge to run away, but she still held back her shame and climbed onto the bed and lay down as usual.

Su Nan turned off the light, climbed into bed and lay down beside Qin Xiaowan.

After lying down for a while, but Qin Xiaowan didn't move, Su Nan felt a little strange, but didn't think about it, and moved her body inward, next to Xiaowan.

Qin Xiaowan's body froze, feeling his body temperature and the familiar smell, she only felt that she was short of breath, her head was dizzy, and her delicate body was trembling with tension.

After returning to her sanity, sleeping with Su Nan became a shameful thing for her, but because of her mother's suggestion, she didn't tell Su Nan that her illness was cured, but chose to be the same as before.

She even felt a little bit that sleeping with Su Nan in this way might be a good opportunity for herself. As the saying goes, love grows after a long time, and after sleeping together for a long time, it is already a bit impossible for Su Nan to think of her as a younger sister.

The other girls around Su Nan made Qin Xiaowan feel threatened. She must take effective ways to enhance her relationship with Su Nan, or let Su Nan's relationship with her deteriorate.

After all, Qin Xiaowan was just an ordinary girl, and the two punishments did not improve her physique much. After worrying about gains and losses for a while, she gradually became sleepy. She fell asleep next to Su Nan, breathing in his smell.

Su Nan was still in good spirits. He was keenly aware of the change in Qin Xiaowan's attitude towards him. If Qin Xiaowan acted like a slut yesterday, then she is more like a normal person now.

At this time, Qin's mother was not there, so it was unlikely that Qin Xiaowan was pretending. Then what was the reason, and how could a person's personality change so much in a very short period of time?

The only explanation that Su Nan can think of is that Qin Xiaowan's so-called illness is actually an intermittent attack, sometimes she is more rational, and now may be a more rational time, but since it is a fetish, will there still be such a manifestation?

Su Nan couldn't figure it out. Slowly, he began to feel sleepy, gave up thinking, and fell into a deep sleep.

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